Pete didn't trust H.G. Wells. He got a bad vibe every time he was around her. But she trusted Myka more. Whenever H.G. was around Myka, she had this smile. A smile only reserved for H.G.

They were talking about some book Pete had never heard of. Myka was laughing at a joke H.G. made that he couldn't understand. He supposed it was fair because H.G. never understood his jokes too.

When Pete saw them together, his vibes go all weird because he would have this bad vibe he always had around H.G. but also this good vibe he can't quite explain. Most of the time, the good one trumped the bad one and he can't help but be happy for Myka. He didn't think there was anyone after Sam who made Myka this happy. Happier even.

If only one of them would make the first move instead of bashfully dancing around each other like awkward teenagers.

"How about a threesome?" he suggested suddenly. H.G. just told them about how many of her lovers were men and he had this great idea.

"Pete!" Myka exclaimed. He knew that if she wasn't sitting so far away, she would have punched him.

Claudia dropped the cookie she was eating.

H.G. was the only one who hadn't reacted to his suggestion. She looked like she was seriously considering it.

Myka's face went red. It could be jealousy. Or it could be the prospect that she would be having sex with H.G.

"No!" she said.

"Why not, Myka?" H.G. asked. "It could be fun."

"No!" she repeated. "Never. Not with Pete."

Pete laughed. She only stressed that she didn't want to do it with him.

"How about me?" Claudia asked. She was getting it too.

"No threesome will happen between anyone in this room," Myka said and stormed out of the room.

"Maybe a twosome," he heard Claudia mutter.

H.G. went after Myka.

Weird. Even though it was the first time he ever proposed a threesome to Myka and H.G. (and he predicted many more in the near future just to mess with Myka), it felt like they have had this conversation before.

"H.G. and Myka sitting on a treeā€¦" Claudia started singing.

He probably did and can't remember it. Like his mother always said, he'd probably forget his head if it wasn't attached to his neck.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G," he joined Claudia's singing.