Author Note: Thanks guys for reading my story. This is the first one, I've ever wrote. This obviously is a Fast and Furious fanfic specifically a Tokyo Drift one. I do not own any of the TFATF characters like Han(unfortunately), Sean, Twinkie, etc. The only one I own is my OC Rebecca. Pairing(s): Han/OC

After weeks of planning, she had finally arrived in Tokyo. Glancing around the airport for her younger brother, Rebecca rolled her eyes; typical Sean move, late to pick her up when he was the one who wanted her to come since he was forced to move with their father a week ago in Japan or go to juvie. Whipping out her cellphone to chew his ear off for forgetting her, only to realize she didn't know her father's number, let alone even know if Sean got a phone when he arrived. "Great! Just freaking great! I come here for my brother just to be stuck at the airport! What a great fucking way to start here..." Rebecca continues her angered mumbling while weaving between people to get to the nearest exit.

Once outside, Rebecca digs through her purse to find the crumbled piece of paper that she wrote her father's address on. "Ah-ha!" She triumphantly states, grinning to herself. "Now to find a taxi...", frowning now, looking at everything and everyone talking in Japanese.

"Sean!...Sean!...Sean wake up!" invades his slumber, "Whaa...?" He grumbles, adjusting to the light in his small, closet-like room. "Sean, weren't you supposed to pick up your sister today?" his father states. "Nooooo Dad, she gets her on the fourteenth!" Sean complains, throwing the covers back over his head. "Really?...Funny, cause last time I checked today is the fourteenth, Sean." His father sarcastically retorts.

"...Shit!" Sean springs up from his bed, throwing a shirt on and almost slams into his dad to rush out of his room. "See ya later!...Man, Becca is going to kill me!" He exclaims while zooming out the front door. "Ya got that right, son. And he talks about me forgetting about dates..." Sean's father says before heading to the phone to call his "lady friend" that he had been spending time with before Sean had interrupted upon his arrival last week.

Yanking the door open, Sean immediately stops in surprise once he sees whose standing in the doorway. Han, the guy who Sean totaled his car Mona a few days ago. Han smirks at Sean before grabbing a bag of candy out of his pocket to of course munch on. "So kid, you get to earn some of my money back today." Uhhh.. about that..could we this some other time cause ya see, if I don't go now, I'm gonna get murdered and never be able to pay ya back for your car. Okay? Okay." Sean states uncertainly but in an obviously rush and tries to move around Han. "Hold up. What do you mean another time?" Han quirks an eyebrow at Sean, moving in his way. "Well ya see, my sister supposed to arriv-" "Yeah, you're fucking right about that! Your damn sister who you forgot to pick up an hour ago!"a strong Albama accent states angrily, both guys turn to see...

This is it for the first chapter, I know it's short but I'm trying to feel this story out and see where I want it to go. I plan to make this a long story. Please review and tell me what you thought whether you think it's bad, good, or if you have any advice/ideas for the story. Thanks again guys! -SonsOfAnarchyQueen