Chp 3

He was not pleased with them, oh not at all. His three children were sleeping through the heat of the summer day when they were supposed to be training. Kakashi's one eyed trailed over the three of them. Naruto with his hands thrown behind his head and leaning against the tree. Sasuke with his head leaned against Naruto's ankles, mouth open, eyes closed. Sakura far above in the tree, leg dangling over a branch, a little hitch to her breath every so often.

Kakashi approached on the war path, delivering a vicious kick to Naruto's side, no doubt in his mind that Naruto was the ringleader of this little break. However before the foot could connect he found Naruto's hand pulling it out from under him, Sakura falling on his head, and Sasuke tackling him around his waist pinning him to the tree. Kakashi froze, Sakura's kunai against his neck. He heard Sasuke's voice muffled against his shirt asking if he conceded. His only answer was to slam his head back away from the Kunai into Sakura's chin, while at the same time drawing his knees into his chest flinging Naruto away, and flipping his own body around and pinning Sasuke to the tree. To his right, the now unconscious Sakura slid to the forest floor, blood dripping down her face. Naruto back against a tree far across the clearing dazed.

"No" he answered Sasuke's, whose face was being ground into the bark, earlier question, and stepping away, went to tend to Sakura's wounds.

In a moment all were sitting on the ground in front of him.

"That was awesome Tou-san!" Naruto cried, driving a fist into the dirt to emphasis his point. "We almost had you that time!"

"Yes you did. It was an excellent pincer attack, you had your breathing patterns down perfectly. You caught me completely by surprise. If you had been going for the kill point, I most certainly would be dead by now."

Kakashi was met by three grins at this statement.

"So let that be a lesson to you, never do things halfway."

It was Sakura who spoke up next, "Does that mean you want us to kill you next time Tou-san?" All three faces had an honest question on it. They considered an order to kill their own father well within reason.

"No, no more intent to kill when we spar. I am proud of you three, if we do that now, you might actually kill me." Kakashi's grin was as wide as theirs. Imagine, three twelve year olds able to together kill a Hokage. "I meant that if the three of you had bound me right away instead of leaving it in that tenuous position of brute strength you might have had me that time."

"We will next time Tou-san. I promise." Sasuke spoke, and though his promises were much quieter than Naruto's exuberant vows, they were just as serious.

"That, however, was not what I came here to discuss." Kakashi spoke much more seriously, making eye contact with each of their now serious faces before he continued.

"In a week from now there is going to be an unprecedented gathering. Things have been coming to a head for some time now. The disappearances, Rain villages interesting politics, and finally with some final information you three brought from the chunnin exams it has all become clear."

Sakura's face lit up and she cut in "I see it! Tou-san I get it now, it has to do with the rogue Uchiha, it's him that's behind this and that thing with the tailed demons and-"

"Yes Sakura" Kakashi commented smiling at her, "and that's why your coming with me to the Kage summit. I need your brain."

"The What!" Naruto broke in.

"The Kage summit. I did say it was unprecedented didn't I?" Kakashi continued, amused once again at Naruto's antics. "Sakura's coming with me because I need her brain, you two are to stay here and guard the village, understand?"

Kakashi registered the three nods before continuing, "The village is at a very fragile stage right now, and you two must always be vigilant. The rogue Uchiha although he has greater designs now still holds a grudge against this village, and he may use my absence to capitalize on that. Naruto I need you in charge of village security. Sasuke work with Jiraya-sama, I want nothing floating across this country word or person to escape your notice. Use seals to contact me or Sakura if something is beyond your wisdom. I don't want a single ounce of pride to enter in the equation, but neither do I want you calling me every ten minutes, I trust your judgment and you skills. However remember Sakura will be gone, remember to compensate for that. You three have never fought apart before. Can I trust you with this, not only as my children but as my most valued soldiers?"

"Hai, Hokage-sama" three voices chimed back at him.

"Good then let us go prepare." And he stood and walked away; the three of them following him in perfect formation, determination in every step.