Just another one of my random ideas. I really hope you guys like it.

I don't own Beauty and the Beast, or Young Justice.

Artemis looked across the room, and rolled her eyes. "He's asleep? Seriously?" The fastest member of their team, normally the one full of energy, was asleep. His head had rolled back against the couch, and he was snoring.

Robin nodded a confirmation, as if it wasn't already obvious. Wally was exhausted from a patrol the night before, and a short mission the night before. The speedster had only been able to eat sequence of snack-level meals, and was completely drained. He'd been asleep before Belle had even begun to sing the first song.

"But Beauty and the Beast was so good!" M'gann squealed, clapping her hands excitedly. Superboy grumbled something in the corner, most likely having to agree for his girlfriend's sake. If Dick knew the Martian, and he liked to think he knew all the members of their team very well, the clone would probably be forced to repeat the movie several times that night, if he decided to spend it with her.

Rob had to disagree with her claim that it was a good movie. He'd never voice his opinion, but Beauty and the Beast was a total chick flick. Who else would enjoy a story about a lonely, poor inventor's daughter meeting a Prince and, it was implied, becoming a Princess. Additionally, it promoted bestiality. However, most children (And Martians that acted like aforementioned Martians) tended to ignore such facts.

Kaldur stood, stretching. He'd only agreed to these "movie" nights to help the team unwind after mission. Atlanteans really didn't watch movies, for obvious reasons. He glanced to Wally. "Shall we wake him up?"

"Nah." Dick waved a hand dismissively. He wanted Wally to stay asleep next to him on the couch they were sharing, but he didn't need to let anyone know that. "I'll stay up with him. If it gets too late, he'd much rather me disturb his sleep than anyone else." He shot a look at Artemis who snorted indignantly and walked out of the room. Really, they had such a weird relationship. It seemed like they were totally gaga for each other one moment, and then they hated each other the next. "I have something I wanted to catch on T.V. anyway. No big."

Kaldur shrugged, and left with his normal silent persona. M'gann dragged Connor away, predictably asking if they could watch the movie again. Dick chuckled as he turned on the television, but he really wasn't paying attention to the program that was on. Under the cover of his sunglasses, his eyes kept darting to the speedster next to him; his hair, the emerald-green eyes hidden behind his closed eyeslids, his lips. KF was so vulnerable when he slept, as he was no other part of the day. Very, very rarely did the speedster ever fall asleep before Dick; he was always up late attempting to run off his seemingly endless energy.

Even rarer did he fall asleep where his billionaire best friend could watch him. When these few instances occurred, the Boy Wonder would often come up with an excuse to stay up, if only to watch the older teen sleep.

He subconsciously listed to the side, coming to rest on Wally's shoulder. He leaned heavily on the other, but knew that his light, acrobat's form wouldn't wake the other. When Wally fell asleep like this, Dick could run a truck through the room and KF wouldn't notice. It was similar to a light coma for the speedster.

He sighed though as he turned his face up to his best friend. If only the other boy could return the love that Dick felt every time he looked at Wally. But the young sidekick was as straight as they come, and Rob would never have the courage to talk to his friend about his true feelings. He was too nervous that he'd end up screwing up the close friendship the two of them had.

Dick Grayson sighed again, and closed his eyes lightly, snuggling against Wally's arm. The speedster seemed so utterly peaceful right now. Dick found himself wondering what the speedster was dreaming about…

And so begins the story of Prince Wallace West. Please review!

I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but I wanted to stop the prologue before I got into the story.