(AN: So far, I don't think anyone, not even Tolkien, dared venture beyond the farthest reaches of the map into the East. So here is my attempt. Anything recognizeable is Tolkien's and not mine. Hope you enjoy [and recognize a very small cameo from one of my own OCs]).
Beyond the East
The two Elves were out riding through the forests surrounding Imladris. They could not be any more different: the youngest of the two wore a hood and cloak, though her dark eyes shone like the depths of Yavanna's pool. The eldest had fair hair like the forests of Laurel-Lindorenan, yet his eyes were deep as the Mirrormere in Silverdale. For he was Glorfindel of Gondolin, recently come back from out of the West. The young Elf was Nenwe, another survivor of Gondolin, though she had seen the years between its fall and his recent return.
"Are you sure this is the correct place?" Nenwe asked.
"I'm sure of it," he returned. "They told me they would come first here, to Imladris, as the others have."
Nenwe nodded, her keen eyes turned towards the west. Through some power of their own, or perhaps by reason of the fog that clung to the woods, the visitors were not to be seen from where the two Elves stood.
"What do you think of them?" Glorfindel asked.
"Curunir is very quiet," she answered. "Very close. I sense that he values the knowledge that he possesses. The other one is very odd: too inquisitive, always making friends with the little creatures. In a way, he reminds me of what the Eldar once were."
"And what of Mithrandir?"
"I've only seen him once," she answered. "He was speaking with Elrond and the others. Methought I saw a king sat upon his throne as he sat there, speaking with our great lords. Rich in wisdom, swift in anger, but quick to laugh."
Glorfindel laughed.
"That's exactly what I thought!" the Elf-lord exclaimed.
They smiled and enjoyed somewhat of the silence.
"See anything yet?"
"No," Glorfindel shook his head. He then turned back to her. "How is Her Ladyship?"
"I have not seen her since she was old enough to travel," Nenwe replied. "She lives in Lothlorien, with her mother and her grandmother. Were it not for my duty, I would be there as well."
"Does the Lady Arwen miss her favorite aunt?" Glorfindel replied with a slight chuckle.
Nenwe laughed, shaking her head. "I have not seen Lothlorien since the War." She sighed. "Little over a thousand years ago."
Silence filled the glen once more.
"You miss him, don't you?"
"He died in peace," Nenwe said, her eyes downcast. "At a good, healthy age for any Dunedain."
"My apologies."
"It is nothing. Though I feel that it is not my duty to bring life into this world, not when I have slain so many."
Silence once again. Suddenly, Glorfindel exclaimed with a smile on his face.
"What? What is it?"
"Over there, at the eastern bank of the Bruinen!"
Nenwe looked as directed. She exclaimed.
"Yes, mellon nin." he returned. "They are blue."
They sat at council with Elrond and Curunir. Though the Elf-lord was old in his own right, he did not look as wizened and ancient as Curunir, his hair snow white save for a few strands around the ears and lips. These two new-comers had blue-gray beards to compliment their blue robes. The tallest of the two was bald on the top of his head. The other one had broad shoulders and a full head of blue-gray hair.
"As I have explained to Curunir," Elrond said to the new blue-clad elders. "There is little I can give to you, if you come to Imladris seeking Ring-lore. The Naugrim do not share knowledge of the Seven, and if the Three ever were made, they must surely be kept secret now. What is secret must therefore best be kept such."
"But the power that has arisen in the East," Curunir answered. "It is believed to be a Ringwraith. Merely the continued existence of such an abberation suggests that the Lord of the Rings may still be at large. We must be certain that such a being may still be at large."
Elrond sighed.
"So it has come at last," he said. "The day we have sacrificed and hoped against may yet be upon us. The Dark Lord may have yet returned."
"That is not known yet," the tallest of the two blue-clad elders said. "And while our esteemed Curu...nir has declared his intent to learn all that he can of Ring-lore, to better battle the Lord of the Rings, it is the purpose of I and my companion to aid your cause in another way."
"How?" Elrond asked.
"You are not alone in this war against the Enemy," the broad-shouldered one said. "Many of the creatures of the world have no love for the One Enemy, and they will aid you when necessary. Though we cannot openly oppose the Great Shadow, there are other ways we can assist you."
"Mithrandir," the tallest said. "Whom I believe you've already met, confided to us that he means to go among your allies of old, mending up the old treaties. Our duty is a much darker one, that requires haste and secrecy."
"Whither are you bound?" Elrond asked. "Can you confide that much?"
At this, Elrond became suddenly silent and his countenance was grave.
"None have dared venture beyond the Brown Lands of Rhovanion, into the fabled lands of Rhun."
"We shall dare."
(AN: What do you think?)
(I'll try to get a new chapter out as soon as possible, so don't worry)