A/N: This is a time-traveling storywhere Aly goes back to her Mother's time. Interesting? I think so. Enjoy!


Alianne Cooper of Pirate's Swoop, known as Aly to the rest of the world, sat on the edge of a stone railing of the balcony of her room, feet swinging over the edge. To any passerby that might see her, Aly appeared oblivious to the world, staring off in the blue waves and white sea foam. But to those who knew her better, Aly was deep in thought, but still managing to take in every tiny detail that surrounded her. You could almost see the gears turns inside her head, though her expression remained emotionless.

Aly had just had a fight with her mother. Aly's mother, of course, was the legendary Lioness, the Lady Knight Alanna. She was famous for three things. Her red hair, her violet eyes, and her temper. Aly knew this wasn't true, but she didn't care at the moment, even as her brain stored away information for later use.

Aly wanted to be a spy. Now that really wasn't too much to ask, wasn't it? Aly sighed.

Really the circumstances hadn't been too different. Alanna's parent hadn't wanted her to be a knight, and Alanna definitely not wanted her to be a spy. Why couldn't she just understand?

Aly sighed again and stared off in the distant sea, yet still aware of any movements around her. Her father had trained her well after all. It wasn't exactly common knowledge, but Aly's father was the legendary Whisper man, the spymaster of Tortall. And even he wouldn't let her become a spy.

Aly swung her legs over the balcony and walked soundlessly into her room. What to do, what to do…

Aly paused at the entrance of her room. Everything was as she had left it. Clothes scattered the stone floor and wooden furniture. Her desk was piled with papers she was helping her Da decipher. Bed and covers askew.

But there was something wrong. She could feel it in her bones.

Aly used her Sight to check over the room again, and then again. Nothing out of place. But it was all to silent.

Birds should be chirping, she should hear maids bustling in the outside hallway, any number of things.

But there was nothing.

Aly now doubly nervous and wary, silently pulled a knife from her arm sheath. She carried many knife of a sort on her body. Aly wasn't stupid. She knew the dangers of being a spy, or even just being the daughter of the Lioness.

She held the blade with a practiced hand and slowly slipped forward.

One step.

Two steps.

Something should have happened by now.

Three steps


"Ahhhh!" Aly screamed as she was encased in swirling colorful lights. The world was spinning faster and faster and faster….

The last thing Aly remembered before blacking out was the sound of deep-throated laughter and the squawking of crows.

A/N: I got bored and started another story. It will be EPIC. The prologue is always short, other chapters will be longer. Reviews=Pure happiness.