Disclaimer – Isn't mine.


Chapter 11 – Hogwarts, my home.

The next day Neville arrived and the Fidelius was completed. Both Harry and Severus could now move around the school with impunity. The students could see them, hear them, even touch them if they had the courage to do so, but they couldn't even write home to their parents telling them the Boy-Who-Lived and his consort were even in the castle.

Harry refused to teach, saying he never really liked it anyway. Severus refused on the grounds that he was far too busy researching something for Harry. Dumbledore and McGonagall both knew that while it was his main focus, he also had never really liked teaching and had only done it so as to have an excuse to stay nearby to Dumbledore. So Ron and Hermione stayed, happy to have their friend back and both were careful to treat Harry as an equal.

Phillipe and Nanette returned home much sooner than expected. As soon as the Fidelius was set Harry apparated over to France and repaired their cottage, also placing it under the same spell so that they were well protected and asking Carmichael to be their Secret Keeper as he knew no one would ever connect the American Secretary of Magic with an elderly French couple living in a small village in Normandy. Severus, Ron and Hermione had all paced tracks in the stone floors of Harry's rooms after the young wizard refused to let them accompany him. He returned late that evening to three extremely worried people and was set upon by hugs from all sides.

The four Death Eaters Neville had turned over to Kingsley were identified and buried. The residue of his magical signature the only thing the Aurors could use to identify that the fourth body was Lucius Malfoy. Draco Malfoy sent a howler of epic proportions to Hogwarts. It was addressed to Dumbledore but its rant was well and truly aimed at Harry who Malfoy must have guessed was there even if he couldn't know for sure. The entire hall had sat in stunned silence as the normally regal Malfoy aristocrat lowered himself to curse in more than four languages promising not only revenge but also retaliation in kind.

While most of the staff had looked worriedly at the Boy-Who-Lived and Severus had gone especially pale, Harry sat calmly eating his breakfast as if his life had not just been threatened. Of course, if they had thought about it they would have realised that the threats on Harry's life had been an almost daily occurrence since Harry was eleven and had only got steadily worse since then.

When pressed, Harry had just waved his hand as if he had not a care in the world and less than a week later he would pay dearly for such nonchalance.

They were sitting down to dinner one Thursday evening, Ron and Hermione sitting either side of Harry as Severus refused to leave his current batch of potions unattended. Halfway through the meal Dobby appeared beside Harry nervously wringing his hands, a tearful Winky cowering behind him.

'Harry Potter, Sir. Dobby must speak with you.' The little house elf stammered. Harry turned, sucking a breath as his leg made a noise of protest.

'Calm down, Dobby, what is it?' he said gently.

'It is Winky, Harry Potter, Sir. Winky has done something most terrible. She has dishonoured such a great wizard as Harry Potter, Sir.'

Winky let out a plaintive wail as Harry glanced at Ron and Hermione but both seemed as curious as he was. 'What happened? What did Winky do?'

Dobby grabbed his big ears pulling them over his eyes. 'Winky has poisoned Harry Potter Sir's companion.' The house elf squeaked.

Harry felt the blood drain from his face as the wind roared in his ears. The ceiling of the great hall began to crackle with lightning. He struggled to maintain the outward appearance of composure as every nerve in his body began screaming. All around the hall glasses cracked and metal plates and cutlery warped and bent almost beyond recognition. 'What?' he breathed. The students were starting to realise something was very wrong and were all looking towards the head table in confusion and no small amount of fear.

'The son of Dobby's wicked old master came to see Winky. He said that he would make Winky a proper elf with a true master and everything if she would just do one thing for him. When Winky took Harry's Potter Sir's companion his lunch she put something in his drink. Something bad that the wicked Master gave her. Winky didn't know it was bad until the wicked man told her.'

'Oh god.' Harry whispered. He could dimly hear Ron, Hermione, Albus and the others all calling to him as the hall in front of him swam before his eyes. They had forgotten that House elves weren't a party to the Fidelius and with both Winky and Dobby as free elves they magically didn't have the same binding loyalty to Hogwarts the other elves did.

Dobby continued rambling about how sorry Winky was and how she was a bad house elf but Harry didn't hear it. He had to get to Severus. Now. He closed his eyes, summoning every ounce of power he had to pass through the anti apparition wards around the castle. With a flash of light and an enormous crack that had most of the hall clapping their hands over their ears, Harry disappeared.

'Sev.' Harry cried, appearing in the dungeons to find his lover passed out on the floor. 'Sev, oh god no, please.' Harry dropped to the floor mindless of the pain and gathered the other man into his arms. He was too exhausted to apparate through the wards a second time and hoped that Hermione would figure out where he went; instead he held the limp form to him as tears trickled down his face.

True to form, Hermione, with Ron and Albus trailing were there within minutes, all three looking as if they had run the entire way. Ron cast a mobilicorpus on Severus as Hermione and Albus gently helped Harry to his feet.

Students lined the halls as they passed through on the way to the hospital wing. The sudden exit of the four Professors combined with the havoc Harry had inadvertently wreaked on the great hall had all of them concerned. At the sight of the deathly pale potions master and the practically catatonic Boy-Who-Lived, many put two and two together as all had heard the threats bellowed throughout the hall less than a week ago and just watched in horrified silence as they passed by.

When they reached the wing Ron set Severus down on the bed and Hermione and Albus hurried to help Poppy try and diagnose what he had been poisoned with.

'Ron, go and ask Dobby if Winky kept the vial.' Hermione called out and the red head sprinted from the room.

Harry just stood where he was, in the middle of the room, unmoving, as his eyes stayed riveted to the bed his lover occupied.

He didn't care what anyone else said. This one was his fault. He hadn't taken the threats from Malfoy seriously. He thought the blond aristocrat was just mouthing off as he used to do in school. He should have guessed the other man would have learnt since then. He was, after all, the ultimate Slytherin.

Harry face was impassive but inside he was breaking. Nothing they were doing seemed to help and he could see Severus breaking out into a sweat as his body tried to fight the poison. His breath was laboured and his face a grimace of pain. He didn't know how long Severus had been passed out on the cold dungeon floor, he only knew that once again someone had been hurt because of him.

Ron flew back into the wing, Minerva and the other Professors on his heels. He practically threw the vial at Hermione who immediately began casting revealing spells at it. The vial glowed slightly several times and then she held it to her nose, inhaling the subtle smell of each ingredient. Eventually she glanced at Albus and shook her head, her eyes filled with tears.

'No.' Harry whispered, catching the look.

'Harry.' Hermione began but Harry shook his head violently.

'No. It's not true.' He spat, hobbling over to the bed, pushing the others aside and grabbing Severus' hand.

'Wake up, you miserable bastard.' He pleaded hoarsely. 'You're a bloody potions master, surely you didn't fall for that old trick.' Harry reached out with a shaking hand to sharply smack Severus' cheek. 'Wake up you prat. Come on Sev, please.'

'Harry.' Hermione began again but it was as though Harry didn't hear her.

'Sev, please just wake up. This is ridiculous. All the other potions master's are laughing at you, you bloody sod, get up, please.'

Poppy finally stopped scanning and shook her head, a move that did not go unnoticed.

'God, Sev, please don't do this to me.' Harry begged. 'Don't leave me alone.' The last words were said in a whisper but those nearby still heard. Ron swallowed and moved to wrap his arms around his friend. Harry struggled against him, his heart refusing to believe what his mind was telling him was true, but Ron, a good eight inches taller and ninety pounds heavier, had no problems holding him, in his grief Harry had no thought of using magic to get away from his friend.

Suddenly Severus gave a choked gasp and fell silent, the hospital wing sounding dreadfully silent without the man's laboured breathing. Harry's eyes widened and he knew without being told that the older wizard was gone.

'Severus.' He whimpered. A moment later an owl flew in dropping an envelope at Harry's feet. The red envelope levitated itself off the floor and unfurled and the sneering voice of Draco Malfoy filled the room.

'How does it feel now, Potter.' Malfoy chuckled evilly before the envelope shredded itself into a thousand pieces.

'Noooooooooooo!' Harry screamed and every bit of glass in the hospital wing shattered, beds began to warp and the castle itself began to shift in its very foundations.

'Stupefy!' Came the combined voices of over half the staff and Harry fell limp in Ron's arms, the ominous rumbling throughout the castle settling instantly.

'That arrogant pr…'

'Ron!.' Hermione scolded.

'Prat. I was going to say prat.' Ron insisted.

'Sure you were.' Hermione muttered.

'Albus, what do we do now?' Minerva asked softly as tears streaked down her cheeks, her usually stern composure in tatters.

'We can't leave Harry like this.' Ron added as he lowered the other man onto the next bed.

'And we can't wake him up.' Hermione said quickly.

'Surely once he has time to grieve he will be fine.' Poppy insisted.

Ron and Hermione exchanged glances. 'No.' Hermione said, glancing sadly at the unconscious figure in the bed. 'He won't.'

'He knows Malfoy did this. He knows it was because of him. He will go through anyone and anything till he catches the bastard and makes it right.' Ron added. 'His anger will blind him and he won't even realise what he has done until it has been sated. By then it will be two late. Not only will Malfoy be dead but so will anyone else who stood in his way.'

'Surely it wouldn't go that far.' Minerva said incredulously.

'Yes, it will.' Hermione said softly.

Albus' sad gaze lifted from Harry and he gave Ron a pointed look. 'Find Malfoy. I'll take your classes.'

Ron nodded and walked swiftly towards the door. 'Ron,' Albus called after him. 'Bring him back here. Harry deserves to end this.' Ron nodded again and disappeared out the door.

'Albus, you can't just let Harry kill him.' Minerva hissed.

Dumbledore ignored her, casting a preserving spell on Severus and a sleeping spell on Harry. 'Keep him sedated.' He instructed the medi-witch.

'Albus!' Minerva said insistently.

Albus tore his gaze from the two prone figures, his expression as hard as anyone had seen it. 'Revenge is a dish best served cold, Minerva, and I can promise you that this once, Harry will get his chance if I have to hold Mr Malfoy for him myself.' The hospital wing remained in stunned silence as the headmaster swept from the room.

'Mother of Merlin.' Hermione whispered as she finally allowed the tears to fall.

Ron walked into Auror headquarters to find it a hive of activity. 'What's going on?' he called out over the din to Kingsley as he crossed the room to stare up at the magical map. The Head Auror turned and gave him a grim smile.

'We just found Fudge's signature apparating from the muggle ferry port in Dover to Wiltshire.' Shacklebolt explained.

'Let me guess, Malfoy Manor.' Ron spat.

Kingsley looked curiously at him. 'How did you know that?'

Ron sighed and gave him a condensed version of the evening's events.

'Merlin, Severus is dead?' Kingsley gasped softly, unable to hide his shock.

Ron swallowed. 'Yes.' He said huskily, the reality of it now just beginning to sink in.

'How is Harry taking it?'

'He's not. He almost brought the castle down around us. We had to stun him and Poppy's keeping him sedated.'

Kingsley sighed heavily. 'What do you need? Can we help at all?'

Ron glanced back at the map. 'I need Malfoy.' He said quietly. 'and quickly.'

'Malfoy did this?'

The red head nodded.

'Bloody hell.'

The two men were silent for several moments before Kingsley showed why he had been the Head Auror for the last five years. Within ten minutes he had a large strike force assembled, instructions given out and everyone had Portkeyed away.

It was very late, the students and most of the staff had gone to bed. Albus had gone to call the members of the Order together and tell them what had happened. Poppy had checked Harry several times and recast the sleeping spell and now Hermione sat beside Harry's bed gently stroking his hair off his face.

His skin was cold and Hermione knew he could only last in this state for a few days. His anger was feeding itself, combining with his magic deep inside him, even in the forced sleep. It was drawing the very heat from his body keeping his skin chilled. She knew how Harry's magic worked and she only hoped Ron could find Malfoy and fast before Harry broke free of the spell and tore apart everything in his path until he got his hands on the blonde.

Malfoy had made a fatal mistake by going after Severus. After everything Harry had been through he was at breaking point and this would be the catalyst that would finally tear the Boy-Who-Lived apart.

The one thing Hermione didn't know was once it was over, once Harry had sought his revenge, could he live without the older wizard, or more to the point, would he even want to? She sighed and stood quietly, moving between the two beds and staring down at the two men who had been such a big part of their lives.

'This isn't quite how we planned it.' She whispered, tears springing to her eyes once more. She knelt down beside the potions master's bed, leaning forward until her forehead was resting on the block clothed arm. 'God, Severus, I'm so sorry.' She cried, not noticing the now un-twinkling blue eyes watching her from the door.

Neville was in his office sorting through the latest pile of paperwork that had landed on his desk. Different areas of research were paying off but the paperwork involved was hell. He had returned from Hogwarts just after the Fidelius was set, happy that Harry was safe once more.

He picked up the next report and had his quill poised when his fire flared, it was the unusual purple colour the Aurors or the Secretary used when they wanted a secure link.

'Davies?' Neville's voice showed his surprise.

'Hey Neville, could you come down here for a bit?' the Head Auror requested.

Neville raised a curious eyebrow.

'We have someone you might want to see.' Was all Davies would say.

Neville shrugged and nodded, getting up and moving to the fireplace. 'Sure, stand back.' Davies' head disappeared and Neville stepped straight through before stopping dead in his tracks.

'What the hell is he doing here?' he spat, glaring at the occupant magically bound to the chair beside one of the desks. Although the occupant was obviously under a silencing spell as it was quite easy to discern that he was cursing in several languages, most likely bringing every manner of insult into the rant, from Neville's supposed far from pure lineage to his friendship with Harry. Neville, able to read lips quite well, saw red at the insult to Harry and shot off a stunning spell so strong with righteous indignation it sent the chair flipping over backwards.

Neville turned back to Davies. 'What is he doing here?' he asked again.

'They caught him Portkeying into Los Angeles.' Davies explained.


'He was using an illegal international key. It was over thirty years old; from when you could apparate internationally from anywhere to anywhere. Before terrorism. When we get hits like that we net the area, trace the user and arrest them. There are only two reasons anyone uses a Portkey like that. One, they don't want anyone to know where they are, or two, they are running from something.'

'Or both.' Neville added quietly.

'He won't say a word, other than the insults anyway, but I thought you could contact your friends in England and see if they happened to be looking for him.'

Neville nodded and followed the Auror down to the Department of International Magical Co-operation. He waited as the Auror set up a secure connection to the British Ministry of Magic and Neville stuck his head in the fire.

'Ron?' He shouted. 'Kingsley?'

'Hang on.' A voice called back and within moments Tonks stepped into view. 'Hey Neville, what's up?'

'Where is everybody?' Neville asked looking around the very empty room.

'Don't rightly know myself, I only got in about ten minutes ago and the place was deserted.' Tonks explained with a shrug.

'Right, well, can you find out if you have anything out on Malfoy, Draco that is. He's just turned up here on an illegal key and we need to know if you want him sent back or not.'

'Hang on a sec.' Tonks walked over to the magical board. 'I know we were looking for him last week, he sent some serious threats via a Howler to Hogwarts and we wanted to talk to him. He sent them to Dumbledore but they were directed at Harry, as if he knew he was there. Oh my god.'

'Tonks, what is it?'

The metamorphmagus looked back at the fireplace. 'It says that Malfoy is wanted for questioning in the death of Severus Snape.' She said in a horrified whisper.

'What?' Neville yelled.

'That's what it says.' Tonks insisted. 'It can't be wrong, it's self updating. I have to find Kingsley, they've probably gone to Malfoy Manor. What ever you do don't let Malfoy go, we'll send a compliment over to escort him back.' Tonks vanished and Neville pulled out of the fireplace before setting up another connection to Hogwarts.

'Professor?' Neville said hesitantly. Dumbledore turned to face him and Neville took one look at the pain radiating from the normally twinkling blue eyes and gasped. 'It's really true then.' He whispered.

Albus nodded sadly, looking decades older then Neville could ever remember. 'Yes, Mr Longbottom, it is indeed true.'

'Merlin, and Harry?'

'Is sedated.' Albus finished.

'Professor, Tonks says that Malfoy may have done it.'

Albus' eyes hardened. 'Not may. Did. Ron has gone to try and find him now.'

'He's here.' Neville said, startling the older man. 'Malfoy, I mean.'

'Neville, don't let him go.' Albus stood swiftly.

'I know, Tonks has already told me. She's gone to Malfoy Manor to bring back the others and then they'll send some Aurors over here to escort him back.'

'Good.' Dumbledore growled.

'Professor, what are you going to do with him? Malfoy I mean.' Neville asked tentatively.

Albus tilted in chin slightly. 'I'm going to give him to Harry.' He whispered dangerously, his eyes alight as if to challenge Neville to stop him.

Neville for his part just grinned wickedly. 'Good.'

It took over a day and a half to get Malfoy back to the United Kingdom; the paperwork on both sides of the Atlantic holding things up. In the end Dumbledore Portkeyed together with Ron, Kingsley, Tonks, Moody, Fletcher and several other Aurors who also happened to be members of the Order.

Neville met them and escorted them down to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. As one the group filed through the door, the American wizards raising eyebrows at the sight of Albus Dumbledore.

'Where is he?' Albus asked softly.

'Down here.' Neville gestured to a hallway lined with doors. Dumbledore gestured for the others to stay back and followed him down the long corridor to the end where Neville stopped, nodding the Davies who was guarding the door. The Auror cast several different unlocking spells and the door popped open.

Albus followed him in to see Draco Malfoy sitting sullenly on the bed in the corner, a whopping black eye that extended partway down his cheek.

'What happened?' Albus asked curiously.

Neville and Davies exchanged a smirk. 'He ran into a door.' They said in unison.

Dumbledore's face remained impassive although if you knew what to look for his mirth was plainly visible.

'Mr Malfoy.' He said slowly.

Malfoy looked up, his grey eyes alight with anger. 'You!' He hissed. 'Either charge me with something or bloody well let me go.' He sneered.

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed. 'Very well, Draco Lucius Malfoy you are charged with the death of Severus Snape.'

'Bastard deserved it.' Malfoy muttered.

Albus growled softly. 'Severus Snape was a good man. A man of honour and integrity.'

'Snape was a traitor, nothing more, nothing less.'

Neville and Davies could see Dumbledore struggling to control his temper. 'You will be accompanying us back to the United Kingdom to face your accuser.' He said curtly.

'And just who is that?' Malfoy asked snidely.

Dumbledore's face broke into a feral grin, a decidedly odd expression on the normally genial face. 'Harry Potter.' He said softly raising his wand, a glint in his eyes that made the other man extremely uncomfortable.

It was in that moment that Malfoy realised his life was forfeit. He knew Dumbledore had no intention on handing him over to the British Ministry where he could have bought his way out of almost anything, instead he would be given to Potter.

Well, there was no way he was going quietly.

Dumbledore must have read his mind however, for as soon as he had launched himself up off the bed he was hit with a powerful stupefy and crashed to the floor, hitting his head so soundly it would have knocked him out anyway.

'Oops.' Albus whispered.

Davies and Neville just snickered softly as Dumbledore floated the now bound figure from the room.

They were joined by the other British Aurors, and the group then made its way through the darkened Ministry to the IMC. When they arrived they found Carmichael Springs waiting for them. He gave Ron a solemn nod and it was returned.

'Secretary Springs.' Albus said politely.

'Professor Dumbledore.' Carmichael replied quietly.

'I gather you will be accompanying us.'


Dumbledore just nodded and Carmichael held out the Portkey. Within moments the large group was gone.

An invisibility cloak was thrown over the still unconscious figure as he was floated through the halls of the Ministry. There was just the slightest tinge of pink over the horizon as they stepped outside to apparate to Hogwarts.

'Pink sky at night, shepherd's delight. Pink sky in the morning, shepherd's warning.' Tonks said ominously as they walked towards the castle. As the only non pureblood in the group the others looked at her quizzically. 'Muggle saying.' She explained. 'It a warning. Today is going to be bad.'

No one knew quite what to say as all knew that was exactly what was going to happen. Ron jogged till he was alongside the headmaster. 'Will the Room of Requirement be able to contain Harry's outburst or will we need to spell the clearing in the Forest.' He asked quietly.

Dumbledore stopped, everyone almost running into him. 'It will have to be the forest I'm afraid. Can you take him?' He gestured to the invisible form. 'and set up some fairly strong containment wards. I'll add to it when I bring Harry down before we wake him up.' Ron nodded and the entire group bar Dumbledore and Carmichael headed across the grounds and into the forest as the two wizards slipped silently into the castle.

'Oh thank Merlin.' Poppy cried as they walked into the hospital wing. She had her wand pointed at Harry and seemed to be taking turns with Hermione in casting sleeping and binding charms. 'He's almost breaking through. I don't know how much longer we can keep him asleep.'

Harry was twisting and turning in the bed, sweat dripping of his forehead and his hands clenched into fists. Carmichael couldn't stand to watch any longer and quickly crossed the room to stand beside the bed. Hermione moved slightly further away but continued her casting in time with the medi-witch.

Carmichael leant down and placed a gentle hand on the young man's cheek. 'Shh, Harry, it's okay, you'll get you turn.' He whispered softly. Harry's tossing stilled and it was as though he was straining to hear the softly spoken words. Carmichael sat down on the edge of the bed, keeping his hand in place as he continued whispering softly to Harry as he had seen Severus do. It didn't relax the boy nearly as much as when the potions master had done it but at least he stopped fighting the bonds.

Albus took advantage of it and gently levitated the sleeping figure off the bed, going slowly so the Secretary could keep touching him and talking to him as they exited the castle.

Carmichael's soft murmuring was all that could be heard as they approached the clearing and as they entered the wards and gently set Harry down so his head was in the Secretary's lap, the others finally got a look at the anguished expression on the Boy-Who-Lived's face, even with his eyes closed.

Albus quickly began adding to the wards before waking Malfoy and standing him partway down the clearing with a sticking charm. Malfoy looked like he was screaming once again but Hermione's immediate silencing charm saved them all the aggravation of listening to him.

Once everything was cast they all moved to stand just outside the edge of the wards, Carmichael, staying momentarily with Harry. Once they were all out Carmichael raised his wand releasing the bonds that held the small form and enervating him.

'Harry?' Carmichael said softly. Green eyes flicked open, looking momentarily confused before the anger Harry was internalising rose the surface and he let out a scream of pain that sent birds flying from the trees. Albus, thinking quickly summoned the American Secretary from his place by Harry's side and just in time too as a wave of power fuelled by his pain poured out of him. It only flowed for several yards before being recalled as Harry clapped eyes on the figure standing motionless partway across the clearing. His eyes narrowed and scrambled to his feet. He felt no pain in his leg, only pain in his heart as he stalked closer to the sneering figure.

'You bastard!' Harry bellowed. He seemed to come alive then, the calm, dignified and powerful outlook he had shown when addressing the United Nations was nowhere to be seen. This was Harry the predator, the true soldier her had been trained to be. His eyes glowed, his robes swirled; he seemed to grow inches, even feet, taller as he glared at the Slytherin.

Malfoy, for his part, stopped sneering and actually began to look almost afraid. He said something but no one could hear it. Harry must have read his lips however as with a feral snarl he leapt at the other man.

None of the others could have said quite what happened, as most turned away, but less than ten minutes later Harry had crawled away from the bloody remains and curled in a ball as he cried as though his heart was breaking. He had beaten Malfoy to a bloody pulp without using magic once, his anger fuelling him until the last breath.

'Harry?' Hermione said softly, coming to sit beside him and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Harry looked up, his face and robes splattered with blood and things best left unsaid. 'He's gone, Mione.' He whispered tearfully. 'He's gone.'

'I know, Harry and we're so sorry.' She said softly pulling Harry to her as he broke down once more.

The others all took turns sitting with him, Harry not seeming to want to return to the castle yet. He would sit, as if made of stone for hours, not blinking, not moving, not even seeming to breathe as he stared unseeing into the forest. Hermione thought he was probably reliving his memories. They could hear the students in the distance enjoying their Sunday out on the grounds of the school but it seemed so far removed from where they were.

Albus had banished the remains of Draco Malfoy further into the forest for the Acromatula to find. Ron had murmured that it was a fitting end for the other man.

Eventually Harry allowed Ron and Carmichael to help him to stand and the group walked slowly towards the castle. The day had passed, students now sitting down for dinner once more. The rumble of voices filtering through the closed doors. A few tardy students caught the rather sombre group as they entered the castle, stunned at both the sight of the American Secretary and at the bloody and fatigued state of the Boy-Who-Lived.

It was a slow and silent trip to the hospital wing, Harry refusing anymore help once he was standing. Finally they walked inside, Poppy immediately babbling about the state of Harry's robes and his hands and anything else she thought to throw in.

'For god's sake woman, shut up.' Harry yelled, startling the others.

'You're as bad as Severus.' Poppy muttered before freezing. Harry had stopped and closed his eyes and those in the room could see him struggling not to cry once more. 'Oh Harry, I'm sorry.' Poppy pleaded.

Harry shook his head. 'It doesn't matter.' he said hoarsely. One by one he went round and hugged each of the occupants in the room, telling him he loved them and thanking them for everything. He then glanced across the wing towards the room he knew contained the body of his lover.

'Why don't you say goodbye, Harry? We will wait for you here.' Hermione suggested gently.

Harry glanced around at his friends before turning back. 'I already have.' He said softly before hobbling slowly across the wing and into the room, closing the door gently behind him.

It was only later that night, well after dinner when most of the students were safely tucked up in their dormitories that the real meaning of Harry's last statement became clear. They had left Harry to his grief for several hours before returning only to find Harry curled next to the potions master, no pulse, no breathing, nothing.

'Medically there is no explanation.' Poppy sighed. 'All I can guess is that he just didn't want to live anymore.' She said simply.

'He willed his heart to stop beating?' Hermione said incredulously through her tears.

Albus shook his head. 'No, he just wished to be with Severus so badly his magic helped him find a way.'

'Even at the expense of his life?' Ron sounded just as sceptical as Hermione.

Carmichael hadn't said a word since they had walked in and found out that Harry was no longer with them. He had practically fallen onto the end of the bed, staring in stunned disbelief at the two figures in front of him.

'It just isn't possible.' Carmichael mused aloud.

Carmichael reached out to place a hand on Harry's leg.

'Yes it is.' Neville said quietly. 'What did he have left? Really, I mean.' Hermione and Ron began to protest but Neville cut them off. 'Have either of you ever really known true loneliness?' he asked. 'Harry had pain, and hurt, and a life always running from someone or something. The only light at the end of this never ending tunnel was Severus Snape. It was he who kept Harry grounded, who soothed his fears, and took away his pain, even if only for a short time. He was Harry's life. He helped Harry to forget who he was even for just a day. Harry couldn't have lived without him. He didn't want to live without him. So he chose not to.'

No one knew quite what to say to that. Hermione just burst into tears as Ron wrapped his arms around her.

'Don't cry for him, Hermione. He wouldn't want you to.' Carmichael said gently.

'I know.' Hermione sniffed as she struggled to get herself under control.

'What now?' Ron asked softly, glancing sadly at his friend and swallowing heavily.

'Do either of you know what Harry's wishes were?'

'Not really.' Ron sighed. 'He never really wanted to talk about it.'

'I know.' Neville said softly. Ron and Hermione looked curiously at him but he shook his head. 'He left something. Hang on.'

Without another word Neville sprinted from the room the others silent, apart from the occasional sniffle, until he returned. He swept back in and handed Dumbledore a scroll of parchment.

Dumbledore looked curiously at him before cracking the wax seal and unrolling it.

'To whoever is reading this,' Dumbledore began.

'I have told both Neville and Severus the contents of this document and both also know where it has been hidden. Hopefully one of them will still be around to tell you all of its existence otherwise I will probably end up in the wet ground beside my parents. By the way Neville, I hope it's you who is still around. I'm kind of hoping Severus will be wherever I am.' Albus gave a soft choke showing that he too was being affected by Harry's last words.

'This contains my last wishes for all of my belongings. I want my friends and loved ones to know that anything of mine you wish to keep please help yourselves. I have no longer any use for them and I hope that someone else can see them and think fondly of me as I will be of you. There are a couple of possessions I want to pass on individually. My Firebolt, Ron that is yours, Sirius would be so happy that it will still be used.'

'Bloody hell.' Ron muttered swiping angrily at his eyes.

'Hermione, Every book I own is now yours, including the autobiography I have left in Neville's safe keeping. I trust you won't allow any changes before it is published, the wizarding world needs to know the truth about their supposed saviour, both the good and the bad.' Hermione started crying softly again.

'Neville, you are an amazing man and an even better friend. It really should have been you that Voldemort marked all those years ago, you would have made an amazing hero, much better than I. I trust you will continue with the plans we have barely had time to start. The trust is all set up, all it needs is you.'

'Albus, I know we have had our disagreements over the years but I also know that you cared about me a lot more than you should have. I suppose that was foreseeable even without the prophecy, what with your relationship with my parents. You tried many times to tell me something, but what you didn't know is that Severus had already told me. I don't blame you for what happened and I'm sure Mum, Dad and Sirius don't blame you either. You need to keep the Order going as there will always be someone the light must overcome, to this end I have signed over Grimmauld Place to you, so the Order will always have somewhere safe to meet.' Dumbledore trailed off.

'What did Harry mean?' Ron asked quietly.

Albus shook his head and Ron realised it must have been very private as the headmaster went on, his voice slightly huskier than before.

'I ask that you pass my father's cloak onto Carmichael. My father would have been so proud of the help and guidance he had given me over the past few years. Tell him he was there for me through some of the most trying years of my life, wizard's debt or not and I can never repay him. Hopefully the cloak may one day save his life too. After all I won't be around to save him this time. ' All in the room could imagine Harry snorting softly.

'Neville, if you could visit Nannie and Phillipe and let them know what happened, I would appreciate it.'

Neville nodded even though he knew Harry couldn't see it.

'And lastly, I request, no I beg, do not place me with my parents as much as I love them. I have spent my life alone and in the dark, do not make me spend my death there too. I want to be cremated, Severus too, and we want our ashes set free from the top of the astronomy tower to scatter in the wind. Hogwarts was, is and always will be, my home. Please do not turn me away.'

Albus dropped the parchment unable to keep reading and Neville gently plucked it from his hands and continued. 'You were all so strong for me and I will never forget you. I love you and I'll see you later. Much, much later. Harry.'

'Oh Harry.' Hermione whispered, leaning against Ron as she struggled not to cry anymore.

'So what are we going to do?' Neville asked.

'We are going to do as Harry asks.' Dumbledore said firmly, now seemingly in some semblance of control of his emotions.

'Neville, can you please go and call for Kingsley and Madame Bones. The Ministry needs to know. Once they are here we will have a small ceremony and fulfil Harry's final wish before it gets turned into a circus. That is one thing I can be sure Harry would not want.' Albus' voice was weary.

'What about people who want to say goodbye?' Hermione couldn't help but ask. She knew a lot of people would want to pay their respects to Harry.

'We will have a memorial service tomorrow. They can do it then.'

'But why the rush? Wouldn't it be better to wait.'

Albus shook his head. 'No, I want Harry to have his freedom as soon as possible. He deserves nothing less.'

'He deserved a lot more.' Ron muttered and the others silently agreed.

Less than an hour later Kingsley, Tonks and Minister Bones arrived, all three unable to comprehend what had happened, and two of them already knew half of it.

The bodies were carried by hand down to the part of the grounds that could not be seen from the castle and special warding charms were cast before they said their last goodbyes. Six strong Incendios lit up the night sky and within minutes there was nothing but ash. Dumbledore carefully gathered the ash, placing it into a crystal urn before the large group made their way silently back through the castle and up to the astronomy tower.

Once at the top he handed the urn to Ron and Hermione and cast a spell to create a soft breeze. He nodded and the two upended the urn allowing the ashes to be carried off in the wind.

'Goodbye, Harry. Goodbye, Severus.' They whispered. A warm breeze ruffled their hair and later they would all swear they could hear Harry thanking them.

It was sometime before they returned to the castle and while wishing they could just hide away in bed all day there was much to be done.

The papers were alerted and Minister Bones gave a press conference. One that would leave the wizarding world stunned. The students were told that morning at breakfast together with the rest of the staff. Minerva was not speaking to Albus as he hadn't called her to come and say goodbye to Harry and Severus. It would take many months before she would forgive him.

Carmichael stayed for the memorial service the next day, even saying a few words at Ron's request, before returning to the United States. Neville helped Ron and Hermione through the service before heading to Diagon Alley and Gringott's. He had a wizarding orphanage to build and open up.

Late that afternoon Ron and Hermione sat atop the astronomy tower staring up at the sky.

'I can feel him watching over us.' Hermione said softly.

'I wonder if he's flying.' Ron mused idly.

Hermione looked at him as if he was nuts. 'Prat.' She snorted before leaning her head against his shoulder once again. Ron just grinned and placed an arm around her pulling her close.

'All I know is that wherever he is, he's in no pain and with the man he loves, I couldn't ask for more.'

Hermione just smiled in agreement and stayed silent.

Harry stepped through the door to see all those he had lost waiting for him. His parents, Sirius and Remus all came over, hugging and kissing him, telling him just how proud they were of him.

Harry relished in the paternal attention for several minutes before speaking. 'Is he...?' he whispered tentetively.

His mother smiled at him and pointed over his shoulder and Harry turned. Severus was standing several yards away and Harry walked slowly towards him, stopping just before him and reaching up to touch the older man's cheek as if to check he was real.

'Sev?' Harry whispered. Severus smiled and wrapped an arm around his waist, drawing him closer before kissing him softly.

'What are you doing here?' Severus question.

'I...I...I wanted to be with you.' Harry stammered.

The smile grew on the potions master's face as he wrapped the other arm around the younger man and lifted him before kissing him passionately, ignoring the wolf whistles from James and Sirius. Eventually they pulled away, Severus gently placing Harry back on his feet.

'You do know that you are disgustingly filthy and you smell like you have been locked in an abattoir for a month.' Severus raised an eyebrow.

Harry couldn't help it. He snorted several times before it turned into full blown laughter. 'God, I've missed you Sev.' He chuckled.

Severus rolled his eyes and willed Harry's clothing clean. 'I've missed you too, brat.' He said softly.

Eventually Harry's mirth died and he looked into the deep obsidian eyes that were staring intently at him. Even in death his lover's eyes could make him feel as if he was being devoured. 'I do love you, Severus.' He said sincerely.

'Snape's expression softened. 'And I love you too, Harry.' He whispered before pulling him close once again.