Review of Dollmaker

Just then, there was a clicking sound, and I whipped around in bewilderment.

"Wha━?" I gasped.

"I knew you were going to say that," Naru spoke smartly.

"Naru, you━!" I sputtered in disbelief at our handcuffed wrists. W-w-w-wha━!

Naru gave a smirk: the expression I'd always hated...and loved.

"You're not the only one who's stubborn, Mai," he quipped with his rare yet amaranthine ethereal smile.

Then he grasped my hand and took me away with him.

End of Review


"You wanna know more, more, more about me?

Gotta know reverse psychology."

~Tangled Up In Me, sung by Skye Sweetnam~


If someone was running, would you just chase?


Why should roles be like that?

Why couldn't two people run away at the same time?

Why should someone always chase the runner?

I could never really understand the joy of the running-chasing game. When I was small, it was always like that; when someone was walking ahead of me, I must follow. If I wouldn't, I would be left behind.

But, for what purpose was following? For what purpose was chasing someone who's persistent on running away?

I could never understand the cops who chase robbers during my childhood games. I could never understand the joy of chasing someone who doesn't want to be followed.

Why try to chase when you could just wait for the person to come to you? Why try to chase when it would just tire you out?

It's really mystifying━this predator-prey-like relationship. Were people supposed to be magnets, being pulled towards each other in a cat-and-mouse fashion?

It's indescribably fascinating...these fixed notions.

But why was it like that?

Why...when you loved someone and you tried not to're being pursued instead...?

Why...when the chaser had stopped chasing the runner, the runner became the chaser?

Why...when I'd stopped chasing...Naru's the one chasing me?

Why...when I'd let go of him...he wouldn't let go of me?

...How inscrutable, right?


Ahh...but still...there's something wrong with me too...

As Naru took me away with him from the airport...our handcuffed wrists colliding every now and then...

As I was tugged along, and we darted out to the parking lot in breathtaking strides...

Although I was aware that his abduction of me was forbidden...a crime...

That I was supposed to be angry...

I was supposed to be screaming kidnapper, molester, or whatnot to throw him off...

Yet why did I let him take me away voicelessly?


Why am I happy that he's kidnapping me?


A/N: This is just some sort of overview/prologue. I know it's not attention-grabbing, and it's quite crappy. T_T Sorry. To those who are reading this now in whatever time, this is a SUMMER VACATION story. There's NO CASE TO SOLVE.

I am very grateful to those who read my own take on the Ghost Hunt series starting from Reminiscence and then Dollmaker. ^^ The real case story next to Dollmaker will be Transcendence, which has an incomplete chapter 1 out already in my profile (if any of you are ever curious at all). I've been pretty careful about it since I didn't want to spoil the ending of this story; that's why the first chap is still incomplete.

Anyway, yes. I've decided to make a sequel for the fluff. So, Dollmaker has officially finished! OMG! I can't believe I'd finished two massive fanfics! I feel glad for myself at least because it wasn't easy, especially Dollmaker. I can't believe I've updated like 7 (?) chapters in 2 ½ months? They weren't ordinary chapters too! :o Thank you for all your support!

How was this chap? You may share your thoughts ^^