Right, so, not a chapter, but this is VERY important for you guys to read, so please don't dismiss this.

As you have obviously already noticed, I kinda suck at updating frequently. But if any of you have seen me on tumblr (that's if any of you guys even follow me, which I doubt), I'm clearly always on the internet.

This is merely a matter of I suck at motivating myself to write when I find a problem in my stories that I need to fix.

For 'Breaking the Silence', I am going to be rewriting the last 2 or 3 chapters because, really, what the hell was I thinking?

Also, I am really thinking I need a beta. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone personally that is willing to do that for me (all of my friends hate DW and most aren't very fond of FF). So, if any of you are willing and are particularly good betas and all of that, message me and let me know. Because with only me to look at my stuff before posting it, there are bound to be a lot of flaws.

I'm going to try and update more frequently, especially 'The Scent of Time' since I know everything that's happening with that (mostly), but there's a lot going on with me right now. Mostly, it's that I have a lot to think about (because really, I have no life) what with the fact that I might have to tell my mom that life sucks so I'm moving in with my dad, and then friendships are strained, and I have to worry about getting a job, and I have no future, and LIFE. Everyone has problems, I know, so I won't make too big a deal of it (really, my friends get enough of that).

But yeah, I'm rambling. Basically, rewriting BTS, need a beta, gonna try to update more, follow me on tumblr (where I'm also updating the stories, as well as an original story I'm writing), and I love you guys so much.


P.S. my tumblr urls are PhoenixPheathers (writing and FF blog) and DreamofPhoenix (reg. blog)