I do not own PJO. All rights go to the GENIUS, Rick Riordan.

Chapter 1:

I Move to the City


The worst day of my life started when I dreamed my family members were trying to kill each other.

Let me explain: my father is a part of a group of the richest people in the world. They're called the Olympians, because—for some ironic reason—they're all named after the Greek Olympians. My dad, Poseidon, owns the largest cruise ship in the world, and is the richest seaman on earth. I once asked him why he chose to work with the sea. His answer was, "Because the sea and I are very much alike. Neither of us likes to be contained."

His brother, Zeus, owns the largest air travel agency on the planet. Zeus's answer for why he chose air travel was: "I love flying. It makes me feel like I'm looking down on the world."

Because my dad and uncle have such different points of view, they're constantly at odds; constantly fighting each other. It once got so bad that my uncle forbid me from traveling in one of his planes. He said that he would have me arrested if I tried.

Anyways, I was dreaming that my dad and uncle were trying to kill each other. Sort of. My dad's company's mascot—a beautiful white stallion—and my uncle's company's mascot—an enormous golden eagle—were having it out on a sandy beach. I started running forward, begging them to stop, screaming that they were brothers, but my heels dug into the sand, and I couldn't move. Just as the eagle dove for the stallion's throat, I heard a sharp whack! The image turned to black, and I sat up.

I was in Mrs. Dodds' pre-algebra class, and had fallen asleep in the middle of one of her hour long lectures. The noise that had woken me up was her yard stick slamming on my desk. I looked up at her beady eyes, and felt a shiver run down my spine. Next to me, my best friend Grover was curled up on his chair, as far away from Mrs. Dodds as physically possible. Mrs. Dodds wore her sweet face, which scared me more than any anger she could give me. Why? Because it meant I was about to get in trouble. Big trouble.

"Now, honey," she said to me real sweet. Uh-oh, I thought. When it comes to Mrs. Dodds, that's never good. "As much as it pains you to think, please be sure to pay attention in my class in the future."

Snickers rose up around the room, and I felt my face get hot. "Yes, ma'am…" I comforted myself by imagining breaking the yard stick in half over her head. She turned away and headed back to the front of the room, but not before tossing a slip of paper over her shoulder. "Be quick about it," she told the blackboard.

I recognized the paper from the time I had accidentally shoved Nancy Bobofit into the boy's bathroom. It was a request slip. I was wanted at the front office.

I shoved my textbook/pillow into my backpack and stood up to leave the room. When I got to the doorway, I heard Mrs. Dodds' voice stop me, "And honey?"


"When you get back, I'll have a stack of old workbooks for you to erase."

I muttered under my breath, and turned towards the office. When I opened the big glass door, Ms. Kerr's overpowering perfume rose up around me. Luckily, I had trained myself to have a slight immunity to the smell, and could now resist the urge to gag. "Hi, Ms. Kerr," I waved the request slip in greeting and set it on the desk in front of me. "Someone need to see me?"

Ms. Kerr looked up at me and smiled, then turned and nodded in the direction of a tall man sitting in one of the chairs in front of the Principal's door, the ones Grover and I had called: the E-Z Death Line. The man had on tourist's clothing, like he had just stepped off a plane from Hawaii. He had windblown black hair and sea-green eyes, and he smelled like a Californian beach. It was Poseidon. My dad.

"Something wrong, Dad?" I tried to sound politely interested, but the truth was I was terrified. My dad valued education over almost everything. Except family and swimming, of course. To call me out of class must have meant that something very, very bad had happened.

"It's nothing to be concerned of, Perseus." I flinched. My dad was the only one who called me by my real name. "But you needed to leave early if we were to catch our train."

"Train?" I was confused. Where were we going?

He nodded. "We're moving, Percy. To California. Los Angeles, to be exact."

I felt like my dad had just slapped me. "But… I grew up in Nashville! I've never left Tennessee! Moving to a new town? A new state? I wouldn't know where to start! And what about Grover? Where will he go? And what about her? I promised I'd meet up with her again! Dad, my whole life is in this town! What am I supposed to do… nowthat we're moving?"

My dad held up his hands in a submissive gesture to stop my frantic ranting. "Whoa! Whoa! Slow down, Percy! I'm having trouble keeping up with you!"

I took a few deep breaths to calm down, and then fell backwards. Luckily, there was a chair behind me. My dad watched me for a long time. Then, when he finally spoke up, his voice was eerily calm. "First, there's a small high school in Hollywood for the gifted that you can go to."

I raised an eyebrow. "Gifted?"

He nodded. "They asked for you specifically for your writing skills and because having my son there would drastically raise their standards."

My heart sank. Once again, I was getting everything with a flick of my rich dad's wrist. Immediately, I shook my head, pushing the misery out of my thoughts. I should be thankful to go to such a special school.

"Second," my dad continued, "Grover is also going. We only just let him stay with us after his parents died in that car wreck. I'm not just going to shove him out the door and tell him to fend for himself!"

I let out a breath of air that I hadn't realized I had been holding. My dad may have been a big corporate businessman, but he was as laid back as mom always said I was. He also never turned a blind eye to anyone in need.

"Oh. And one more thing." Poseidon, shrewd businessman, leaned forward, and I felt a rush of panic. "Who's Her?"

I swallowed. Hard. "Uh, nobody." My dad raised an eyebrow, and I retracted my previous statement, my face red. "I mean nobody important! She's just a girl I ran into at the river a few weeks ago."

My dad raised an eyebrow. He clearly wasn't convinced that this girl was just nobody. And to be perfectly honest, he was right.

We stared at each other for a few moments, until my dad finally decided not to press me any further. "Go get Grover. We're leaving now."

I nodded, and ran back to class. Anything to get away from him. I had forgotten how observant he was. There was no way he was going to enjoy hearing exactly who I had taken a liking to.

That's the end of Chapter One. Please comment. 5 comments, and I will upload Chapter Two!

