001. Beginnings.

The first time he had tangled with Kaitou Kid had, of course, been as Shinichi Kudo at the Clock Tower heist. But the game the two of them played really begun when he was already Conan Edogawa. After all, Kid had granted no nickname to the Great Detective of the East Shinichi Kudo, but he called Conan Edogawa Tantei-kun. Kaitou Kid truly saw his smaller form as a rival, not just as a little kid, and that was something Conan would always be thankful for.

Truth be told, Conan wasn't sure if he would still be sane without getting to attend Kid's heists. He'd been stuck as in his persona as a child for over two years, and with the Black Organization taken down, he could only wait for Haibara to create the antidote. Sure, there were still some underlings in the organization that eluded the FBI; they hadn't been able to catch all of them. But Conan's involvement in that case was done for the most part, and he was back to being stuck behind the scenes as the police and Detective Mouri were skillfully manipulated into solving the various murders that still followed him around.

So now, the only times he could go all out were Kid heists. The Kid Taskforce generally ignored his presence, and Kid treated him as an equal. Since there was no reason to hold back, he often let loose. Although, he kind of wondered if maybe Kaitou Kid was getting tired of dodging soccer balls aimed at his head. But what was Conan supposed to to? For as much as Kid treated him as a rival, an equal, he still taunted Conan like he did everyone else, and Kid's taunts often hit way too close to home. And at those times, the soccer ball was already speeding toward the thief before Conan even realized he'd kicked it.

A/N: So, I've been meaning to do one of the 100 theme challenges for a while, and I finally started on one. Although the chapters will be short, drabble-length, they will string together chronologically in a formal plotline. I don't know how long this fic will be, at leas 100 chapters obviously, but if by the time I am done with the prompts, I am still not done with the plot, the fanfiction will continue on until I have reached an ending that satisfies me. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed prompt 1 and will enjoy those coming in the future.

As always, please read and review or provide a detailed, in-depth critique if it behooves you.