It's finally here! This chapter is far more improved that the last once. It is beta'd and edited. I am so excited to share this with you. I have changed a lot of things and I am dying to know what you think.

I want to thank Project Team Beta for accepting me in their world and making me learn things that I should have learned a lot time ago. They motivated me and they are the reason I am publishing the story so soon. I suggest you go to them if you have an problems with your grammar in your stories. They are ultra helpful!

For this chapter I have to thank Mel/mcc101180 and RaindropSoup for putting their two cents in it and making the chapter better and grammar errors free. They are amazing and very helpful. Thank you for your hard work and for helping me achieving one of my dreams.

That's it for now. See you at the bottom of the page ;)

Happy Reading!



"What about this one?"

"No. This one?"


I nodded. It was a short blue dress with a deep V-neck I had purchased a few weeks prior. Nothing major, just a simple dress. But the moment I saw it on the rack, I knew I had to have it.

"Perfect! And I got the right shoes to go with it."

Alice was mad about fashion. She was by far the most fashionable girl in

Forks. She loved to shop and used me as her personal Barbie doll from time to time. I didn't mind though. It made her happy and it was a nice way to spend time together.

Alice and I didn't have too much in common. Actually, we didn't have anything in common. Alice was more into fashion and hairstyles, while I am more intrigued by books and movies. That didn't stop us, though, from becoming attached by the hip in kindergarten, and we had been best friends ever since.

"Come on, Bella. We are going to be late!" Alice shouted from downstairs.

We were attending a party-the last party of the summer, in fact. School started in a week, and everyone wanted to make the most of it. Alice and I were seniors this year. One more year to go, and we were off to college.

"I'm coming." I put on my heels, I straightened my dress, and took a final look in the mirror. My long brown hair were in curls. My makeup was natural, making me look like I wasn't wearing any. Just how I liked it!

I went downstairs finding Alice by the door. "Well, well. Don't you look gorgeous."

She stood there in her pretty, short pink dress. It was matched with purple heels, and her stylised short black hair completed the look. She was like a fairy that jumped out of fary tale.

"Thanks!" she said and started pushing me toward the front door. "Come on. We're late!"

"Wait!" I escaped her. "I have to say goodnight to Charlie first."

"I'll wait for you in the car." She huffed and closed the door behind her as I walked into the living room.

"Hey, Dad." He was sitting in his favourite recliner, beer in hand and watching the sports channel, of course.

"Hey, honey. You're ready to go?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Yes, I just came to say goodnight. I might be late. So, don't wait up." I was blessed to have a father like Charlie. He was so cool and relaxed. He never had a problem with me going out to parties or drinking. It was better if he knew, rather than me having to do stuff behind his back. His words, not mine. He was every girl's dream daddy. He trusted me and expected me not to disappoint him. He let me do what I wanted, trusting me not to end up in the hospital, pregnant, or dead.

"Okay. Be careful." He turned to face me, checking me from head to toe.

"Always am." I kissed his cheek.

He chuckled, and soon enough there was a blush colouring his cheeks. "You look really beautiful tonight, Bells."

"Thank you." I hugged him and went to Alice, who was certainly messing around with the radio.

"Ready?" she asked, finally deciding on a radio station.

"Let's party!"

Forks was one small town in Washington, surrounded by a forest, tall trees looking down on us. It was scary and beautiful at the same time. There was life in there: Wolves, mountain lions, even bears. We weren't scared of that, though. We had grown accustomed to it. The mystery behind the life of the forest made it enchanting. The sky was now dark, and the full moon was up. The light illuminated the deserted road as we made our way to Cullens' house.

The son of one of the richest families in Forks, Edward Cullen, organised this party. It was actually kind of a tradition. He always ended the summer season with a party. Everyone was invited and had a good time. It was one of the things that made him famous in this small town. That and his good looks. He was the most popular guy in Forks.

"Bella?" Alice waved her hand in front of my face. "We're here."

"I'm sorry," I said, shaking my head.

The whole house was buzzing. Music was loud, and noises were coming out of the house. Good thing they didn't have neighbors, or else the party would have been already shut down before we even got here. Some of the stoners were out front smoking, not caring that anyone could see them. Other than those people, everyone was gathered inside. Probably around the indoor pool.

"Hey, Bells," a very drunk Mike greeted me when we got into the house. I waved back and tried to escape.

"Mike is really persistent!" Alice noted.

"Yeah! He can't take a hint."

Mike Newton and I used to be friends back in middle school, but then puberty hit him, and suddenly the only thing he wanted from me was a date. I always viewed Mike as a friend, like a brother. I hated every time that I had to turn him down. I felt guilty. After a while, I had become an expert at it, and his advances didn't really bother me anymore. He still asked me out ocasionally. But things slowed down noticably.

We walked through dancing, sweaty bodies. It was really stuffy in here. People were everywhere. Even though the house was huge, it seemed like we were stuck in a cardboard box. The whole house smelled like sweat and beer.

"I am going to look for the guys," Alice said, and before I could respond, she was gone.

"Okay." I went to grab a drink; I decided to start with beer. With a red cup in hand, I stood by an empty corner and drank alone.

Everyone looked so happy. They were laughing, drinking, dancing, and kissing. They were enjoying their last day of freedom. Like they should be. And here I was! Plain old Bella, trying to fit in a world she didn't belong to. Hiding in a corner, trying not to gain attention by falling or making a mess. I didn't even want to attend this party every year, but Alice really wanted to come so she dragged me along. I would rather have stayed at home and read a book, all while eating ice cream from a bucket. I know – I am so fun! It was just that this kind of life didn't appeal to me. I didn't get wild. I didn't go partying every night behind my dad's back. I only drank. And when I say drinking, I mean a beer, and maybe if I want to be a badass, a Cosmopolitan.

"What are thinking about?" Rosalie came and stood beside me.

Rosalie was one of my best friends. She was my mama bear. She was one year older than me, but she was the girlfriend of Edward's brother, Emmett. So, she was always invited even though she wasn't staying in Forks. She and Emmett were attending the University of Seattle. They were both studying Law. "Nothing in particular."

"Mmm. Are you having fun?" she asked me. I grabbed the beer she was offering me since I'd finished my first one.

"Yeah! You?"

"Good! Edward really knows how to throw a party, huh?"

"He sure does." And it was true. The Cullens' parties were the best. Alchohol was running all night. Good music. Big house. Pool. And the fact that you didn't have to worry about the cops showing up in your house was a bonus. You see, the Cullles' mansion was located outside of Forks, in the middle of the forest. The next house was like half an hour away. That was one of the reasons his parties were the best; they lasted for hours.

"I am going to hunt Emmett down. We have to get to campus early tomorrow." She kissed my cheek and left.

Rosalie Hale was the definition of beauty. She was tall with long, wavy blond hair. Her beautiful face was completed with crystal blue eyes and pointy cheekbone. She had a killer body and legs that went on forever. However, she wasn't skinny like me. No, she had curves in all the right places, making her a woman. Every one of the girls was jealous of her. Her looks, her personality, her 4.0 GPA. Rosalie Hale combined body with mind. She was the perfect woman.

Two hours later, I was so wasted. See what was in front of me. In need of a bathroom, I stumbled into a bedroom. This house was so big that one could actually get lost in it. The Cullens were really rich, and they didn't try to hide it. Their house and fancy cars were an example.

"Whoops! Wrong door," I slurred. Before turning and leaving I noticed a half open door in the room. I walked in and saw that it was in fact a bathroom.

"Score!" I fist pumped in the air. I did my business and went to snoop around a little. I was so bored. Don't get me wrong; the party was great. It was just not my idea of fun.

The bedroom was fairly big. Bigger than my kitchen and living room put together. There were long shelves filled with books and CDs, with an expensive stereo on the right wall, while the left wall was made of glass. A huge window that took over the whole wall.

How cool was that?

It is over looked the forest. The river that wasn't too far away fom here was visible, too. So beautiful!

In the middle of the room was a bed. I didn't know whose it was, but it was really comfy. Big and soft. King sized. With beautiful, expensive, and so sensitive covers. As I lay on the bed, I noticed a mini basketbball hoop above the bed. On the nightstand, there was a glass bowl with little, baby soft basketballs in it.

This must be Edward's bedroom. I suspected that. He was the captain of our basketball team. Our star! Of course he would have something like this in his bedroom. I took a ball in my hand and threw it in the air. It was supposed to go in the hoop, but instead, it bounced off the wall and directly on my nose.

Thank God they were soft, or else I would be sporting a bruise on my nose for the next week.

"You're doing it wrong," a velvet voice from beside me stated. I looked over to see who the owner of that beautiful voice was.

Of course it was Edward Cullen. He stood in the doorway, in all his glory, a smile plastered across his face. I hadn't gotten the chance to see him tonight. He was busy goofing around with his girlfriend, Tanya Denali. Sadly. In only a grey T-shirt and black jeans, it was like he had stepped out of a GQ magazine.

He walked towards the bed and lay down next to me. "You are doing it wrong," he said, grabbing a ball from my hand.

"Show me how to do it right then." He grabbed a ball and threw it in the air. Just like that.

And – surprise, surprise it got – in!

Well, he did play for the high school's basketball team. He should be able to do this.

"Okay, how do you do that?" I asked, frustrated. I was so drunk that I didn't even stutter while I talked to my crush. A crush I've had since kindergarten.

He laughed softly and grabbed another one. "I am actually targeting for the hoop. I am not just throwing it in the air."

Har har, hilarious!

"Oh well, Big Star, why don't you show me?" I challenged him. I was seriously going to make the man, even though he was as drunk as me, teach me how to shoot hoops.

"Grab a ball." I did as I was told. "Now extend your arm in the air." He grabbed my arm and did what he was telling me to do." And throw the ball," he finished. His soft, delicate hand touched mine, and my whole body tingled. It was like a fire started in my body. Burning me.

"See? It got in," he whispered, looking at me. His eyes filled with curiosity and...lust? He was so close. If he leaned a bit closer, our lips could touch. He could kiss me.

Slowly, he started leaning in, and so did I. I didn't know what I was doing, but the only thing that I wanted most right in that moment was to have his lips on mine. As if he was able to hear my thoughts, his lips touched mine, and I was in heaven.

His soft kiss was firm but gentle. His hands roamed on every part of my body he could reach; my face, my torso, my hips, my legs. Everything. And I liked it. As he tongue broke into my mouth, I let out an embarrassing moan, making him groan and hover over me completely. His hands went under my dress, and my hands slid beneath his shirt . Only moments later, we were both naked and panting as we moved against each other like one. He completed me. Filled me. And I went to sleep that night in a bliss.

The next morning, I woke up from the pounding in my head. It felt like someone was hitting me with a bat on the face all night. I opened my eyes slowly, blinded by the burning rays of light that were coming in the room from the window.

It was unusual to be this sunny in Forks. And I was feeling so dead that I couldn't enjoy the rare phenomenon. I took a look around. This was not my room, I thought. It was too big and masculine to be my room. Way more luxurious.

Where was I?

Suddenly, a hand wrapped me in its owner's embrace. I froze. Not breathing, not moving. I slowly turned my head to see who my captivator was.

My eyes widened and my heard was pounding fast. Without even thinking, I screamed.

Edward, who was asleep beside me, abruptly woke up and fell off the bed.

"What are you doing here?" Edward asked as he backed up the wall behind him. Like I was some kind of monster.

Maybe I was!

My hair was always a mess in the morning. I looked like Medusa on a good day.

"I don't know," I answered, frustrated,, wrapping the sheet tightly around my body as I stood to hunt down my clothes.

"What happened last night?" he asked as I awkwardly put on my dress, trying not to flash him.

Well, he probably saw a lot more than your boobs last night! Stop trying to be modest now.

My inner self chatted in my head.

Well, I don't care!

"I don't know, but from the looks of it, we fucked," I said while putting on my heels.

I couldn't believe I was about to do the walk of shame! I was going to die from embarrassment.

Oh my God, Charlie. What was I going to say to him? I was definitely getting scolded. And Alice. Where was Alice? And why didn't she drag me away from him?

Oh my God!

I needed painkillers. Fast!

I was about to walk out of the room when he grabbed my hand.

"Let's keep this a secret,okay? People don't have to know that we slept together. I have a girlfriend. I don't want to lose her because a mistake." He looked nervous and almost afraid. Like he would get killed if anyone found out that he had slept with me.


"Don't worry, Edward." I spat his name. "I don't kiss and tell." And with that, I was off to my house. Walking.

Another summer was coming to an end. People were preparing for the following year. The beaches were deserted again, and towns were filled with motion Just like every other September. Some were going to fall back into their lives, reunite with their friends. Get back on track. Some were going to be starting fresh this year. Making new friends. New dreams. Live new adventures. Change themshelves for the better.

I didn't know what I was doing this year. I didn't know if I was going to get back to my old life, or if new things were waiting around the corner for me. But the only thing I was sure about was that this year wouldn'tbe like the others.

That's it, people!

Tell me what you think! Do you like this chapter or the unbeta'd one was better. Please leave me your review telling me what you think. I worked my ass off for this story and your opinion really matters to me.

As you noticed, or will in the next chapters, a lot of characters have gone bye-bye. That is because I didn't know what to do with them once they have told their part in the story and they only made it more confusing.

For those you haven't read the unedited chapters I am waiting for you reviews too. Tell me what you think. What you like and disliked.

Thank you for reading!