The next morning, there was a surprise waiting for Niklaus.
He came down for breakfast at the normal time to hear hooves outside, making him frown- unexpected visitor or something?
The young man pushed the door open, not caring how he looked with just his deep brown trousers on, white shirt crumpled and half tucked in, a shiny black button missing at the top, his hair ragged and feet bare.
But he soon grinned, laughing as he stepped forwards to the man getting down from his horse, chuckling as his younger brother hugged him tightly, going. "It's good to see you back safe and sound Brother."
Elijah chuckled, but nodded. "It seems we won the battle in my area rather quick. They were letting some of us come home, and here I am. A week early."
The younger sibling let his brother go, then went with a frown. "No Kol and Finn?"
Elijah groaned, rolling his eyes as he grabbed his bag from the horses back, throwing it over his shoulder. "Kol… should have been coming back tomorrow."
"He got… loud. Insulted the regiment officer when they told him he couldn't wander off after this nurse."
Niklaus rolled his eyes- why Kol had been allowed to go to war he had no idea. The young man was handsome, clever and cunning…
But he sure did have a temper and a big mouth on him.
"Has he been shot?" Niklaus asked quietly now, and Elijah shook his head, sighing heavily. "No. He hasn't… but he has been dismissed from that level in the infantry. Kol shall be back within the week. Well, if they don't shoot him from annoyance."
Niklaus sighed heavily, then put an arm around his brothers shoulders, going. "Come now Brother. You are back. Safe and sound."
"Niklaus. Why are you back early?" Elijah now asked, frowning lightly as his brother walked back to the door. He paused, then looked back to his elder sibling, going. "They didn't need me anymore."
Elijah raised an eyebrow, watching the young man go back inside, thinking…
There had been talk.
Talk of a young man who was more animal than human…
When Elijah had changed into something a tad more casual, but still smart, he accompanied Niklaus into town, talking about everything and anything-
Family above all.
It was as they were going into the apothecary, still talking, not paying attention that Niklaus pushed the door hard, hearing a scream of surprise on the other side.
He looked down to see a blonde headed figure sat on the floor, the wicker basket of sunflowers knocked all over her, littering the floor.
"You klutz!"
Niklaus scowled at the dark skinned girl, scoffing. "Excuse me? How was I to know she was there-!" He bent down now, helping the pretty little blonde to her feet, smiling faintly as he went. "I am sorry Miss Forbes. It wasn't my intention to hurt you."
Elijah raised an eyebrow as his brothers tone softened- now that didn't happen often at all. He must have been smitten by the blonde. He looked over to the other two now, then, seeing Elena, asked her.
"Have your sisters returned?"
Elena looked to the man, but groaned. "Katerina has been causing trouble….and Tatia got involved. They have to stay longer now."
Niklaus could sense the disappointment in Elijahs reply of- "I understand," and went to Elena with a smirk. "Tatia still being a heartbreaker?"
Elijah shot him a sharp look at that, and Elena sighed. "Niklaus."
The man rolled his eyes, but said nothing, utterly confusing the group as he stormed out of the place.
Caroline frowned, wondering why the man was so… angry. She found herself following him out after gathering up her sunflowers, calling as he stalked off down a back alley.
"Niklaus! Mr Mikaelson!"
He stopped as he reached the path that led to the quarry, turning around to face the petite little blonde who was hurrying over, her golden curls bouncing as she did so.
She now frowned-
"Why are you so angry?"
That took him back, and he laughed, almost bitterly. "I'm not." He went to turn away, but Caroline grabbed his arm, frowning. "You're lying to me."
"And you know this because-?"
"You won't meet my eyes. Common lying sign."
But he met her eyes as he growled lightly. "Did you just come over to insult me?"
Caroline frowned, shaking her head. "No. I just… wondered if you would like to take a walk with me to the apple orchard." She shrugged lightly. "I need to collect a few, but I cannot get up there in a dress. Could you help me, please?"
Of course there wouldn't be any apples. Winter was barely even over…
But the thought hadn't crossed his mind.
Until a moment later.
Niklaus chuckled, turning back around properly. "You want me to help you again?"
She nodded, saying nothing.
The young man nodded. "Fine. Ok. Lead the way my dear."
Caroline sent him a smile, and Niklaus rolled his eyes as she took his hand in her own, leading him across the path and behind the bushes into the field behind, the orchard a short walk away.
"Why so grumpy Niklaus?" Caroline asked a moment later, and he chuckled, kicking at a snow drift. "I am fine my dear."
"Uh-uh. Nope. You are miserable."
Niklaus scowled now, stopping dead, frowning at the blonde. "You have a big mouth Miss Forbes." He smirked. "Like your head."
"Uh, your head don't you mean?" She retorted, turning back round to the front, swishing her hair, making Niklaus chuckle-
Funny little thing.
When they reached the orchard, Caroline swiftly faked her groan of surprise and disappointment, going. "I am so forgetful at times…"
"Now who's lying?"
She blinked in shock, and Niklaus smirked, looking to the trees that were icy. "It's not Spring yet my dear. You knew fully well that there would be no apples."
Caroline blushed, making Niklaus chuckle. "Making excuses to talk to me now?"
"No!" She scowled, then looked around, hoping and praying there was something on the trees.
She beamed in relief when she saw the small blossom in the tree, turning to Niklaus and dumping the wicker basket of sunflowers into his arms, starting to awkwardly climb the tree.
Niklaus set the basket on the floor, chuckling. "You're going to-" but the words were barely out his mouth when her foot slipped on an icy patch of bark, making her scream, hand letting the branch go.
He grabbed her before she could fall, chuckling into her golden hair, amused. "Am I always going to have to be the one that saves you love?"
She blushed lightly, and as Niklaus set her onto her feet once more, her stomach twinged, making her grab it in shock, hissing. "Ouch-!"
He raised an eyebrow, asking. "Are you ok?"
Caroline backed off, hand on her abdomen, biting her lip to stop the tears of pain- god, that had hurt.
Niklaus watched her straighten up, then chuckle. "I'm fine. Really."
He knew how to spot liars. And she was off the chart.
"Oh really?" he asked, pushing her even more, making Caroline scowl.
"I am just fine, Niklaus! A mere cramp."
Lying. Again.
Niklaus cocked his head, raising an eyebrow. "That is not your stomach…" a small smirk appeared on his face, folding his arms, the smirk growing. "Now I understand why you are being quite so hostile."
Her eyes widened, realizing that the man was sharp as a knife. He wasn't no fool.
But she still shook her head, muttering. "No."
Niklaus said nothing, just watching.
Watching the tears just well up in her eyes, raising her hands to her mouth, shaking her head hard. "No! I'm not! No!"
She was in utter denial.
Niklaus just stared at her as she stood and next to sobbed, but then stepped forwards, feeling rather awkward as he hastily put a hand on her shoulder, looking down at her, eyes widening a tad.
"NO! It will not be all ok! I am an outcast! I am supposed to be this Perfect Daughter! Not a pregnant whore!"
Niklaus let her rant, then sighed. "You-"
"You do not even know me! Just… go away!"
He scowled at that, scoffing. "Fine. Push away the only person who might have even shown the slightest fraction of pity and compassion."
"I don't want your pity!"
Niklaus chuckles, stepping back, folding his arms. She was feisty. So beautiful…
A monster with a heart.
Was that even possible.
Niklaus nodded, then turned away, shrugging. "Fine. Deal by yourself."
Just those last three words made Carolines heart race, and she grabbed his arm, biting her lip before muttering. "I don't…"
She was lost.
Lost in a world unknown.
She sniffed back the tears, picking up her basket of sunflowers, pausing for a moment before plucking one out, holding it out for the man.
He paused, but took it, going to meet the girls aqua eyes, but she wouldn't meet his own.
Niklaus nodded a fraction, a ghost of a smile on his face as he told her. "Thank you."
Caroline paused, but said nothing, just walking back on her own, leaving Niklaus stood there with the sunflower loosely in his hand, cocking his head slightly-
What an intriguing little thing.
And viola! Another chapter! Things getting more interesting and blah. Kol shall be here soon;) anyway, thanks for the lovely reviews! I hope you continue to like and continue to leave me lovely messages! X Nic