Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or the characters.

For those wondering, this is a parody of the myth Pygmalion and Galatea. For the characters: Kiku was Pygmalion, Heracles was Galatea and Arthur was Aphrodite

Kiku and his figure Heracles

Long ago, there lived a young artist called Kiku, who was known throughout the world for his beautiful figures. Kiku was adored by all the townsfolk and could have had anyone for a partner, but he was also well known for his hatred for love and its seemingly mindless subjects. Instead he would stay in his house by himself, surrounded by his art.

But love has a way of finding its way into everyone's hearts. Soon a day came when Kiku found himself starting a new figure, and he decided to push his talents to the limit by making this figure perfect.

He used only the best materials, the best drafts, planed for hours how every muscle and strand of hair should look when complete. For days on end he worked on the figure, barely stopping to sleep or eat.

When he finally finished the model, he began to paint him. With very carefully placed strokes, he painted on his Mediterranean tanned skin, his deep green eyes, the faint blush of life on his cheeks and lips, his unruly brown hair. He had thought for hours what kind of outfit would be best for the figure. At last he decided on a simple, casual look with pants and a white t-shirt.

It took him several weeks, but he had finally completed the figure. He then carefully placed the figure on a stand in the light to admire his work. The figure was so beautiful, that he looked as if at any point he could come to life. Kiku gave a sigh of delight at seeing his work, but at the same time felt a pain in his heart. How he wished that the figure was a real person.

Kiku decided to name the figure Heracles, and would take the figure with him wherever he would go. He loved being with Heracles, he loved Heracles. Yes, the man who for all of his life had hated love was now in love. But when he realized this, it only made him sorrowful for his lifeless figure could never love him back. Even so, Kiku did everything he could for Heracles as if he was alive. He provided him with clothes, held him, talked to him, but the more he did the more sorrowful he became.

Most of the townsfolk thought that Kiku had gone insane, and began to spread the news across the world. Eventually, a deity of love heard of this and decided to pay the poor man a visit.

The next day, the deity came to Kiku's house and told him that he would grant any wish Kiku wanted. At first, Kiku was taken aback by the deity's appearance. The wings, the halo, the short white toga, at first he thought the deity was his friend Arthur playing a trick on him. But trick or not, a wish is not something to be wasted, so he bowed to the deity/possible Arthur and wished that he could meet someone who looked like his precious Heracles. The deity/possible Arthur knew however that this was not what Kiku truly wanted, and instead of showing Kiku a man who looked like his figure he cast a spell on the figure itself.

When the spell hit the figure, it began to grow to the size of a normal adult. His painted skin became real flesh as he began to breathe in and out. His once hard hair was now soft and his painted on eyes came to life and full of thought.

Kiku stood in awe as he watched Heracles get up off the table he was on and stand, looking at his creator the whole time. After several moments, Kiku got up the nerve to walk over to the now life size Heracles and give him a hug. Heracles looked at the now smaller man before returning the hug. He then turned Kiku's head up to his and passionately kissed him.

Shortly after Heracles came to life, the two of them were already planning the rest of their lives together. They were married in June, and their friend Arthur/ possibly the deity came to honor the union. The two of them then lived happily ever after.

The end

So that's the end. I'm currently thinking of going on and doing parodies of some other myths featuring other characters. So if you want to read more stories like this or want to read a parody of a certain myth/with a certain character, let me know in a review.