me: WINX CLUB I love this show but I kinda hate Musa so this story is Musa-blashing dont like dont read

Stella: this is a Oc story about a girl who lost her family and lives with a guy her age she start to have a crush on him but he was evil so to be with him she became evil and than

Bloom: she was assigned a very important mission to spy on the winx so she became a goody goody

Tecna: but she became to like us but than she have to fight her love one to stay with us or she could stay with the evil dude

Flora: and so on (cant tell the ending) but this is a story of a lost soul

I looked in the fire my parents had burned in. I was sitting in a police car. Today was my birthday. It was the day you be happy. But I was sad. I was finally turning 9 years old. But seeing my parents gone was no so happy.


I was walking home from school. I had a new book the libery teacher gave me and 10 dollors one of my crush gave me. I kinda did like him .
He was nice but was a badboy. It was kinda hot. Gah im to young to have these kinda thoughts. The guy was named Riven and he had a darkest redish purpleish hair that was up and two fount bangs.
What if he did like me. I skipped home wondering what my parents were going to do for me on my birthday. When I got there my house was on fire.
"Mommi daddi" I yelled running toward the house but was garbed by a police man . "Dont ever go into a fire" he said pushing me into a car.

End of Flashback

WHich bring me to now. I saw a man bring them into a white van. I could tell it was them my dad was kinda cubby and my mom was kinda skinny. They wer covered over a white blanket. But my dad arm fell down and all you saw was burnt skin. More tears came to my eyes. Than all of a sudden everything pasued. Even the people. I looked at the car window to see a boy with long blonde hair looking right at me. Was he forzen too?

He blinked at me which made me jump. He opened the car door and looked at me. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a black jacket and black pants. He held out a hand for me. He looked about my age but 1 year older. "hello" he said smiling. "h-hi" I said to him moving a inch away from him. "im Valtor I saw what happen and I know your lonly but I know your pain the same thing happen to me and my family but kinda differnet" he said moving an inch toward me.

"than why are here" I asked. "because you dont want to go to live with a foster family come live with me" he said. "but I dont even know you you might hurt me"
"but im only 1 year from you and i dont know why but i have this strange connection to you"

I felt the same thing with him. So I went with him.


Well that is my story. I was 9 than with short black hair and green eyes. Now I have long black hair and black eyes. Valtor told me that I was a fairy. Funny is it. I used to be a goody-goody and now im all dark. I now love Valtor he trained me and touht me how to be a powerful fairy. I loved him but I think he dont notice. But I knew I was his main girl. oh yea I never said my name. I am Angel Wingex.

One Day

"Valtor I heard the alarm whats wrong" I asked running into Valtor office. "we have intredures but Icy and her team will go handle it" he said. "Valtor please call them back let me go" I begged. "no your not going". He said. Valtor got up from his seat and walked over to me. He had now long blonde hair and was wearing a dark purpleish overcoat with a white blouse under it. He had on black pants and black boots.

"but they always fall you please let me win this one for you " I said pouting. Valtor sighed. "fine go" he said with a worried look. I hugged him and ran out the building to the balcony. I saw a group of 11 people. 'gee they really needed help' I thought. "jumped down from the balcony shcoking them. "RAWR"i said.

"damn where she come from?" A boy with redish purpleish hair said. I smiked. "hello Riven"I said. The group looked at him. "A-Angel is that you?" he asked. "in the flesh" I laughed. "gee you got alot hotter than you were young" he laughed. I rolled my eyes. Still that stupid wannabe badboy i see" I said.

"So you will chose this ugly emo chick over a hottie like me" the blue haired said. Riven looked at her very annoyed. "um emo people are people too you slut and btw i look way better than you. you look like a freakin toad." i said. I had on a simple pair of black pants with a gold chain on the left side. I also had on a mini t-shirt that showed my belly. and it was black and hugged my body. My hair was down all the way to the bottem of my butt.

So i was kinda hot . She threw a music note ball at me but I easly doghed it. "thats all you got?" i asked boredly.
She growled at me. I giggled.

"so Angel you turned evil huh?" Riven asked. "Yeps Riven i did" i answered. "Riven who is this girl" a orange hair girl asked. "A childhood crush thats it" Riven said. "oh Riven you have no manner's hi im Angel Wingex and you are or all?" I asked. "im bloom" the the orange haired. "im timmy" a orange hair boy said. "im Stella" a blond girl said. "im brandon" a brown hair boy said. "im layla"said a brown haired girl. "im flora"said another brown hair girl said. "im tecna" a purple haired saided. "im Sky" a blonde hair boy said. "im musa bitch" the blue haired said.

"we will try to go easy pretty lady" Riven said. I smiked at him. "I have a heart i swear I do but dont call me that " I said. "why" He asked confused. "well let put this in song form for you.

"When ever you tell me im pretty
that's when the hunger really hits me
your little heart goes pitter platter
ill put ur liver on a platter
ill use ur finger to sir my tea
and for dersert ill suck your teeth
be to sweet and ur be a gonner
ill bull a jeffery dauhner"

I giggled at the end. They all toke a step back. "OK WINX LET'S DO THIS" Bloom said. I transformed into my fairy form. I had on a black skirt and a black tube-top with fish-net as seleves. My winge were silver with black little gitter falling off them. Bloom and the winx stopped. "whats wrong" I asked. "your a fairy" stella said. "yea i know" I said. "winx remeber you studies we have to go" Bloom said whole they reteated. The boys were confused but just ran off with them.

I didnt know what happen but i guess i won. I laughed. "STUPID LIL FAIRY" I heard behide me.

me: Cliffhanger well Review if you want more :D