Okay so, this is basically small scenes taking place in the 'It Runs in the Family' universe. Each character/pairing gets their own drabble, and it takes place after the original series. I'll probably show more of Robbie and Maddie as little kids since I didn't really show much of them as little kids in IRitF. I'll also jump around a lot, like one drabble will be them as babies, and the next one will be them as ten year olds.

Hope you all enjoy these, I'm planning to only do about 100, but if I think of more ideas there can be more than that. And yes, requests are open (and appreciated!)

Pairings: MordecaixMargaret, RigbyxEileen, MusclemanxStarla, BensonxPops, (Friendship) Mordecai and Rigby, (Friendship) Skips and, well everyone, and of course Maddie & Robbie.

Genre: Mostly humor, family and friendship with a little romance on the side, but it depends on what I think of.

Hope you all enjoy!

1. Nickname

"Hi Benny!" Benson cringed slightly.

"Maddie, we've gone over this," he told the three year old girl, "It's Benson." The violet bird looked up at her babysitter with big blue eyes, and then smiled.

"Whatever you say, Benny!" she smiled before walking away. Benson sighed.

"Why do I even bother?"

2. Late Nights

Eileen turned to her side, feeling restless while at the same time exhausted. Her one month old son had colic, which meant for a lot of crying. It had been a nightmare. But even so, Eileen loved her baby and knew in a few weeks, all this hard work would be worth it when her son got over it and would once more be a happy baby.

As she tried to fall asleep, Eileen noticed the coldness of the bed. Her husband was gone. Curious, the mole woman got up and went down the hall. Maybe he was midnight snacking again or maybe... Eileen then noticed the light in her son's room.

She peeked through the crack in the door and saw both Rigby and Robbie in the rocking chair. Robbie was fast as sleep in his father's arms, while Rigby was snoring away. She smiled. "My Rigby," she said quietly.

3. Secret

He didn't mean to find out her secret on purpose. Robbie just came over to their house to see if she wanted to play and just happened to stumble upon what Maddie was watching her living room.

"You better not say a word, to Mikey or to anyone!" the ten year old tomboy said for the dozenth time as she handed the raccoon the bowl of popcorn.

"I won't, I won't," Robbie said with a chuckle, "But you know, it's not even that bad. Who cares if you like to watch Disney Princess movies?" Maddie threw a pillow at him. "Ow! What was that for!"

"One, stop bringing it up," Maddie said as she turned towards the tv, "and two: Quiet! The musical number's starting!"

4. Ohhh!

Benson didn't even bother lifting his head when the door opened. "Hello Mordecai, Rigby."

"Uh, hey Benson," said Mordecai.

"We have, something to tell you," Rigby continued, but was stopped.

"I already know," Benson stated, "You're quitting. Margaret and Eileen are helping you find new jobs, and you two are moving in with them. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. It also doesn't take a genius to figure out what you two really want to say. So, while I'm impressed that you two would want to take the 'leaving with grace and dignity' route, go ahead and say what you need to say."

There was only a split second of silence before the two now ex-slackers got into it. Shouts of "Ohhhhh!" and "You can't boss us around anymore!" filled the office before ending with the two running out of the house and doing donuts in a golf cart. As they drove away, the gumball machine almost smiled to himself.

"I wonder if those two are ever going to grow up."

5. Spoiled

It was a hard fight. It took almost every will in Muscleman's body plus some encouragement from High Five Ghost to not give in. Her bedroom was nearly destroyed, and the green man was sure his ears were a little damaged from the screams, but he was going to do this no matter what. He was going to say no, and was going to stick with it.

In the end, it was all worth it when Samantha came down from her bedroom, her angry orange eyes now back to their normal brown color, and said to Muscleman, "I'm sorry, Daddy." Muscleman smiled, while HFG gave a silent 'Yes!'. The three year old girl sat down next to her dad. "Love you, Daddy."

"Love you too, Princess," Muscleman said. He then got a thought. "Hey Sammi? You know who else loves her princess?"

6. Aw Snap!

Mordecai and Rigby were watching tv together while their kids ate lunch. Just as the commercials came on, Maddie and Robbie walked in the room. "Hey guys," said Mordecai, "How was your lunch?" The two five year olds didn't reply. Instead, Maddie got on the couch while Robbie laid down on the floor, and they both shut their eyes.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Rigby asked. It was obvious that the two weren't tired. The two kids opened their eyes, and looked at their fathers.

"We're trying to take a nap, Daddy," replied Robbie.

"Yeah," added Maddie, "We had to, we just ate macaroni and cheese." The two dads then remembered the song they had sang for their kids a couple days ago, and they couldn't help but laugh.

7. Smile

"Come on! Come onnn!" The raccoon crossed his arms and continued pouting. "I told you I was sorry, I didn't mean break the toy."

"I don't care!" the four year old replied, "I'm gonna stay mad at you forever!"

"But that's a long time!" Maddie said, "and we're best friends." Robbie didn't say anything, he just looked away. "Don't make me give you my sad eyes!"

"That only works for dogs!" Robbie argued.

Maddie looked at him. "Woof," she said with a straight face. Robbie tried to hold it in, but he couldn't. As soon as she did that, Robbie started laughing. Maddie grinned. "I knew I could make you smile."

8. Chocolate (special thanks to RiGbYmAnIaC for inspiring this)

"What were you two thinking!" Margaret placed a wing to her forehead. Her house was a wreck. In front of her was her husband and his best friend, and behind them were two kids sleeping on the couch, faces covered in chocolate.

"We said we were sorry," Mordecai said, "we didn't think it would be a big deal!"

"Yeah, Mags," added Rigby, "besides, it's not like they did that much..." Margaret glared at the elder raccoon, just as (another) picture frame fell off the wall. "Uh, what I meant to say is that I'll totally help pay for all this.

Margaret sighed again. "How much chocolate did you guys give them anyway?" Mordecai mumbled something under his breath, and the cardinal's eyes widened. "How much!"

9. Glasses

His mother said that they would help him see better. His father said they would make him look cool. They both said that no one in his kindergarden class would tease him. Either they were lying, or they weren't as smart as Robbie thought.

As soon as the young raccoon entered the room, a group of boys started teasing him about his glasses. That is, until Maddie hit one in the face and told them to shut up. No one in the class said another word about Robbie's glasses.

As soon as she was released from the 'Time-out Corner', Maddie told Robbie, "You know, I think your glasses make you look kinda cute." The raccoon quickly hid a blush while his friend giggled.

10. Hide 'n' Seek

"Okay guys, I mean it! Come out right now!" Benson yelled, his loud voice echoing through the old, green house.

"Benson, my good man, what is it?" Pops asked, concerned.

"I can't find the kids," Benson sighed, "Pops, do you know where they-"

"Oh, a game of hide and seek? I haven't played that game in ages! Good show!" the lolliman squealed, "I'll join in!" With a giggle, he left the room. Benson tried to stop him, but he was already long gone.

The gumball machine facepalmed. "Whoever invented hide and seek should be shot," he said before continuing his search, mentally adding one more person to the list.

11. Private Time

With extra hours and taking care of their son (and sometime's watching their friends' daughter), there was almost no time left for romance. But Eileen never complained. She was a patient woman. She would have to be, after chasing after Rigby for so long.

One day, in what felt like ages, both Eileen and Rigby had the day off. The mole woman made Robbie's lunch, made sure the boy had everything, and gave her ten year old a hug and kiss goodbye. As soon as Robbie left, Rigby went up to Eileen.

"Hey," he said, a little embarrassed, "look, I know we haven't really had a ton of romantic time, so today we can do whatever you want Eileen. We can go to some fancy smancy place for lunch, or go to some movie, or-" Eileen interrupted her husband by giving him a passionate, wanting kiss. When she broke the kiss, her husband was stunned, with a small blush on his cheeks.

"Or we could, you know, do that."

12. First

Mordecai and Margaret had been on three dates. Three great, amazing, perfect dates. Well, except for one thing: He still hadn't kissed her yet.

"Okay, tonight I'm going to do it!" Mordecai told himself, "I'm going to be the perfect date, and right before we call it a night, the perfect kiss! This is going to be awesome!" He rung the doorbell, and waited outside the door. But as he looked down, he noticed a pair of yellow eyes. "What the-?"

The black cat let out a screech and jumped up, making Mordecai yell. Margaret opened the door, just as Mordecai took a step back. Margaret yelped in surprise, Mordecai looked up and, their lips crashed into each other. They stayed that way for a few seconds until Mordecai broke the kiss. "I-I'm sorry it's just, the cat and, and I, uh, I!" Margaret stopped him.

"Mordecai, have you been waiting to do that?" she asked. Mordecai stayed silent, but sighed. "Yeah," he replied, embarrassed like a little kid trying to steal a kiss from his sister's hot friend. But Margaret just smiled and wrapped her wings around him. "Well then, let's not wait for the next one." She kissed him, and the bluejay happily kissed back.

Yep, definitely perfect.

13. Clothes

While she would've been been equally as happy with a boy, Margaret was happy when she had a little girl. She could already picture shopping with her daughter when she got older. But as Maddie got older, her interests in shopping and 'dressing up' never appeared. Just saying the word 'clothes' would make the girl grouchy. She wouldn't wear dresses, skirts or anything that made her look really girly. But Margaret didn't let this discourage her.

"Maddie, I have some new clothes for you," Margaret said one day after coming home from shopping. The seven year old made a face. "Is it pink?" the girl asked, a little worried.

"Don't worry, I think you'll like these," said Margaret. She opened the bag, and pulled out a baseball jersey. It was light blue with small plastic diamonds. It had the number one on the front, and the words 'Homerun Girl' on the back. It even came with blue and white baseball cap. Maddie yelled happily, and hugged her mother, who happily hugged back.

Who ever said shopping for a little tomboy couldn't be fun?

14. Word

Robbie wanted to read, and he wanted to do it himself. The young raccoon figured the best way to learn how to read was to learn all the words. So, he pulled out the big book with all the words in it. He didn't get very far when he found himself stuck on a word. He quickly dragged the dictionary over to where his dad was watching tv. "Daddy, what's this word?"

"Uh, aardvark," replied Rigby. "Thanks Daddy!" Robbie said happily. "No problem, dude," said with a smile.

Two minutes later, Robbie came back. "Daddy, what's this word?" "Abandon," Rigby answered, feeling a little proud for helping his son. Robbie thanked him and went back to reading. A minute later. "Daddy, what's this word?" Rigby opened his mouth, but nothing came out. "Uhhh..."

Eileen felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked, and saw her husband and son in the kitchen.

"Mommy, what's this word?" Rigby asked, pointing at the word in the book.

15. Sunday

The two ten year old sat together on the couch. A rerun of a show they both liked was playing, and there was a plate of cookies on the table in front of them. The sun was shining and everything was peaceful. Nothing like a nice, quiet Sunday morning.

"This is nice," Maddie said as she bit into her cookie.

"Yeah, nice," Robbie repeated. The two stayed silent, and then looked at each other. "You wanna go over to the park and find something exciting to do?"

"You read my mind!" Maddie said with a smile. The two best friends put their snack down and ran out the door, looking for the very thing that would make their day fun and 'irregular'.

16. Girls' Night

"Ow! You're stepping on my tail!"

"Shut up! They'll hear us!" The three husbands were looking through the window of a night club, where their wives were currently at for 'Girls Night'. The trio, Margaret, Eileen and Starla, all laughed again.

"What do they keep laughing at?" Rigby asked.

"Probably at how much of a loser you are," Muscleman answered. "STOP TALKING!" yelled the raccoon. Just then, the door opened and one of the night club employees walked out.

"Hey, are you guys Mordecai, Rigby and Mitch?" the man asked. "Uh, yeah," answered Mordecai, "Why?" "Your wives said you can stop spying on them, they'll be fine and that you should all go home," the employee said.

The three looked back at their wives, who giggled and waved at them. "I told you we would get caught," Mordecai said before hitting Rigby in the shoulder.

"What! You're the one who wanted to do this in the first pla- Ow!"

17. Green

Robbie had a ton of green in his closet. It was his favorite color after all. So how was it possible to be out of green clothes on St. Freaking Patrick's Day! The raccoon groaned. The eighth graders were going to love pinching him every chance they got. Scowling, Robbie walked to the bus stop. Maddie looked at him, searching for the infamous color.

"Yeah yeah, I'm not wearing green," said Robbie, "Don't remind me." Maddie didn't say anything. Instead, she reached into her bag, and pulled out a stretchy, green bracelet. She handed it to him, and they smiled at each other. "Thanks Maddie," Robbie said. He turned away and felt a small pinch on his neck.

"Ow! What was that for?" Robbie yelled. Maddie shrugged her shoulders. "No reason," she said with a smirk, "Like I really need an excuse to bug you."

Of course, Robbie pinched back, not caring if she was wearing all green.

18. Mistake

The elder raccoon panted as he ran through the crowd of people. "Mordecai!" he shouted when he spotted the bluejay.

"Dude, what!" Mordecai asked, "I figured you would be able to stay out of trouble at a New Years Eve party, at least until they break out the chamapagne."

"I'm not just in trouble Dude, this is a matter of life and death!" Rigby shouted. "I was outside, and it was dark. I saw this girl who was short with long brown hair and I thought it was Eileen. So I go up to her all romantic like and I kiss her. But when I open my eyes, it isn't Eileen."

"Well, who?" Just then, both of them heard a crash, and heard Starla scream in anger. Mordecai looked down at the frightened raccoon. "Rigby, I promise, as your best friend and brother... to take care of Robbie and Eileen after she kills you." With that, Mordecai quickly runs out of the room, hoping to avoid the fires.

"Traitor!" Rigby yells after him.

19. Cake

Benson didn't notice it at first, what with all the work he had to do. But, once the smell reached his office, he couldn't get it out of his mind. The gumball machine put away his papers, and walked into the kitchen. "Oh, hello my good man!" Pops said, as he set down the knife. On the kitchen table was a cake with red and pink frosting, with two slices already cut and on a plate.

"Hey Pops," Benson said, "What's the occasion?" he asked, referring to the cake.

The lolliman giggled. "My good man, anytime is perfect for cake." Benson looked at Pops, and then at the cake.

"Eh, works for me," he said with a small smile. He sat down, and the two shared their cake. Who would've thought Pops was such a good cook?

20. Loss

Mordecai was one of the best gamers in the city. He could beat any game in a day or two, at most a week. He would beat every opponent, do every challenge, and collect every special item.

There was no denying it, Mordecai was the best. No one could beat him. Well, almost no one.

"I did it! I beat you, Daddy!" the five year old cheered. Mordecai smiled and ruffled his daughter's hair. "I knew you could beat me, Maddie," he said proudly.

Please review, and I'll try my best to have the next 20 up soon! Have a nice day!