Ok, you know the drill let's get on with it!

"Go get them Alex!" I yelled, jumping high into the air and waving my arms frantically from the small stadium's seating area. "Beat them to a PULP!"

My best friend Alex then graciously took her precious time to turn away from her team huddle to send me the forever loving sign of affection known as 'The middle finger', with a wide grin plastered onto her features as she yelled back "Get the hell off the stand Kate!"

It was the football- no; sorry the soccer finals of the school term; and it had been lead to a final showdown between Sayen International; the 2nd best sports academy in Japan and us, St Andrews; the school 3rd best school in Japan, next to St Lobelia's and Ouran High School, but defiantly famed for its sports program.

So how did our school team even get to these finals anyway? Alex, that's how.

You wouldn't expect the dainty blonde with delicate blue eyes and lightly dotted freckles to be a sports fanatic and overly competitive, but she is. She happens to be the best football-no soccer player I have ever met, being so competitive that she could practically kill anybody that gets into her way of winning.

Still, back onto the subject. The game is practically over now, with a tie. Only one penalty will determine who will win, our team is taking the penalty and is currently trying to decide who should take it.

The group broke up, and much to my surprise, the newcomer to the team walked up to the ball instead of Alex, meaning he will be taking the penalty.

Alex is the best striker on the team, everybody knew that. So why are they letting a newbie take the most important shot of the game?

Still, Alex looked not as angry as she could have been, with only a small frown on her freckled features. If anything it looked like she was judging him instead of sending him death threats.

The guy himself was puny, and looked about as nervous as anybody else in the position. Sweat poured down his young face and he shook violently as he made his way towards the ball. He pushed his dark hair out of his face and made his move.

The opposition got into position, and the guy hit the ball. I swear, at that moment the tension was so thick on that field that it would take a chainsaw to hack it down.

One clean kick, that was all that was needed, and then we would win the game, but of course, fate has never played well for the teams I have supported in the past.

The guy flopped it, and ended up being intercepted by one of Sayen's players. It was all over; in one swift pass and kick, they had scored and we had lost.

I watched Alex's face fall and turn away from the team. I could tell she was more disappointed with them than angry, but I still wouldn't want to be in their shoes at that moment.


"Sorry about the match Alex" I said, quickly catching up with the blonde as she walked out of the changing rooms and made her way down the road.
She remained silent for a while, but as always, eventually she caved in.
"I was looking so forward to winning that game too" She said "I really did want to kick those guys' butts for good, you know Kate?"

"Not really" I replied "I'm not like you, remember?"

It was true. Alex looked so delicate with her long blonde hair and blue eyes, though really she was a temperamental and violent as a bulldog while I looked more, practical I guess, with short brown hair and green eyes. I'm average academically, except for languages, which I am proud to be good at, and geography, which I suck at.

Oh and it doesn't help my cause at all when I'm as flat as a board. God happens to give the nice, perfect curves and figure to those that really don't want them, like Alex, who has a rather decent but modest bust and hates it, while missing out those that want them. I'm ok with not having a bust, but having a pair would sometimes really help when I want them.

Just then, Alex stopped walking. We somehow had managed to get into the neighbourhood past ours.

"I swear I've seen this place before" She said, looking at the houses

"Maybe you've walked past it before?" I suggested

"Oh I know!" She exclaimed, snapping her fingers "This place is-"

Alex was then interrupted by a grown woman with red hair and a hell of a lot of makeup jumping her, squealing "Alexandria Greenwood!"

Alex eventually shrugged her off, panting heavily. It looked to me like she could have been crushed to death by that hug.

"Who the hell is that?" I exclaimed, pointing to the redheaded woman now sitting on the floor.

Apparently Alex didn't hear me, and also pointed at the lady, yelling "Ranka! I knew it!"
"Who's Ranka?" I asked.

Finally Alex responded to me, sighed and told me "Ranka was one of my old classmates' dad. I came over one time to give her some homework, that's how I recognized the place."

"You remembered?" The woman, or man squealed, her/his eyes turning into sparkles "It was so considerate of you to help out my darling Haruhi back in middle school!"

Alex shrugged "It was nothing really. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Haruhi for a while, how is she?"

Alex had been living in Japan much longer than me; I had only moved here about a year and a half ago, while Alex had moved here with her mom about 3 years ago. I had met her about a year ago, but it still felt strange to know she had lots of friends before me when she came here. Alex in truth was the first friend I made after moving to Japan, and of course my best friend.

"She's doing great! Actually, talking of Haruhi" Ranka said, his/her gaze suddenly darkening into what looked like a devious glare "I need to hand her a note…"
Ranka then leapt into a crouching position, turned away from us and looked like she/he was scrawling on a spare piece of paper.

She/he then leapt up off the ground and stuffed the paper into Alex's hand, still with an innocent smile, but it somehow felt intimidating.

"Can you be a darling and give her this?" Ranka asked, giving Alex a wink.

"B-but" Alex protested "I don't' know where-"

"She's in music room 3 in Ouran High School, got it?"

"Still" Alex continued to protest, backing away slightly and pointing to me "My friend Kate here-"

"She can come along!" Ranka insisted grabbing me and pushing myself and Alex back down the street, towards the number 1 school in Japan "And don't think about backing out!" She/he yelled, running away from us "Because I will ask Haruhi if you delivered it!"
At that Ranka left us.

"So" I said, waving my hand in front of Alex's face to snap her out of her trance "What are you going to do?"

Alex sighed, and folded the paper into her pocket "I guess we have to deliver it. Ranka can be a real pest sometimes, even if there are good intentions behind those methods"
At that, it was decided. Alex and I made our way towards Ouran.

God help us.

So that's the first chapter!

Liked it? Hated it? Please tell!

This is a completely new writing area for me, so any criticism and advice would be much appreciated!

Special thanks to my awesome BETA reader my_forgotten_rose!