"And keep an eye out for the tiger while you're at it. If he so much as shits in my Area, I want to know what color it is." I hung up the phone just as my child sauntered through my office door. "Pam? What are you doing here? I thought you were spending the night at Sookie's."
"I was, but something happened I knew you'd want to know about."
I raised an eyebrow. "Did you forget how to use your phone?"
"Oh, I wanted to deliver this news in person." She perched herself on the corner of my desk, crossing her legs, and smiled down at me.
I rolled my eyes at her theatrics and gestured for her to continue. "Well, out with it."
"Sookie was bitten by a wolf."
"She what?" I jumped out of my chair.
"Relax. Your little pet is fine. Amelia and I took care of her."
"Who was he?" I snarled. "I'll have his fangs before daybreak."
"It was a she, and don't bother. Sam already killed her."
I sat back down heavily and pinched the bridge of my nose, willing myself to calm down.
"I told her you'd be angry. And do you know how she responded?" It was obvious she was dying to tell me, whether I wanted to hear it or not.
"What?" I asked warily.
"He can go fly a kite!" Pam was openly gleeful.
I growled. "Filthy Weres. Why was she around them in the first place?"
Mercifully, she stopped laughing at me long enough to answer. "The Were War was tonight. Patrick Furnan is dead; Alcide Herveaux has ascended to Packmaster."
"That is good news," I admitted grudgingly.
"Yes, it is," she said seriously. "We should have less trouble out of them. Plus, Sookie's status as 'Friend of the Pack' won't be merely honorary anymore. You know how fond he is of her." Pam broke out into a wide grin.
I clawed my fingers into the arms of my chair.
"Oh, are you not pleased, Sheriff? Sookie will be doubly protected now. By you at night and Alcide during the day."
"Like the protection of a Were is worth anything."
She snorted delicately. "A single Were, I grant you, is nothing. But the entire Shreveport Long Tooth pack? That is worth something, you must admit."
I scowled at her and remained silent. That only provoked a further round of laughter at my expense.
Fanfuckingtastic. Now Alcide had a legitimate reason to hang around my Sookie. Any time the Weres of northern Louisiana required the services of a telepath, he would come sniffing around her house. And there was nothing I could do about it.
My phone rang. I reached around Pam and picked it up, clenching my jaw as I listened to the report. "Thanks for the warning. Good hunting." I hung up. "Pam, get back to Sookie's right now. I don't want you to leave her side for any reason. She must be guarded at all times."
"What's happened?"
"That was Booth Crimmons. He's been working reconnaissance for the Queen."
Pam raised an eyebrow at that. It was an open secret that Sophie-Anne had been Queen in name only ever since Rhodes; she was in no shape, physically or mentally, to rule. But as much as the remaining vampires of Louisiana looked to me to lead in her stead, I refused to acknowledge my de facto position. I had no desire to take on the mantle of King.
"He's spotted a contingent of foreign vamps gathering on the edge of Cleo's Area, just outside of Beaumont."
"You think they're going to move?"
"Yes, and soon. Be ready, Pam. War is coming."