Reading the Journal

Summary: Its 2004, what if the Cullens find a Journal of a certain Isabella Swan in that time, the journal dated for 2005. Who is the Isabella Swan for the Cullens? Will they learn of her before they meet her? Not your typical story

Well I've read stories of the Cullen's reading Twilight. But what if the Cullen's read Twilight, my version?

Chapter 1

CullenMansion, 2004

It was a normal day at the Cullen Manor. As normal as you can consider it to be in a house full of vampires; Emmett and Jasper were having a chess competition, however Alice was mouthing Jasper all of Emmett's moves discreetly so Jasper was currently winning, Rosalie was working on a car, Esme was cleaning in normal speed as she wanted to spent still at work and Edward was trying to compose a melody with his piano

Just then suddenlyAlicewas swept into another of her visions. Jasper noticed the difference his mate and looked at her concerned, as he realized it wasn't about chess. Edward, who saw the vision through his sisters eye, stopped playing and came into the lounge, where all 4 of them where.

Hearing Edward enter the lounge, even Esme came, and hearing all of her family members come in one place, even Rosalie superspeed and came.

"What's wrong? Alice, sweetie what did you see?" asked Esme with motherly love

Aliceblinked and looked at her family

"Carlisle will come in 2 minutes and he also brings a book with him" saidAlice

"A book?" asked Rosalie incredulously

Just then 2 minutes later,Carlislecame, holding what looked like a…diary?

"Honey why are you holding someone's diary?" asked Esme confused as she went and hugged him

"Someone sent it to be in a parcel…with a note" said Carlisle and gave the note to Esme

Esme looked at it and read it out

'Dear Cullens,

I know this might sound weird but you must read this journal. It has some vital information what will change your life forever soon. Read it and take decisions wisely, I hope you will appreciate the opportunity I gave you all…

A friend…'

"Okay…that was weird" said Rosalie

"Who cares! Let's read the journal!" saidAlice, jumping up and down excited

"But its someone's diary, a personal journal!" saidCarlisle

"Im with Alice here, obviously someone sent it to us to read! Lets read man, I mean finally we will get to hear thoughts of normal human like our Eddie over here, hears!" said Emmett excited

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to hear all of them. Some of them are vile" said Edward but Emmett ignored that

"Im gonna start reading it…" saidAliceand opened the Diary

'September 24th, 2005'

"Wait! Did you just say…2005!" shouted Edward

"That's what it says in the diary…" saidAlice

"Cool we got a book from the future!" said Emmett but Rosalie smacked him and rolling her eyesAliceread more

'I have never given much thought on how my life would come to an end exactly…

I hadn't had reason before too

Even if I had, had them, it surely wasn't like this at all…'

"Wait is this person being attacked, about to be killed?" asked Carlisle worriedly

"Im pretty sure that is what she means Daddio" said Emmett cheekily and Carlisle rolled his eyes

Meanwhile Edward was admiring this person's thought

'The person is really thoughtful…' thought Edward

'I stared across the room, into the dark black of the dark haired hunter, as he looked back at me pleasantly…as if I was something to eat at a buffet'

At this all of them froze

"Do you think its one of us trying to kill a human?" asked Jasper, thinking it was likely him and Alice rubbed his shoulder

'I could literally feel his hunger and amusement, rolling in me like a bulldozer ramming in my head'

"Wait is this person an empath?" asked Edward confused

"I highly doubt it" said Jasper

Everyone shrugged in confusion and Alice continued reading

'In a way I know it I hadn't came to Forks…'

"Whoa! Forks!" screamed all of them

'I wouldn't be in this situation…but when like offers you a dream beyond your expectations, it comes to an end. The hunter smiled and sauntered towards me to kill me… '