Me no own Gintama...or Yukitenshi, Yuigon, or Kurohane. -teary eyes-

"Oi! What's the problem?" One of the senior officers investigated, glancing down at the unconscious man in a wig by his feet.

Yukitenshi blinked owlishly at the Shinsengumi guard, feigning innocence. "What problem?"

Yuigon scoffed in the corner, rolling his eyes and grumbling nonsense under his breath.

The bearded man cocked a brow towards the two of them in a blatant show of distrust.

Smart man, Gintoki thought. Only thing you can trust these guys to do is start a riot or get chased by a mob.

Kurohane, appeared to be thinking along the same lines, shaking his head with a vague smirk on his face.

The Shinsengumi man looked suspiciously at the four before walking away with a fellow officer.

"Hey! You left the imposter on the floor over here!" Yuigon yelled after him. "Asshole." he added as an afterthought.

"And..." Yuki drawled, smiling wryly. "He doesn't care. Effective, Yuigi-kun "

"You know, Yuki-" Yuigon stepped up threateningly.

Kurohane, at this point, had given up on caring about the two's bickering and had knelt down in front of the damaged man on the ground.

Gintoki watched him poke at the fake white hair and mouth something to himself offhandedly. Dislodging his sword in it's sheath from his belt he began prodding at the stranger, too.

Squishy, bastard. He thought bitterly. I'm not squishy.

He tsk'd as Kurohane pushed his sword off of the man, looking back up at him irritatingly.

Gintoki situated himself against the wall and settled for watching Yuigon give Yukitenshi a noogie.

"You're messing up my hair!"

"Prissy brat. Get over it."

"I will, when you stop!"

"Oh, well, in that case." Yuigon then gripped him harder in his headlock and ruffled his partners hair as much as possible with his knuckles.

Gintoki should've moved out of the way when he saw Yukitenshi start to fight back.

He really should have.

But, he explained mentally. I don't think I've ever seen someone's face turn purple before.

The two wrestled themselves into the wall next to Gintoki. Both yipping and gripping at each others hair.

Then, in a split second, everything turned on it's axis. The vertical fight gained a third party as the duo tripped over the man knocked out on the floor and fell into Gintoki.

"Ah, shi-" was the only thing to escape his mouth as the fight dropped to the ground.

Within the span of a minute the two had managed to drag Gin-san into the argument by one of them shouting; "Get offa me, yah curly haired freak!"

Gintoki had the growing suspicion that it was Yuigon, by the elbow to the ribs he received after –and probably before, too. God, his side hurt- the comment was made.

Suddenly one of the two was lifted off of him roughly, pulling a bit of his sleeve with it.

Gintoki propped himself up on one arm gazing at a scowling Kurohane who was holding the scruff of Yuigon's jacket in his hand, drudging him from the fight.

He blinked at Yuki who sat up to brush himself off, smiling sheepishly towards the crowd of people who wandered aimlessly around, having nothing better to do than watch the fights that they knew their little group would inevitably start.

Stretching out on his back, he muddled with his headband again- a nervous tick. Crooking his arm behind his head Gintoki relaxed on the floor, not caring enough to pick himself up to rest again on the wall.

He closed his scarlet eyes, placing his other hand comfortingly on his old sword, listening as people walked and talked around him.

Gintoki woke to a boot tapping the side of his face. Snore cutting off half way, he shook himself aware.

"Whaddya want?" He snarked lazily.

Blue eyes looked curiously down at him, "What are you even doing here?"

Recognizing the voice, Gintoki blinked hard in an attempt to focus better on the man in front of him.


Yup, that's him. Black hair, blue eyes, broken, well-worn badminton racket in one hand, and a sword pointed at him in the other.

"Ah, Oogushi-kun. Why are you here?"

He stared down at him, brow ticking in annoyance, "I'm here because I'm supposed to be, why are you here? Come to help Koturo with another bombing scheme?"

Bombing scheme, Gin mulled. Again?

He rolled over onto his side, turning away from the Second-in-command Shinsengumi officer, "Stop nagging me, woman."

Hijikata lifted his foot slowly, giving himself time to change his mind about what he was going to do.

Dropping his boot on the silver-haired samurai's back with the heel, he found that he couldn't find it in himself to care. Oh, well.

"You know," Hijikata began, smirking at Gintoki's affronted expression. "You're still in the Shinsengumi headquarters. I can arrest you."

Gintoki threw the boot off his back and stood, tipping the other mans sword down away from his chest. "Arrest me for what? Flooding the toilets?" He continued; "because that, that was kind of an accident."

"Wha-?" Hijikata spun to face the line-less entrance to the bathrooms. "How did you..."

While he was fussing with that, Gintoki, smiling smugly to himself, walked away from the Mayo-King to find Katsura.

How long does one generally have to stay at these types of events until rumor confirms they're not dead?

Kicking something in the midst of his escape-slash-search for Zura. He looked down at the groaning mass under his shoe.

Grimacing to himself he took in the similar style of clothing and frowned resentfully at the smooth white tuff of hair that had been dislodged slightly in all the commotion.

Knocking off the the rest of the wig, he knelt down to the man's height and got a better look at his face.

Scraggly beard, unattended puffy cheek, obnoxiously styled hair...oddly thick eyebrows...face structure of a large chimp...

Hold on...

A presence stepped up behind him and Gintoki saw them tilt their head in his peripheral.

The two came to the same conclusion after connecting a name to the face.



Okay, okay. I am so unbelievably sorry about this. I really have no excuse for not updating this sooner.

But then I checked all of my stuff and saw how many people had bothered to subscribe to this, I was like, 'I should just write the next chapter'

So, a thousand words and 2.5 hours we are!

So, it's Kondou...How many of you saw that coming, because I most certainly didn't.

I know what's going to happen next! The next chapter will not take this long! Promise.

Once again thanks to TheBlueWolf888 for the three on Gintoki's team. I'm trying, this is the first time I'm using someone's offered characters.

I hope I've provided all of you patient people with a satisfactory chapter. My writing style has changed...if any of you noticed. For the better, I hope.

Review please! That's always nice. Dooooo itttt~.
