soo sorrry! this thing was just bothering me! it all came in a dream...i found it funny. how about you?

I finally set down my paper work. "Now I can rest assured that that man won't be looking through my window again!" I stood up and put on my black trench coat, calling my dog while doing so. "Sebastian! Come on girl, I'm leaving for a walk!" I opened the door and stepped outside in the crisp autumn air, waiting till my black dog ran out before shutting the door.

We were around two blocks away from the house when a scream came from around the bend. Sebastian took off running and barking madly while going so towards the scream. Only seconds after she disappeared around the bend pained yelps filled the air. This time I took off, mind set on saving my dog and the person, well that was my goal at least, but the only thing I remember after turning the bend was the horrid stench of chloroform over my nose.

"What are we going to do with them Jim?"A husky voice spoke. Who was that?

"I don't know!" this voice was a lot younger than the other. there was I sigh "I guess put her with the brat for now, at least till the boss get's here"

Wait, what? Where in the name of hairpins am I? Suddenly a bright light filled my eyes "Wow! Turn of the spot lights!" I yelled closing my eyes, only to snap them open when I felt some one grab me. Panicking, I bit the offending hand.

"Shit!" The hand let go, and I took the moment to look around.

"Oh, my, goodness." I was in a ship yard….a huge butt shipyard! Suddenly the hands where back but I didn't realize till I was thrown into a room.

"You're staying in here till we decide what to do with you!" The man yelled slamming the door, leaving me staring in a dazed state.

"what." I whispered, there wasn't a shipyard within miles of my place. "What?" This time I said it louder, I remember now, I was kidnapped! "WHAT!" I screamed that one. Standing up I started to run in circles "Fiddlestick babies! I've been kidnapped! I'm going to die, Oh my safari, I'm dead right now aren't I?" I stopped and looked at the metal door panting heavily.

"Don't worry Miss, my butler while save us." Came a calm voice behind me, screaming I whirled around only to achieve on slamming my face into the wall and falling on my butt.

"Please stop screaming" Came the voice again sounding a little agitated, this time I saw the owner of it, a small boy sitting on a crate wearing the weirdest clothes I have ever seen.

"What is up with your outfit?"

"Mine? What about you! You should be ashamed of yourself walking around naked like that! "

"I'm not naked! I'm wearing pants and a shirt and-"I looked down at myself "HAY! IM STILL WEARING MY TREANCH COAT!" (yay! )"Oh, and I'm wearing shoe's with socks! Your clothing however if far out of style, and butlers don't exist in America!" I stood up pointing an accusing finger at the boy, there was a soft chuckle behind me. Screaming once again I whirled around. "Stop doing that!"

"Ma'am that is the latest style and you're not in America, you're in Britain." the man in black said, bowing to the shrimp on the crates "Master."

"It's about time Sebastian! I thought you left me for good." the boy jumped down and crossed his arms around his chest. "Let's go." (bossy aren't you?)

"Yes, my lord." The butler said.

"Wait….oh, SEAHORSES! SEBASTIAN!" I had completely forgotten about my dog. The man or butler, whatever, looked at me strangely.

"Yes, Miss?" he asked. Not like I listened, I was already out the door running around like a mad man screaming Sebastian.

"I think she has lost her mind –" Suddenly there was a bark and there soaring like an eagle over Ciel's head was Sebastian my dog.

"Blazes! Keep that thing under control! It almost took my bloody head of!"

"Oh! Sebastian! I thought they ate you for sure!" I exclaimed glomping her, rubbing my face in her black fur.

"Master it seems to me that Sebastian is a dog." the butler said smirking.

"Yes, I already worked that out" The shrimp said. "Girl! What is your name?"(Once again with the ordering!)

I looked up. "OH! I'm so sorry ,I completely forgot, I'm Alice Crimson Top!"

so, tell me if i should continue or not your the reader's!

(i think it's bad when im reading fanfiction and i read a sumery and im all like 'Hay! this sounds prity good' and then you look at the athor and find its by you.)

sorry felt like telling you that.