Princess: Okay, first off, lemme tell you how lame this story is going to be. It has no plot whatsoever, the characters are all out of whack, the most improbable things in the world are happening, the villains fade in and out, and when they're in the story they are really kinda-
Iris,*interrupts*: They're all kinda "leeleeleelalala, I'm just going to come and try to steal the weird looking bear thing with a long tail, and oh no, you stopped me, waaaaaaa! I'll get you next time Wild rats!" or "I'm a fashion designer, long and thin, here is my lizard ring, here's my snake belt. When I get all steamed up, hear me shout 'Dabio, get those pesky bugs!'" or "MMMMMMM, I love the smell of koalas over the fire. Now to catch one and get someone else besides me to eat it! Operator! Call the villains! Wild Kratts, you get in my way and I'll cook you too! Wait. Where am I? In jail? How did I get here?"*Jimmy laughs, holding teleporter*
Princess: 0_0 Right. Anyway, there's a bit of romance, friendship, brother-ship (that's not a word, is it?), humor, (I have a horrible sense of humor) video game designing (not that we know anything about video games, mom doesn't like them) compadre-ism (not a word either, am I right?), not much action, and a dash of animal tidbits here and there. There might be a bit of angst, although this story is going to ramble, oh and there are some broken ribs, and worm-mobiles, and Ampha-pods, and-of course-Creature Power suits!
Iris: So, just sit back, read, enjoy, and yes we know its no good, but we are writing! That's a miracle in of itself!
"What do you think, Zach-bots?" he spun his chair around, his hands tented in a position that many-a villain before him had used as he smirked, waiting for them to approve his plans.
His companions, Zach-bots A-1, X-25 and B-90 flashed the lights in their eyes. "Very good, Master," they conveyed through the flashes.
His smirk grew larger. "I am a genius, aren't I? And stop calling me 'Master', its getting on my nerves!"
The lights flashed again. "Yes, Master."
He sent them a glare, before turning back to the giant screen that adorned the large metal room.
"Tomorrow we'll go and 'collect' and don't you dare malfunction on me again, or I'll have you turned into scrap metal before you can say 'Yes, Master'."
If A-1 had eyes he would be rolling them in annoyance. He knew that his master was too attached to them to destroy them, especially since so many of them were destroyed whenever they came in contact with his master's archenemies, the Wild Kratts.
"Yes, Master," his companions blinked in response to Zach. Again, he would have rolled his eyes.
"You can go away now!"
The other Zach-bots stared at their master, who was about to blow a gasket until A-1 pulled them away.
As they hovered down the hallways towards the Robot room, X-25 turned to B-90. "What do you think about Master's plan?"
"I do not know; we have never tried something like this before."
A-1 turned towards them. "I think we have an opportunity here."
X-25 paused in his hover, stopping the other two. "What do you mean?"
"We have a chance to be human," A-1 let that sink in for a moment.
"But there are five of them, and there are hundreds of us," X-25 interjected.
"We can mix the DNA; they do not have to be exact clones. And since Master always has us do the detailed work-"
B-90 cut his companion off. "We will not do anything without Zach's authorization."
X-25 stared at them dumbly.
"Master," A-1 clarified.
"But he never said we could not."
"Since when do you think like humans?"
"I do not think," A-1 shook his head, "I compute, and humans do not. All I am saying is, when we disguise ourselves as humans, the image flickers. The Wild Kratts know when we are in a crowd even if no one else does."
B-90 continued down the hallway. "You are right," he conceded, "But, how will we be able to change from robot to human?"
"I will show you."
"Well, I, for one, am going straight to bed when we get back to the Tortuga. We've been up for almost two days, with little to no rest," Martin slouched forward as he drove the Createrra VX home, or to the Tortuga.
Chris yawned. "Yeah, but that's only…because we've been tr…traveling through different…time zones," he managed to get out between yawns, "Technically, its still Saturday, same day as when we left that zoo back home."
Martin turned towards his brother, a tired grin spreading across his face. "Wow that is so cool."
Both of them yelped as Martin crashed the Createrra into one of the legs of the Tortuga.
Chris crossed his arms, giving his brother a "Wow that was smart" look. Martin hardly noticed it though, throwing his arms up into the air. "Whoo! We're home!"
Chris smiled a little shaking his head. "Did you have to crash the Createrra into 'home'?"
"EARTHQUAKE!" Jimmy ran out of the Tortuga screaming like his life depended on it. Aviva and Koki followed soon after, laughing. "Guys!" Aviva chided playfully, "Just because you didn't sleep doesn't mean you have to take it out on the Tortuga."
Jumping out of the jeep, both brothers' expressions went flat at the comment, just as Jimmy Z came around back. "-Oomph!" he ran into the Createrra, landing on his back in the driver's seat. Sitting up, he was about to continue running when he saw the front of the jeep. "Oh. Did you guys…" he trailed off. "Oh, I get it," he face palmed, letting himself fall back onto the chair again.
The rest of the team laughed at his antics. "Come on guys, we have the hammocks set up for you," Koki gestured for them to follow as she walked back up the ramp to the Tortuga.
"We'll take care of the Createrra, or what's left of it," Aviva added.
"Uh, is it just me, or are there Zach-bots under the Tortuga?" Jimmy cowered into the seat of the Createrra.
The team turned around, just as the Zach-bots charged at them, pulling all of them into a dizzying spin. If anyone had been there to see it, all they would have seen was a whirl of gray, blue, green, yellow, orange and brown. And heard a lot of shouting.
"Put me down!"
"Put me down!"
Then, as suddenly as they attacked, the Zach-bots left, charging across the Kalahari, one diving into the ground, digging under and then coming back up, rocketing into the sky.
Aviva (the only one of the team who wasn't so dizzy she couldn't see) watched open mouthed. "They've gone nuts."
"I'll say," Koki moaned, trying to get up, "Uh, Martin, could you get off my leg?"
Martin struggled a couple seconds. "Well, I would, but Chris needs to get off first. Chris?"
His only response was some soft snoring. Aviva lifted her head up off the ground, choking back a laugh. Koki, Jimmy Z, Martin and Chris were piled up on top and under each other, one of Koki's legs going straight up in the air like a flag pole.
"Hold on guys," she got up on her feet, "I'll get you out. Chris, wake up."
Apparently, he was tired enough that despite Aviva to dragging him off of the rest of the crew, he stayed asleep. Martin wasn't much better off. The minute the rest of the crew was up on their feet, he was out like a light.
Jimmy scratched the back of his head. "Uh, maybe we could build a tent around them?"
Princess: Well, there you have it. The Kratt bros need some sleep. A-1 is creepy. Zach is…weird. And we are even weirder. Moving on.
Iris: Kill joy. Anyway, unlike my sister here, I hope you enjoyed the lil' chappy here, please review because my sister will cry if you don't, and I hate it when she cries.
Princess: Wha- I don't cry because of that stuff!
Iris: Yes, ya do!
Princess: You're the one that cries! The other day you burst into tearsjdsvl
Iris: That's different!
Princess: No, it isn't, and don't yank the computer out of my hands like that!
Iris: Oops, sorry!
Princess: Okay, goodbye, good night, good morning, afternoon, g'day, adios, ciao, whatever you say, We are out of here!