Ok, so I had to write this story for my creative writing class, and I decided to do a little re-write with it after I was finished and make it a Klaroline. This is my first Klaroline fic. I'm new to this ship, but I love it now. :o) Please let me know what you think. Thanks for reading!

The Runaways

As I walk down the sidewalk, I can hardly believe that this is the night, the night that all our dreams will finally come true. The suitcase that I carry is heavy in my hand, but it's a weight that I gladly except, because it means that our plan has been set in motion. There is no turning back now.

I can see the light up ahead, shinning like a beacon as all the buildings around it set in darkness, and I hurry my steps, so that I might reach it even faster. And as I get closer to the Mystic Grill, I feel a smile on my face, because I know he's sitting there at the counter where we met and later fell in love all those months ago, waiting for me.

I cross the street, and as I step onto the curb in front of the Grill, the wind blows and caresses my skin, as if to let me know that it approves of our plan, and is happy for me. I reach out and lay a hand on the metal handle of the door, and I take one deep breath, and open it. Then I take that first step inside, to my future.

As soon as I step inside, I feel the warmth that fills the room, and I can hear the soft music playing from the jukebox. But none of that matters, what matters is the man sitting at the counter. The man that has just turned his head to see me. The man, that is standing up now with a smile stretching across his face.

I walk forward to meet him, and let the suitcase drop from my hand as he wraps his arms around me in an embrace that I've dreamed about all day. "I can't believe you're finally here." He says to me. I pull back from him and smile once again "Where else would I be?" I ask. He leans forward then, and softly kisses my lips, letting his left hand reach up and lightly brush my cheek.

He picks up my suitcase from where it had fallen at my feet and brings it to where he was sitting, using his free hand to motion to me to take the stool beside him. He lifted a hand to get the waiters attention, and ordered me a cup of coffee. We wait in silence as the coffee is poured and the waiter walks away. I take a small sip, blowing on it when I find it to hot, as the man beside me pulls an envelope out of his suit pocket, laying it on the counter and sliding it to me.

I put my cup down and pick up the paper, and open it to reveal the plane ticket that I knew would be inside. As I look down at it, I can't help the smile on my face, I'm a little worried that it will never leave, and I shake my head a little at my thoughts. The man beside me sees this and reaches over, laying a hand over mine "Are you having second thoughts?" he asked. I looked into his face, the face that I wish to see every day for the rest of forever, and shake my head once more "No, I love you." I said. He smiled.

Looking at his watch, he sighed "The car is late." He said. I smiled and hopped off the stool, and held my hand out to him "Than dance with me." I said. He smiled once again and reached for my hand, as he stood from the stool. He pulled me into his arms and we began to slowly sway to Billie Holiday, singing about how embraceable her love is.

We were still standing there like that when the car finally showed up, five minutes late(someone will pay for that later I know). And as he picks up my suitcase , I look around the Grill one last time. I'm not sure if I will ever see it again, I'm not sure what's going to happen tomorrow when they find out we're gone, but as I look at this man waiting for me to join him, I know that they've left us no other choice.

"Caroline, are you coming?" he asks as he holds his hand out to me. I smile, I really don't think I can stop, and reach for his hand "Yes Klaus, I'm coming."