Hi, Daisy here again! This is a little fic that I've thought up after I saw the Tintin movie. Takes place in the movieverse!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Tintin!

Sakharine's Revenge


Where am I?Sakharine woke up to glance around at his surroundings. The last thing he remembered was being in his prison cell. He took in the sight of the flaming mountains, the darkened sky, and the score of transparent souls floating around him.

"Sakharine..." boomed a voice.

"Who's there?" Then Sakharine turned around to see an enormous, red-skinned, horned creature before him.

"Someone who can help you," it said, "And as for where you are...well...let's just say you just hung yourself in your prison cell."

"So I'm dead."

"Yes, pity," said the creature, "However, I can grant you a chance at redemption. Revenge, if you prefer. Against your old enemy Haddock."

At this, Sakharine couldn't help but smile. "Haddock. Yes, the reason I was arrested. We had some unfinished business."

"And you can finish it. With my help, you can get your long-awaited revenge."

"And how are you going to help me? I hardly even know you."

The creature chuckled. "You already know me, Sakharine. You just have not realized it. And as for how I wil help, I can transfer your soul into a living body. Someone who is closest to Haddock. And lucky for you, it is a certain boy who assisted in your arrest. I am sure you know him pretty well."

Sakharine smiled darkly, knowing who the demon was referring to. "Yes, I know EXACTLY who you are talkng about."

This was longer than I intended it to be, but I enjoyed writing it. Hope you all enjoyed reading it. And about where Sakharine is, I'm sure you all know where. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Please review, as it can give me some ideas on how to continue!