Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Batman are not mine and it's extremely likely they'll never be. Except for Dr. Emily Stitch, she is OC

Warning: This story will be rated M. It will contain strong language, violence, and several other things readers will might find offending.

Now with the boring stuff out of the way, lets begin.

Nerium Oleander Isley-Wayne

A.K.A Harry James Potter

Chapter: Before Planting

By RomeroGirl101

"The plant has a leaf

like that of the almond,

but smaller,

and the flower is red

like a rose.

The plant itself

(which loves hilly country)

forms a large bush;

the root is red and large,


if this is dried,

it gives off a fragrance

like wine."

- By Theophratus in his Enquiries into Plants of ca. 300 BCE, describing a shrub he called onotheras

Red hair sparkled in the dim-light room while tears streamed down rosy high cheekbones, a woman, Lilith Potter née Evans, was clutching a crinkled parchment in her shaking, delicate hands. The words in the parchment will forever haunt her;

To Lilith Potter née Evans

We are sorry to inform you that you are unable to bare children.

From Dr. Emily Stitch

St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

Sixth Floor – Non-Magical Incurities

Lily Potter let out another sob, this time getting the attention of her gorgeous husband, James Harold Potter, who barely came home from his hard job of being an Auror. He walked into the room, stopped at seeing his wife sobbing uncontrollably on their bed, and ran to her to comfort her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her till she calmed down, whiling saying soothing things. When she was calm enough, he asked the question on his mind;

"Lily, my love, what's wrong," he asked in a gentle and loving tone filled with concern for his wife.

She let out another sob. She couldn't tell him, knowing how much he wanted a son or daughter. It hurt her to much to tell him such a tragic and horrible thing to him, to disappoint him. He wanted a big and happy family, and she couldn't provide him that single, greatest wish. She kept crying.

James finally took notice of the crinkled parchment clucthed in the love of his life, shaking hands, slowly and gently he took it from her. And read the words on the piece of parchment.

He dropped the piece of parchment. He was in shock. He couldn't believe it. He'll never have children. This isn't real, James thought, this isn't happening. He breakdown. He couldn't help it. He wanted a child so badly. He cried alongside his wife.

They held each other for hours like that. Just crying. They sobbed for Lily. They sobbed for James. They especially sobbed for the child they'll never have. A child they'll never hold. A child that they'll never raise. Never see grow up to get married and have children of his or her own. They sobbed for hours. Lily especially.

AN: So what do you think of the story so far. Is it any good? Please review and crisisming (not sure if I spelled that correctly) is always welcome. No flames. I'm new at writing stories. Plus I won't write till I have five review or I won't write til another month.