Blair: Crystal, who is this?

Crystalmaiden: Oh, that's Anna. You're older sister.

Blair: What? But I don't have an older sister in the story!

Cystalmaiden: She's your sister in a sense because this story has an OC, which I made before you were reacted.

Anna: Hi. Nice to meet you.

Crystalmaiden: Okay let's start but first the Disclaimers.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Kingdom Hearts games, Tsubasa Chronicles, or Wizard of Oz. The only things I own are Anna and her Dad, despite how little he's shown, and Lunar but she's a heart and a keyblade. And please no flames, if you don't like the story you don't have to read it.

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

"Anna, you shouldn't play those games all the time. You'll ruin your eye sight at this rate."

"Dad, I've already ruined a bit of it; that's why I'm wearing glasses." I'm so used to this conversation; it never changes when it comes to video games. This time, however, my dad gave me the darkest look he ever gave me. One thing I've learned from living with my family is that when dad makes a face that just screams 'I'm going to kill you if you don't change your ways either run for the hills or lay off the stuff for a while'. "I guess I can stop playing for the rest of the day."

"You'd better." My dad said leaving the room as I lay on my parents' bed. "I'll be at the bank and I'd better not see you playing that game when I get back."

"Yes dad." I said with a sigh. I waited for my dad to leave the house before going to my room to get a stuffed animal and went back to lie down on the bed in the master bedroom. I haven't properly introduced myself; my name is Anna. I'm fifteen years old and a fan of Kingdom Hearts since I was ten. I haven't had much time play but ever since I found time to play Kingdom Hearts; I've been addicted on the game for years. So far, I've already finished playing Kingdom Hearts 2, Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days Re:Coded, and even all the routes for Birth by Sleep. Clearly, I need help if I'm spending so much time on these games; I should be studying but then again I'm only human and there's no school right now. I did see my dad's point though; I have to wear glasses because when I was younger I would play video games in the dark at night.

I love everything about Kingdom Hearts; the characters, the story, and of course the weapons. At least Sora and his friends get to have an exciting life; I'm stuck in probably the quietest city in the United States. I would hang out my friends, which is always fun, but they aren't even in the city; they're off visiting their families out of state. I would go to the bookstore but it's sucks I'm still too young to have a driver's license.

I grabbed my favorite stuffed animal, Mokona from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, and hugged him tightly as it turned on the TV. Mokona was a gift and I always hugged him when I was in need of comfort. "When will something fun happen again, Mokona?" I asked, knowing I won't get a response but it was nice to at least tell some of my feelings. I flipped through channels, seeing if there was anything good on TV when I came to a weather forecast.

"Well, this is a real shocker folks but we seem to have a storm warning so let's hope it doesn't ruin Thanksgiving this week." Thanksgiving, something I won't forget this year. Every year, the family holds a huge Thanksgiving party and this year it's at my house. The only down side is the fact that it always gets so loud that I can't think and when they watch me play video games they keep mocking the characters or when they play they start screaming. I sighed and changed the channel to the cooking channel and watched Thanksgiving related shows till I fell asleep.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep but one thing was certain, I woke up to an extremely loud bang from outside, making me jump and nearly falling out of bed. I looked outside to see the house was in some kind of whirlwind. Okay, California isn't known for tornados but we get small ones every now and then from what I hear but this didn't seem like an ordinary tornado; it's like the Wizard of Oz. I instantly grabbed Mokona and hid under the blanket but left a small hole so I could look out to see the window.

At first, I thought the storm would move off to some other place but t didn't and things got even weirder. Looking out the window, it felt like the world had just gone away. I wasn't in the storm at all now, more like outer space but I wasn't passing planets like Saturn and Mars. These planets looked like the ones in my Kingdom Hearts game. I could see Neverland, Disney Town, Radiant Garden, and many other worlds. My dad was right about me playing those games too much. I was just about to say that all of this was just a weird dream and get out of bed when something else caught my eyes; something that nearly gave me a heart attack. Outside was an old man I recognized from Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Master Xehanort.

"Oh my god!" I screamed, clutching Mokona for dear life. I sure wish this were a dream because Xehanort wasn't alone outside my window. A boy around the same height as me wearing black and red leather with a full-face helmet came to the window. Of course, playing the games as much as I do I know this character but it's hard to believe that Vanitas was staring at me through the window; though I wouldn't mind if he didn't have his mask on. Plus, Master Xehanort is so creepy; he kind of looks like a guy who looks ready to kidnap kids. At the sight of the two villains, I guess I must have passed out because I wasn't in the house but sinking into a water like darkness. It gave me the feeling of sinking down into a pool at night but pools usually have lights if anyone is still swimming. I got myself right side up to see if I could swim back to the surface but some how I landed on something hard and smooth, like a floor. What was really weird for me was that the moment my feet made contact with the ground it shined brightly, nearly blinding me. God, is this a deep dive like in the game? If so, I should've brought sunglasses.

Hello. A voice whispered in my ear, but I knew there wasn't anyone there yet it didn't frighten me. It sounded gentle and warm, like when you're sitting in front of the fireplace. "Who are you?" I asked to the emptiness around me. I'm a new born heart. The voice said as I looked down at the circular floor around me, my only light source. "Why are you here? Did this light guide you here like it did me?"

Yes, but this is your light. The voice said making a little more sense now but not really. How could this be my light? This really is a deep dive dream, but why isn't there a stain glass floor like all the others? This has to be a dream. "Why are you in my heart then? Nothing's happened to me."

You seem to be very lonely. You want to see new things. I nodded my hand to my heart. "Yeah, that's all I want but I know that's a hard thing."

If you'd like, I can give you my light so you can travel to different worlds.

"At what price?" I asked, knowing everything has to have something in return. Watch over the people of this Universe. You know what's going to happen so keep everything safe.

"What do you mean?" I asked now, completely confused. This wasn't what I expected from a deep dive experience. That man will try and make you uses your knowledge to start the Keyblade war. You must not let him do that.

"If you mean Xehanort then you don't need to worry." I said calmly to this newborn heart. "If this affect my home, I won't allow him to start the Keyblade war and plunge us into the end. My name is Anna by the way, what's yours?"

Thank you, Anna. My name is Lunar. The voice said as I nodded. Now then, you know what to do. I nodded and closed me eyes as a light and warm feeling came over me from my heart.

"Unlock my heart." I said as the light below me turned into white feathers that filled the air leaving a pink stain glass floor with me on it with the Mickey heads, stars, and snow flakes all on the edges while inside four circles at the top were pictures of the main characters of the Kingdom Hearts games that can use keyblades and have a direct connection to Sora; Ventus, Roxas, Xion, and Sora himself. Below that was a background the first world in Birth by Sleep; the Land of Departure. Okay, I know that it had to be a dream because it's too outrageous and I was somewhat grateful to start to wake up but I heard three familiar voices.

"Do you think she's alright?" A voice of a guy that sounded a lot like Jesse McCartney said.

"Maybe, Master Eraqus said she's from another world but he doesn't know which world she came from." A girl's voice said, it sounded gentle and kind and very familiar.

"I wonder how she has a keyblade; she doesn't seem to have a master." A very familiar male voice said and I snapped my eyes opened and sat up only to have something bang on my forehead.

"Ow, sorry about that." I said rubbing the point of impact.

"That's alright, are you okay?" I looked and I swear my mouth touched the floor. There, sitting around me were Ventus, Aqua, and Terra from Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. Further more, I wasn't even in my parent's bedroom but in a different bedroom and in my hand was a blue and white keyblade with the end of the blade as well as the charm in a shape of a crescent moon. 'Mokona,' I thought, staring at the people around me, 'I don't think I'm in California anymore.'

Well, I hope you like it.

Blair: Wait, that's it?

Anna: She's posting another chapter.

Blair: Crystal... (She turns to see Crystalmaiden on the computer) She works fast.