Anime/Manga » Hetalia - Axis Powers » Life with Lyrics AWESOME Style

Author: yellow blaze

Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Reviews: 126 - Published: 01-28-12 - Updated: 04-04-12


So not one person noticed what I thought at least one would in the last chapter. XD Oh well~ This will be the last chapter, so I feel obligated to go a little easier on his dad in this one. (if you read the other fics before this, you will know that is a lie. XD ) I love you all! :D

Procella, Youjustgotiggyrolled, ScienceWolf, UK's Only, Ellenthefox, SpiritOfTheMapleLeaf, Oceanfur, Fekete (and all you other names I can't remember at the moment)... you guys are awesome. You kept reviewing over and over. Thank you. :3



Gilbert looked over his wall scroll, looking in amazement at how many signatures there were (surprisingly a few teachers had even signed). Gilbert smirked, clearly they missed his awesome self after he was gone~ He perked up when he found a signature he recognized as being Antonio's.

Gilbert- What the heck. You were sick all along? All those times I asked you if you were sick, you answered no, and you really were? Clearly we can add 'liar' to your school record. I was worried about you! Oh man…this is like a screwed up nightmare. If you guys really are gone, can you hug Lovi for me? Thank you…I miss you already! I need someone to cheer me up!

"Ja, well so what if I was sick? Emphasis on was." Gilbert rolled his eyes slightly, "Stupid vati. Not like I was gonna tell people here at school I was that sick. That would have just been pathetic." He continued looking over the scroll, smiling when he found a signature from Resident Hero, also known as Alfred.

Gilbert- Dude you really were awesome. That letter really lightened the mood there, thanks. I wonder if you knew about the others? Well I guess you do now, huh? I hope you hit them all over the head. That was just like you to make the principal read something like that!

Gilbert grinned. He wished he could have seen the principal struggling to read that. That must have been completely hilarious! Taken out of context of course. In context, not so hilarious. Gilbert shook his head and continued looking over the scroll. He saw Feliciano's (and was a little shocked to see there was one).

Ve, Gilbert you're really fun to be around. You're seriously sick? I know the secret already, so there really isn't much to say here…but it's gonna be really quiet!

Ach, so Lovino's parents did tell Feliciano. That would make sense. The over-emotional Italian would have had a fit if he thought his twin brother had committed suicide. Gilbert spotted the neat handwriting next to it and just about gagged.

I know we didn't talk much, but I felt obligated to write something. It's going to be…quiet in class now that you're not there. I don't think the teachers are going to know what to do without the constant distractions. –Ludwig

"Little stiff." Gilbert stuck his tongue out at the paper before noticing something in pen written next to it, "Huh? Why switch to pen?"

Und Vati just told me you're my older (somehow twin) brother. That's just great. You were here the whole time. You und mutti.

Gilbert grinned. Apparently Big Stiff had told him at some point, and the pen indicated it was a different day than the first note was. Gilbert sank back in his chair. He had found Roderich's first, and smirked at the (very) neat handwriting.

Gilbert- You always had such an energetic personality. I never would have guessed you were in pain. I know we hardly ever spoke but…you're going to be missed around here. It's going to be much quieter. And a little boring.

Hardly ever spoke, HA. You wish. Gilbert smirked. He had always made it a point in his daily routine to stop by the student council room and harass Roderich for a couple minutes before continuing on his merry way. "I am going to have so much fun when I see Roddy again~" Gilbert grinned, before remembering he was (unfortunately) also going to be seeing Little Stiff (and more than likely Big Stiff) again as well. "Shit." Gilbert buried his face in his hands, "I don't wannaaaaaa…so unawesome."

"Gilbert. I want to start the assembly soon." Mr. Smith peered into the room, "Hm? Are you okay?"

"Yo, unawesome principal person, don't start with me." Gilbert looked up and scowled at him before standing up and dragging the scroll with him, "I feel perfectly fine~"

"Don't call me that." Mr. Smith glared at him before leading him to the back area of the stage, "Now stand here, don't break anything, and I will be back with the others." He glared at Gilbert as a warning and stalked out of the room, but not before giving Gilbert one last look (and it looked more like one of concern, which Gilbert promptly stuck his tongue out at him for).

Gilbert laid his wall scroll on the table and wandered around the room before stopping at a spot where he could see the stage and (some of the) audience. No sign of anyone he knew yet, at least not on that side. He ran a hand through his silver hair and let out a sigh of frustration. Yesterday had been completely and totally UNAWESOME. The last thing he had wanted to do in that emotional craphole was see Vati, and of course that happened. And then he had to go and need taken to the hospital (no clue what happened there), and then even more crap, get told the procedure was done while he was floating in memory lane. Stupid vati does not listen.

"Seriously?" Gilbert grumbled, "The last thing I wanted was that. Because now I feel like crap whenever I look at him…" Gilbert sighed heavily and hung his head. He glanced up to see the principal coming in (and promptly got another look of concern, at which Gilbert lifted his head and pretended nothing was wrong).

Lovino wandered into the room after the principal, and Mr. Smith left the room again (once again giving Gilbert a look, hereby getting himself ignored again). Gilbert stood in one spot, bouncing on his heels every now and then. Clearly yesterday was not cool. So he had to make today a better one to forget what happened. No problemo~ except he probably had to go home with Little Stiff. Gilbert winced inwardly. Why does that side of the family have to be so completely …stiff. Seriously, can they loosen up a bit? Just a little?

Gilbert glanced over when Mr. Smith showed Arthur in and left again (this time he didn't get a look, yay~). Arthur was looking as calm as ever, except the scowl was on his face for some reason, and Lovino was looking like…a nervous wreck, and that was putting it nicely. Gilbert looked away again. Okay so obviously he had to find some way of apologizing to vati for the way he behaved yesterday. That would at least be the nice thing to do. Somehow. Probably work it into his speech or something.

Mr. Smith came back in with Matthew in tow and looked at the three of them (was it his imagination, or did his gaze rest on Gilbert the longest?) before shaking his head, and went to head for the stage. Mr. Smith started to head for the stage, "Alright. Let me go out there and start this off. Oh." Mr. Smith turned back towards them for a moment, and Gilbert caught the Don't-You-Even-Think-About-It look on his face for a moment, "And NO wisecracks. Remember these people thought you were dead."

Mr. Smith turned away from them again and walked out onto the stage towards the microphone. How rude. Like he was even going to think about it. Things like that don't even need to be thought about~

"I can't believe we're back here…" Gilbert whispered, speaking up only to break the uneasy silence that had been settling over the room, "So unawesome…"

"Well, all it'll take from you is another prank to get suspended right?" Arthur asked rather calmly.

"Pft. Whatever." Gilbert waved a hand dismissively at Arthur. No need to get your student council nerves tied up in a bunch already!

Matthew peered around the curtain, leaning over slightly so he could see better, "I wonder how this is going to go…what are we saying?" He glanced back in their direction. Gilbert hadn't even thought about it further than finding some way of putting an apology in as well.

"No clue." Arthur sighed. Gilbert noticed he was looking at Lovino and followed his gaze to the (now shaking) Italian.

"Eh…" Matthew whispered.

"Cheer up man. You're not alone." Gilbert grinned and clapped a hand on Lovino's shoulder.

"I-I don't want t-to speak…" Lovino whispered through gritted teeth, "Damn it…"

'Whoa. He really is a basket case!' Gilbert looked at Lovino, wondering if he was even going to be okay.

Arthur shook his head, "Then who is going first?"

"Rock-paper-scissors?" Gilbert asked, holding up a closed fist hopefully.

"No. I am not going first." Arthur spoke up ('Well why didn't you just say that when you asked who was going first?') "And obviously Lovino isn't."

'That would leave two of us left.' Gilbert looked over at Matthew.

"Eh I guess it's me. Gilbert should be the comic relief at the end with his Ta-da." Matthew laughed quietly.

"Sweet!" Gilbert pumped his fist into the air, completely excited now, "You all are gonna let me do it~"

"Fine, then I'll go second. Lovino are you going to be okay third?" Arthur looked over at Lovino again.

"Sure. I'll figure out something to say by then…" Lovino shrugged.

Gilbert stood with his head tilted slightly. A silence had settled over them again. He could faintly hear the principal tapping on the microphone, performing the soundcheck. Gilbert closed his eyes and listened to the faint noise of those in the audience talking. If he imagined it hard enough, he could put himself out there, too, and not back here, about to give a totally unawesome (and unplanned) speech.



Roderich sat in the fourth seat from the center of the row. He didn't mind the seating arrangement, since he was sitting next to Antonio. He got along with Antonio fine, of course he really didn't have any problems with Alfred or Cruz either. But just as well to have someone quiet next to him, even if the person on his right was anything but. Roderich gave a disapproving look out of the corner of his eye to the student (he honestly had no clue who it was) on his right. He leaned slightly towards Antonio, just trying to get away from the annoying voice in his ear.

"Students…family members. Once again I call you down here. I am sure the assembly is still fresh in your minds from the other day. The one that took four of your classmates away from you, and today, we are gathered here for that same reason." Mr. Smith looked around the room in front of him.

"Not again." Cruz grumbled, "Don't tell me someone else did this."

Roderich felt as if his stomach had dropped. He knew already what the other three didn't, that their friends were alive (thanks to the principal and Gilbert), but hopefully someone didn't actually go do something like that…but…the principal didn't seem overly upset or anything. So it had to be something on a good note. Hopefully. In the meantime, this person can get off his damn phone and SHUT UP.

"Dude. If someone else did this, I will scream." Alfred spoke up, "Literally."

"That would almost be worth hearing." Antonio muttered.

Roderich was only half-listening to their conversation, as the voice in his ear was getting louder by the minute (at least by his standards). Who talks on their phone during an assembly anyway? That's just rude!

"Today is the day after, two of you know as the greatest prank ever to pull on this school. For me, it is the day after the most ridiculous prank ever to be pulled on this school." Mr. Smith said, the annoyance showing quite visibly in his voice and face.

"Two of you…" Roderich said quietly. He turned his head to the left to look at the three sitting near him, "So which of you decided to play hero?" He put an emphasis on the last word, knowing full well Alfred would have been one of the ones to skip to the office. Cruz couldn't possibly have if he was in the bathroom hiding. So that left Antonio. And that made sense since they were both in the same class.

"Not me. I was stuck in the bathroom." Cruz said instantly, but he looked over towards Roderich when responding at least.

Roderich looked at Antonio with a I-Know-It-Was-You look on his face. "His idea." Antonio automatically pointed at Alfred, "Not mine. I was protesting the whole way."

"Totally saved your school records!" Alfred grinned.

"Thanks. A lot." Cruz grumbled, "Not like it could have possibly gotten any worse."

"Idiots." Roderich shook his head in annoyance. Well obviously they didn't get suspended or expelled, so perhaps they were the best choice for taking the fall. Roderich rubbed his forehead in annoyance, as the person next to him prattled on to whoever was on the other end of the phone line.

"But this prank was one of the most well-thought out that I have ever seen. Yesterday I had seven people down in my office, including a teacher, for acting out during class. Yesterday, I had seven reasons to believe that finally something happened in this school that promoted a positive change." Mr. Smith smiled a bit, one of the only times Roderich had ever seen him smile, and turned his head to look at the different sections of seats in the auditorium, "And so, today, we have four guest speakers to talk to all of you." Mr. Smith looked offstage to his right.

"Four?" Alfred whispered, "We have to sit through four speakers? How many classes do you think we're going to miss here?"

"Who knows." Roderich sighed. 'They're back? Gilbert said he didn't know when he was coming back!' He could feel the hope rising slightly in his chest, of course, that could also be frustration, due to the same annoying person he's had to deal with this entire time (and it only just started).

"Who cares." Cruz grumbled. 'Depends on the speakers. I might rather be in class.' Roderich thought, sighing slightly, still leaning towards Antonio.



"If the first speaker would come out…" Mr. Smith called over to them.

Gilbert leaned forward and watched as Matthew panicked slightly before starting forward. "Wah…" Matthew whimpered, "Butterflies in my stomach."

"Good luck!" Gilbert called quietly.

Gilbert didn't care that he hadn't gotten a response. Thought that counts, and Matthew probably didn't hear him over the sound of the metaphorical butterflies. He smirked when he saw Matthew was staying in the dark to prevent being seen by any member of the audience.

"Oh he's cheating." Gilbert started laughing.

"No one said we had to remain in sight." Arthur commented. This was true. Gilbert watched as the principal and Matthew had a brief exchange of words before Mr. Smith went back to the microphone.

"Fine then. Apparently I'm moving the microphone." Mr. Smith spoke into the mic again, "One moment." He picked up the mic stand and walked back to where Matthew was standing, near the back of the stage, and put the microphone stand in front of him, "This speaker, is one who attended this school before, and wishes to speak out against the everyday behavior he noticed while being here."

Gilbert tilted his head. The best part about going last, he got the most time to make up a speech in his head (and also listen to everyone else's to get ideas). He leaned to the left a bit, looking out over the crowd again. 'I think I see vati.' He spotted someone with long blonde hair at any rate. And there was someone with silver hair sitting next to the first person, so chances are it was them.

Matthew was silent for a bit before speaking into the microphone, "Um…so Mr. Smith said why I was here, and to tell you the truth, I'm beginning to realize that maybe over the last couple days while I was thinking about this, that maybe I was the one misunderstanding what other people were trying to do…"

Gilbert raised his eyebrows in shock. Really? Mattie learned something at that emotional craphole? Gilbert still hadn't thought of a single thing he had learned there!

"But at the time, I felt as though it was the most difficult thing that I would face. Getting up for school was not something I looked forward to every morning. It was something I dreaded. I absolutely detest gym class, because for some reason we can't play touch-tackle instead of full-out-push-the-other-person's-face-in-the-mud-tackle." Matthew continued talking.

Gilbert noticed Mr. Smith walking away, and realized (by squinting) that he was laughing.



Roderich let out a soft laugh in response to that. He couldn't help but remember the plea that had gone to student council asking them to ban tackle-football. Seems this person might have been the same one who had sent that in.

His gaze shifted to the right again. Still on the phone.

"When is he going to shut up?" Antonio asked, leaning over to whisper.

"No idea." Roderich responded, assuming Antonio was talking about the person to his right. He had no clue who else Antonio would be talking about, because Alfred and Cruz weren't saying anything (at least not that he heard over the buzzing in his ear).



"Going to every class in the hallway by myself, and getting knocked into like we're playing bumper cars. Seriously, you all can slow down a bit…" Matthew sighed.

Gilbert laughed. 'So just hit them back even harder! Or get your bodyguard to hit them. I'm sure he'd be glad to whether you wanted to or not.' Gilbert smirked at the thought of Cruz hitting someone who had run into Matthew, it had happened before, more than likely would happen again.

"Just stay over there why don't you?" Matthew called to the principal. Gilbert raised his eyebrows as Mr. Smith walked away laughing again. Mattie was getting an attitude towards that guy too! This year was gonna be fun!

"But while I was thinking about everything I didn't like about school…I also remembered what I did like about it. I loved seeing my friends every day. I enjoyed talking to them, and the school lunches, despite the complaints, they could be much, much worse. You could be somewhere else and drink an entire bottle of gravy under the mistaken belief it's fruit juice." Matthew, at this point, leaned forward to look in their direction.

Gilbert promptly burst out laughing. He actually said it, I didn't even think about it!

Arthur gaped at Matthew, "That was gravy? Are you kidding me?"

Lovino's jaw dropped in response.

"You…" Arthur raised his hand to hit Gilbert over the head, upon noticing that Gilbert was laughing so hard, "You stupid git!"

Gilbert put his arms above his head to prevent the slap from reaching his head, not really wanting a repeat of yesterday, "I can't believe he said that~" Gilbert laughed, "Mattie is awesome!"

Arthur scowled and turned to the stage again, dropping his hand without hitting Gilbert, "I don't believe this."

Lovino scowled at Gilbert, and he promptly started his laughing fit again.



Roderich leaned on the armrest in between himself and Antonio, his right hand covering his ear so he could block out (at least some of it) the conversation still going on in the seat to his right. He was very tempted to take the phone and throw it as hard as he could. But somehow he could just see that was going to get him into a fight, and there really was no place to go to avoid getting hit.

"What?" Alfred gaped, "What kind of horrible place was this?"

"Oh my word. A bottle of gravy?" Antonio shuddered, "UGH!"

"That sounds like the lunches are an unspeakable horror." Roderich commented, rubbing at his forehead again. He could feel a headache coming on. Stupid idiot.

"This person sounds really familiar." Cruz stated flatly.

"Oh? Do you know who it is?" Roderich asked, leaning forward to look over at Cruz, thankful for the distraction. 'It wouldn't surprise me if he knew who it was.'

"Yeah and if it is who I think it is, I am going to KILL THEM." Cruz scowled.

Roderich smiled and sat back again. He knew who it was.

"Bad Cruz is back." Alfred laughed.

"Shut up." Cruz hit Alfred over the back of the head.

"Ow!" Alfred yelped, "That hurt!"

Roderich sighed heavily, though not at the slap Alfred had just received. More like at the same person to his right, who was now laughing about something he had done last night (Roderich really was trying not to listen into the conversation, but he couldn't exactly help it at this point, the voice was getting louder).



"So the lunches here really aren't all that much to complain about. They're edible at least. It's something to look forward to when you all get up in the morning." Matthew continued on.

"Was the food that bad?" Mr. Smith asked.

Gilbert smirked in response. The bottle of gravy mistaken as fruit juice wasn't enough of an indication?

"Well I know there is certainly a member of the audience who would have been outraged at what they called a hamburger." Matthew responded. He leaned forward again.

Gilbert snickered as Arthur doubled over laughing.



"Okay, how do you mess up a hamburger, really?" Alfred protested, "I want to see this!"

"No, I'm pretty sure you don't." Antonio cut him off, "If they're saying someone would be outraged at seeing this thing, then it's probably a good thing you don't know where this place is, or the atrocity of the meals they're serving."

Roderich sighed in annoyance once more. Clearly he did not need to know whatever was going on in this person's personal life. He could swear he kept seeing Antonio turn his head and glare in his direction as well, but everytime he looked Antonio was looking front. Roderich shook his head slightly. Must be his imagination playing tricks on him.



"Ja, I'm sure people will know who we are, quite obvious." Gilbert smirked.

"Oh, great. So he's going to know who it is before I even hit the stage." Lovino scoffed (Gilbert knew full well who Lovino was talking about and smirked), "That just helps the nervousness a bit. Thanks."

"No problem~" Gilbert laughed, causing Lovino to glare at him. Hey, he wasn't so nervous about the speech now right? As long as he focused on something else!

"That sounds appetizing." Mr. Smith commented in response to Matthew.

"Imagine eating it." Matthew responded, "Anyway…there were some things coming to school that I didn't even realize I was looking forward to until I realized I couldn't come here any more. Even though the teachers have a monotone voice when they're talking…eh…no offense…"

"The teachers back at the other facility are even worse…"Arthur grumbled.

'Ja, they are.' Gilbert nodded as well.



"Hey Roderich, duck." Antonio motioned for him to bend over a bit.

Roderich looked at him confused but tilted his head forward, he reddened upon realizing Antonio had grabbed the wrist of the person sitting next to him.

"Shut the heck up! What is your problem? Do you really think the rest of us want to hear what you did last night?" Antonio hissed angrily, trying hard to not disturb anyone else sitting around them.

Roderich straightened back up as Antonio released the person's wrist with a final warning of "Hang up and shut up" to the other person. He struggled to refrain from laughing, but it really was getting close.



"They really were putting us at their best interest, and trying to teach in a way they thought we would learn the subjects…even though we're never going to use it again. Unless we become a teacher of course. But that's a little redundant." Matthew looked over again as Mr. Smith walked away laughing again, "Seriously, just stay over there."

Gilbert started laughing. Matthew was starting to lose his temper towards the principal!

Matthew let out an audible sight at the point, but kept talking, "But I didn't realize all of this then. I only saw what was upsetting me, and I didn't have the courage or strength to go to the guidance office, or to talk to my best friend about it. So I kept quiet. And that was probably the worst mistake I will ever make in my entire life."

"Hey, he's doing a really good job with this." Gilbert commented, "Seriously." He's got a lot of emotion in his speech while he's talking.

"Yeah he is." Arthur agreed, "And he's covering most of the things we had to talk about, so that'll just make our speeches shorter."

"Thank you." Lovino whispered.

"I know the assembly you all had on teenage suicide was hard to sit through. The speaker wasn't very…considerate about how he was talking. And there really wasn't much else to be done except react on it, and…everyone did just that. We all react differently to different situations. That's how I got where I was at for the past…almost a week."

Gilbert tilted his head. It was almost a week since that assembly? Seriously? Whatever~ Gilbert made a face. Clearly an unawesome five days had passed since then.

"Maybe it was my fault for overreacting, but looking back at what I realized the past week…I wouldn't change anything if I had the chance to. Because this is probably the only way I would have learned what I have."

Gilbert smiled, recognizing it as the end of the speech before he even saw Matthew hand the principal the microphone. 'Good speech, Mattie.'

"Next speaker?" Mr. Smith called.



Roderich frowned. The person to his right was (once again) talking on his phone, acting as if the threat from Antonio hadn't even been given. Apparently Antonio had noticed because he was glaring again. Roderich sighed heavily. Maybe sitting here was not smart.



Gilbert watched as Arthur made his way over to where the principal and Matthew were waiting. He couldn't suppress the grin or the laugh that followed Arthur's starting comment though, "Thank you for telling me about the gravy after I drank it. I was sick because of that."

"No problem~" Matthew smiled.

Arthur looked out towards the seats in front of him before speaking again, "Well the first speaker pretty much summarized what we all have been thinking the past few days. But seeing as how we're forced to speak…" Arthur glanced back at the principal at this point before turning front again, "Here we all have to stand, and you all have to sit there through this. My sincerest apologies."



"At least someone's apologizing for it." Roderich commented, "A speaker with manners. What a novel concept."

Beside him Antonio was making a face. Whether it was the speaker on the stage, or the non-stop annoying speaker to his right, Roderich couldn't tell. But he was about to ask Antonio to switch seats with him.

"Yeah anyway." Alfred laughed, "How nice!"



"I'm sure most of you would rather be in class right now. Some of you would rather be at home sleeping." Arthur continued on, "And after listening to basically the same startup to a speech five days ago, I have to admit, I would much rather be here than anywhere else. And if anyone here ever has to take an emotional aptitude test, LIE." Arthur snapped, "Don't answer that thing honestly."

"Don't listen to that." Mr. Smith cut in, rather hastily, "I will take that soon."

Gilbert smirked. He was threatening to take the microphone already? This should be amusing when he got out there!

"You would be doing me a favor." Arthur responded before proceeding, "So, the first speaker said it, where we were at was much worse than here I guarantee it. Though I notice you left out the wonderful sleeping arrangements." Arthur looked back over his shoulder at where Matthew was.

"That only qualifies if someone was actually sleeping." Matthew responded.

"This is true." Arthur turned around again, "Apparently I'm the only one who got any sleep." Arthur shrugged.

"That's because you were the only one who got sleep!" Gilbert snapped.

Lovino nodded, "Yeah. Because someone above me kept tossing and turning and shaking the whole damn thing."

"I know. Vati was laying beneath me in the room at one point. I felt it move when he did. Thank you for reminding me of that unpleasant memory." Gilbert grumbled. Ugh. Had almost forgotten about that too.

"My sincerest apologies." Lovino retorted.

'Like I can't tell you're being sarcastic.' Gilbert glared at him before returning his attention to the stage.

"But he was right. There are so many things at this school to look forward to, aside from gym class, I share his opinion on that. And the hallways, some people really do need to slow down, it's a school not a bloody racetrack." Arthur added.

Gilbert leaned over, "Did he just shudder?" He could have sworn he saw the normally calm Englishman have a slight look of panic on his face, and he definitely saw him shake slightly.

"You saw it too." Lovino agreed, nodding, "I think I saw him look out at someone in the audience. Maybe he saw someone?"

"Maybe he saw his brothers." Gilbert snickered. That would explain the look of panic~

"I pity him if he did." Lovino forced a smile, "I'm just going to focus on the WALL when I'm out there."

Gilbert started laughing. He would bet anyone (but there was no one else back here to bet with) that Lovino would look around and find Antonio before looking at the wall.

"But the reason I stopped coming to this school, I realized, it wasn't worth getting myself depressed over. It's just one person out of countless more in the world, and as much as I do NOT want to admit it, my family is there, whether I like it or not." Arthur sighed.

Gilbert watched as it became Matthew's turn to walk away laughing.

Arthur must have heard the laugh, because he turned and snapped at Matthew, "Like you should be laughing over there. You have the most over protective brother I have ever met in my life."

Gilbert shook his head, the smile still on his face. There was no way Cruz and Alfred didn't know who these two were. And Roderich probably knew as soon as the principal started talking at the beginning of this thing.

"So I'm rather glad I got the opportunity to attend somewhere else. There were classes there that opened my eyes, one in particular, but I refuse to comment on it. I'm still rejecting half the things they said." Arthur grumbled, "And I also discovered that there are people in this school…who will contact someone by phone. No matter what time it is, no matter what the situation, they will call your cell phone. And they will leave a voicemail message that's over five minutes long."

Gilbert burst out laughing and had to walk away before the principal heard his loud laughter. 'Oh mein gott, Alfred actually called his phone! I thought Roddy was the only one who did that!'



Roderich watched as Alfred's face turned dark red and he sank in his seat.

"Do you know who this speaker is?" Cruz leaned over the armrest in between them.

"Oh shut up." Alfred sank lower in his seat.

Antonio sighed and patted Alfred comfortingly on the back.

Roderich shook his head (for what felt like the twentieth time that day) and looked back forward again. Except for the person (still) sitting to his right was now talking to him.

"Hey dude."

"My name is not dude." Roderich glared at the male, "What?"

"You got the time or something?"

"Why don't you look at your phone that you've been on this entire time?" Roderich forced the kindest smile that he could at the present time.

"I'd have to hang up to do that!"

"Oh the horror." Roderich leaned on the armrest in between himself and Antonio and looked back up at the stage.

"You're rather rude, aren't you?" The person snapped.

"Clearly you haven't been listening to yourself talking for the last goodness-knows-how-long. You're the rude one talking on the phone during an assembly!" Roderich snapped, though he was attempting to keep his voice down, unlike the other guy.

Roderich raised both eyebrows as the other person flicked him off with the middle finger before going back to his phone conversation and distinctly heard "rude son of a…" in the conversation now. Roderich looked back forward again.

"Would you like me to throw the phone?" Antonio asked, smiling cheerfully.

Roderich jumped slightly, not expecting Antonio to have been leaning in this direction, "No. I'm not starting a fight."

"It'd be me starting the fight." Antonio grinned, "Please?"

"No. Just ignore it." Roderich said flatly.



Arthur shook his head and lifted his head to look at the audience once more, "But. I will thank that person anyway. Because without that voicemail, I wouldn't have realized the few things that I did." Arthur turned and held the microphone to the principal.

Gilbert grinned as Lovino started making his way out along the back of the stage, and raised an eyebrow as Matthew took the microphone instead, "Do not anger him when there's a yardstick within grabbing distance. He knows how to use one." Matthew said flatly.

Gilbert started laughing again. Today was going to be awesome! Up until the point of giving a speech and seeing vati later. The in-between moments would be awesome~

"Thank you for that." Arthur hit Matthew over the head and handed the mic to the principal, scowling at Matthew.

"Not even going to ask. Third speaker?" Mr. Smith sighed.

Lovino grabbed the mic from the principal and glared out at the audience, "Okay, so I don't have much to say in addition to the first two who spoke up." (Gilbert raised his eyebrows at the fast-paced speech. At least you could still understand what he was saying) "But I will say, thanks to a relative who I can see already" Lovino sighed (Gilbert started laughing again. 'Even the counselor failure is here!'), "…that I am, unfortunately, grateful for the class he was teaching yesterday. Despite it being annoyingly long, I did learn something out of it, besides insults that I could use against him. The way you all reacted to that assembly, none of you did anything wrong."

Gilbert smiled, and leaned slightly, watching as Lovino (who used to be a nervous wreck, now he didn't seem nervous at all except for the fast-talking) gave his (more than likely short) speech.

"I know some of you were laughing, and it really did make it sound like you were laughing at those who were suffering from depression, but you weren't. And I realize that now." Lovino sighed, he had spotted where Antonio was sitting and saw him instantly react to what he had said, "You all react the way you were taught to. Some of you laugh off situations that would otherwise make you feel uncomfortable or down…and that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. Just…let people know around you that you're not laughing at them. Otherwise there's going to be someone out there that's going to blow it entirely out of proportion. Much like I did.".



Roderich smiled as Antonio started bouncing in his seat slightly. It hadn't taken him all that long. He probably realized who it was as soon as Lovino started speaking.



"The situation was what it was…none of you did anything wrong in responding to it. The speaker really did fail at some points in explaining, and that is why we're up here." Lovino looked back at where Matthew and Arthur were standing, "But at least we made some new friends out of this." He smiled slightly at seeing them both nod in agreement.

"Have fun with the next speaker." Lovino said flatly, and handed off the mic to the principal.

Gilbert grinned and skipped across the stage and stood next to the principal, grinning wildly.

"Of course he would be last." The principal (obviously) forced a smile, "Last speaker…don't make me regret this."

"Ja, ja. Whatever. Gimme." Gilbert smirked and held out his hand for the microphone. 'You are SO going to regret this.'

"I mean it." Mr. Smith growled and handed Gilbert the microphone before stepping back next to Lovino.

"Boy. Some people are stiff." Gilbert scoffed at the principal, who glared a warning at him. Gilbert grinned and held the microphone up. He turned front again, "Ja, so we got to spend our time in the most boring place imaginable. I don't think I learned a single thing by attending any of the classes. And I certainly didn't learn anything at the lunch, though I know two other people learned how to read." Gilbert looked back at Arthur and Lovino, grinning knowingly at them.

Arthur and Lovino both glared at him, while Matthew laughed beside Arthur.

"I shall call you the gravy-drinker duo." Gilbert smirked at Arthur and Lovino and turned back to the audience, "But ja, despite all complaints about the totally inedible food, the annoying person who completely FAILED at being a counselor, I learned something anyway~"

Gilbert had seen Roma sitting to the left of Regis and smirked at the "HOW RUDE!" he got in response from the now-pouting (supposed) adult.

"I didn't even say it was you, shut up." Gilbert stuck his tongue out at Roma (even though the adult couldn't see him).

"Oh my word." Mr. Smith slapped the palm of his hand to his forehead, "I knew I was going to regret this."

Gilbert glared back at the principal, "You wanted us to speak. Be careful what you wish for." He looked back and held the microphone up again.

"Clearly a mistake on my part." The principal sighed heavily.

Gilbert turned his head to stick his tongue out at the principal before continuing on, "Ja, so really I didn't learn a single thing from that crap place we were at, other than there are totally three awesome people I've never spoken to at school behind me now~" Gilbert flashed a grin back at Arthur, Matthew and Lovino before looking front again, "And those beds suck there, but that's besides the point."



Roderich listened, with eyebrows raised, as (obviously) Gilbert continued talking. He couldn't see the person talking, but it was most definitely him. No one else could annoy the principal that fast, or talk in the manner that he was.



"Two nights ago was it? The night we didn't get any sleep whatsoever anyway. Ja, we had the most wonderful wake-up call, und I mean totally rude wake-up call when I say that. The most unappealing breakfast I have ever seen, I think the only thing edible was the sausage, the eggs probably were never from a bird at any point during their fake substitute lifetime." Gilbert scoffed and continued talking.

"Und after breakfast, as if it wasn't already downhill enough, I see you rolling your eyes, Mr. Stiff. You know what's coming." Gilbert called over to his father. Gilbert had seen the look on his vati's face as soon as he had started talking about the wake-up call, "I get a call to go to a conference room that I have absolutely no clue where it's at. And of course the hall monitor insisted on taking me down there herself, I don't know why, she could have just given me directions. Und for the first time in sixteen-completely-blissful-nothing-wrong-with-them years, I got to meet my huge stiff of a dad."

Gilbert stuck his tongue out at Regis, who was scowling at the stage.

"I see you glaring by the way. Apparently that half of the family doesn't know how to have fun. Big Stiff und Little Stiff, and so help me if I hear that comment about Little Stiff being taller than me again." Gilbert grumbled, glaring in the direction of Roderich, who he had spotted upon coming out on the stage.



"Hm. I think that was directed at me." Roderich commented, maintaining his calm temperament (somehow).

"Is this for real?" Alfred asked.

"If it is, I'm running for the stage door after this." Antonio grumbled.

Roderich unconsciously shifted towards the armrest again, leaning on it slightly, just to get away from the laughter (if only by an inch or so) that was in his right ear at the moment. He raised an eyebrow at Antonio who was sticking his tongue out at Roderich. 'What is he doing that for?'

Roderich glanced down as Antonio looked forward again and realized the armrest he was leaning on, was in fact, not the arm rest. It was Antonio's arm. Roderich moved slightly and straightened back up again, pretending not to see the strange look on Antonio's face when the Spanish male looked in his direction.



"And despite all thoughts of absolutely not wanting to see the guy, I have to admit, it was slightly nice to know that he had been looking for us all along. Even if I already knew that from overhearing a conversation in the hallway at school. Don't look so shocked, mutti." Gilbert waved a hand nonchalantly at the jawdropped-look that was on his mutti's face, "And despite the sarcastic conversation we had going back and forth, including some thoughts where I wanted to him with my metaphorical shovel…"

Gilbert grinned as Regis yelled "HOW RUDE!" much like Roma had a little bit ago.

"Same to you." Gilbert retorted, "Anyway despite all that, it was nice to actually hold a conversation with him. And get the permanent look of shock off your face or I will hit you with something physical." Gilbert snapped.

That look was not shock, Gilbert knew it quite well. But old habits die hard, and there was no way he was letting that look of slight genuine caring stay on that otherwise blank slate of a face.

"Und Big Stiff obviously doesn't listen to anything someone says, because despite my saying NO, loud and clear, und that I liked my life just the way it was, I still wake up in a hospital several hours later." Gilbert continued talking, ignoring the look he was now getting, "So thanks to the completely unawesome-blank-faced-stiff-with-no-emotion-whatsoever, turns out I'm not going to be leaving this place early after all."

Gilbert glanced over and saw the expression had changed to the one he had been getting all day the day before. "That's the face I was talking about." Gilbert started laughing, pointing over to him, "Much better. Anyway, I'm done now." He looked back at the principal, grinning.

Gilbert blinked, startled, when Matthew took the remote, blushing a bit, "Eh. One last thing…"

"I know there are quite a few people who realized who we are already, mostly from accents I'm sure." Matthew looked back rather pointedly at Arthur and Gilbert.

Gilbert stuck his tongue out at him. 'As if they didn't know already!'

"Mine included." Matthew added softly and turned back front, "But, for those of you who haven't realized it yet…" He sighed and stepped forward a couple paces ('Mattie has nerve!') , "Four days ago I faked my own death in the Mission for Change, my name is Matthew Williams." He looked back at the others, now standing in full light. Gilbert could have laughed at the pleading look on Matthew's face.

Arthur stepped forward, taking the microphone from Matthew, "My name is Arthur Kirkland, I committed suicide for the Mission for Change." He held the microphone behind his right shoulder for Lovino.

Lovino stepped forwards, grabbing the mic , "Four stupidly-long-days-ago, I committed suicide for the mission for change. Lovino Vargas." He handed the microphone off to Gilbert, scowling once again. Gilbert bounced forward and grinned while he took the microphone.

"Ja, My name is Gilbert Beilschmidt, I pretended to die an early death in the Mission for Change." Gilbert looked back at the principal who was nodding. He seemed quite solemn for the occasion. I can change that. Gilbert held up the mic, smirked at the principal before looking forward again grinning wildly once more, "But we are back again, TA-DA~" He raised both hands over his head in a mock cheer.

"How did I guess you were going to say something like that." Mr. Smith stepped forward and grabbed the microphone from Gilbert, glaring at him.

"You know me too well~" Gilbert laughed, "You're totally buying my lunch now, right?" He looked over at Arthur, hopeful.

"Yes, yes." Arthur nodded. Gilbert couldn't help but notice that a look of panic had crossed his face momentarily before he disappeared after Matthew and Lovino.

Gilbert grinned at the principal, who was still scowling at him, "Ta-da?" He waved with his hands before turning on his heel and waltzing across the stage. Gilbert bounced into the backstage room and grinned, catching what Arthur had said.

"I can't believe that!" Arthur had started laughing, "You actually said it!"

"Ja, of course." Gilbert smirked, "Principal doesn't like me already~" 'Serves him right for looking at me with those eyes…' Gilbert clenched one hand slightly but released it again right away. No one is feeling sorry for the awesome me~ I am perfectly fine! Gilbert picked up his wall scroll and smiled. He stepped away from the table and grinned at the other three in the room.

Lovino sighed in quiet relief, "It's over…"

"Eh. We still have to make it through school today." Matthew looked over at Lovino.

"Damn it." Lovino grumbled.

Matthew stepped out into the hallway with a sigh.

Gilbert wandered out and smirked at Matthew (he had heard the surprised yelp that had come from Matthew before he wandered out), seeing he was now in a tight hold by Cruz, "Und, how did that work out for you?"

"Oh shut up." Matthew blushed.

"Hm? Why don't you want to…" Arthur wandered out the doorway and into the hall. "OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!"

"IGGY~" Alfred cheered, now tightly holding onto Arthur.

"FOUR." Arthur got an arm free and hit Alfred four times over the head, "DO NOT CALL ME THAT! AND I AM NOT CUTE DAMN IT!" Arthur growled, as he could feel his face burning in even more embarrassment.

"Owwww~ You were seriously keeping track!" Alfred cried.

"Eh…Lovino…" Matthew started.

"Hm?" Lovino looked over before promptly getting tackled by Antonio, "GET OFF OF ME!" Lovino yelled, his face turning bright red.

Gilbert smirked and spotted Roderich coming down the hallway, "Roddy~" He happily skipped up the hall and met Roderich halfway (more like three-quarters of the way).

"And you're back. Despite saying yesterday you didn't know when." Roderich said flatly, half-glaring up at Gilbert.

"Ja, und, I didn't at the time you asked me. Would you believe not five minutes later the doctor came in and told me I was coming back today?" Gilbert grinned.

Roderich shook his head with a sigh, "Honestly. You could have texted me that. It would have been nice having something to look forward to."

"Aw~ did Roddy miss me?" Gilbert laughed.

A slight brush crept across Roderich's face, "S-slightly." He looked away, "It was quiet in class without you there."

"Ja, und I'm sure it was quiet in the council room too, you didn't have the awesome me to keep you from falling asleep at your boring paperwork~" Gilbert couldn't resist teasing him.

"I got my work done, thank you." Roderich huffed, "And now at least I can go back to behaving like myself, now that I have a mark on my school record."

"The water balloons were awesome!" Gilbert started laughing, "It totally cheered me up yesterday!"

"I find it hard to believe you were having a bad day." Roderich commented, watching as Antonio and Lovino ran by (with Lovino chasing Antonio).

"Ja, well, I was. A really bad one." Gilbert sighed, "Stupid vati."

"But you can live now, right?" Roderich asked, tilting his head slightly, "I'm assuming that's what you meant when you said that."

"Ja. As long as I don't reject it or whatever." Gilbert waved a hand around, "Because apparently there's a slight chance of that. But if it happens, it happens. No big deal."

"No big deal for who?" Roderich glared at him, "Then we have to go through this all over again."

"Ja…except…then no amount of water balloons is going to get me to answer my phone then." Gilbert pointed out flatly.

Roderich made a face, "So don't reject it."

"You know I can't really control that, right?" Gilbert raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, yes." Roderich sighed.

Gilbert watched as Alfred went running by, dragging Arthur along behind him, "…Well then. Those two are off at the speed of light…"

"Or the speed of hero at any rate." Roderich agreed, watching them disappear up the stairs that were located half-way through the hall.

"Ja. For all our complaining, I suppose that place wasn't all that bad. Even if the counselors were a fail, and the beds were awful. And so was the food." Gilbert made a face.

"Then what was not that bad?" Roderich looked at him, eyebrows raised.

"We had each other to keep ourselves company and to keep from going crazy~" Gilbert laughed.

"Well then." Roderich chuckled, and shook his head, "Nonetheless, sounds like a place to avoid at all costs."

"Ja, avoid it." Gilbert nodded, "Cuz otherwise it's going to be making the principal's job a living hell."

Roderich laughed, "You do that on a day-to-day basis!"

Gilbert grinned and slung an arm around Roderich's shoulder, and started walking slowly up the hallway, "Ja, well, I can do it even more then~"

Roderich shook his head, but didn't object to the arm that was now around him, "You're going to make his hair grow gray."

"You mean it isn't a wig yet?" Gilbert said in mock surprise.

Roderich laughed, unable to stop it, "No it isn't. And something tells me you already knew that."

"Ja, I did. I tried." Gilbert scoffed, "Totally thought it was a wig. He styles it weird."

"You tried…" Roderich stared at him in disbelief.

"Ja." Gilbert grinned, "I yanked on it when he was lecturing me for something."

"I imagine you got an even longer lecture." Roderich smiled.

"Waaaaay longer." Gilbert sighed, "Mein gott. He needs to learn how to summarize."

Roderich laughed and looked forward again. He spotted Arthur, Alfred, Allistor, and Reilly up ahead. He winced inwardly, he had almost forgotten about how he had reacted after the first assembly. At least Arthur was still here after all, he still had to apologize to him though.

"Yay~ so much better to be in this place!" Gilbert laughed, waving at them with his free hand while the other arm remained around Roderich's shoulders.

"Really?" Arthur asked, "Even with the blank-faced stiff of no emotion?"

"Mein gott …" Gilbert slumped, "I don't wanna deal with him…" Did someone have to remind him of that so soon?

Roderich patted Gilbert sympathetically on the back, remaining silent.

"Ja. Well you're dealing with it anyway."

Arthur peered around Allistor, "Oh that was bad timing. Leaving now." He quickly hurried back down the hall in the direction that Matthew and Cruz were still in.

"Wait for meeeee!" Alfred hurried after him, "Iggy~"

Gilbert and Roderich watched as Allistor and Reilly ran after him.

"Huh. Allistor runs faster than Alfred." Roderich commented.

"Ja. Wow." Gilbert blinked. He turned his head slightly and saw Regis with Ludwig and promptly stuck his tongue out at both of them, "Whatever. Just because I have to deal with it doesn't mean I have to be happy about it."

Roderich turned back towards the two blondes and made a face. He wasn't sure what to say, best to remain quiet in this situation. It was probably for the safer.


Roderich raised an eyebrow as a silver-haired woman bounced past Regis and hugged Gilbert. He quickly sidestepped away before the hug so he didn't get caught in it.

"Hallo mutti." Gilbert sighed, patting her on the back.

"You weren't kidding." Roderich commented, looking away.

"Ja, really. You noticed it, too." Gilbert laughed.

"Noticed what?" Regis tilted his head.

"Two stiffs and two people who show actual emotion." Gilbert retorted, sticking his tongue out again.

"Hey!" Ludwig started, "I'm not a stiff!"

"Big Stiff." Gilbert pointed to Regis, "Und Little Stiff." Gilbert pointed to Ludwig.

"…" Regis and Ludwig stared at him in silence.

"He is taller though." Roderich commented.

"Ja. But he's shorter than vati." Gilbert commented dryly, glaring at Roderich, "And weren't you listening?"

"I was." Roderich laughed.

"But…Gilbert is older."

Gilbert looked at the female next to him, startled, "Seriously? Yay~ Little stiff!"

Ludwig sighed and hung his head, shaking it slightly.

"Never would have guessed that." Roderich raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever." Gilbert retorted to Roderich.

"Something tells me, it's going to get a lot louder at the house." Regis sighed.

"Oh great. Now I have to deal with them at home, too. Roddy~ I'm moving in~" Gilbert skipped over to Roderich.

Roderich turned red, "What?"

"No you are not!" Regis snapped, "You're living at home!"

Gilbert stuck his tongue out at Regis and hid behind Roderich, "Don't wanna."

"Is he this much of a child with you, Myla?" Regis looked over at the silver-haired female.

"Gilbert's a gentleman~" She smiled cheerfully.

"…excuse me. Two incompatible subjects just collided." Ludwig commented, walking away a bit.

"Whatever!" Gilbert yelled, "How rude!"

Roderich sighed and patted Gilbert on the shoulder, "It's alright. I'm sure you're a gentleman towards your mother."

"Ja, totally." Gilbert grinned, "That und mutti knows how to have fun unlike two stiffs."

"Hey." Regis glared at Gilbert, "When are you going to stop calling us that?"

"When you two stop being stiffs." Gilbert retorted.

"…do you two get along at all?" Ludwig asked, looking back and forth between them.

"No." Gilbert huffed.

Regis didn't answer, just glowered at Gilbert.

"This is going to be interesting at home…" Myla sighed, "Oh well~ nothing like a night of family bonding to help!"

"I AM NOT BONDING WITH THOSE TWO!" Gilbert recoiled in horror, "No way!"

"At least hesitate a little." Roderich looked back at Gilbert, surprised.

"No." Gilbert pouted.



So…there's the end of Awesome Style. You can imagine that they are fighting there in the hall for quite some time until the principal comes by and tells them they need to go to class. XD Leave me my final review! 8D