The Not So Deflowering of Haruhi Fujioka
Disclaimer: I do not own or profit in anyway Ouran High School Host club. I am just writing a story based on the series and the characters because I am a fan pure and simple. I hope you enjoy the read.
Kyoya noticed it was midnight when his cell phone rang. He wasn't asleep yet due to the fact that he was working on material for the Host Club. Editing videos and making picture CD's took time and going through them all to help make money for the club was exhausting sometimes but the profit from it was always a sweet smelling incense to the Shadow King. He picked up the phone not bothering to see who was calling.
Now irritation skimming his voice he answered again "Hello?"
His eyes wide he turned around in his chair to give full attention to his caller. "Haruhi, is everything alright?"
"Hai…um…I was wondering if I could see you…there's something I'd like to discuss with you."
He was silent for a second while he looked again at the time.
"I know it's late sempai but…I really need to see you."
"Is it something we can discuss over the phone Haruhi?"
"Alright I'll pick you up."
"Um…I'm already here I am actually in front of your house a little ways."
"Haruhi! Do you realize what time it is!" He hated when she put herself in needless danger. He ran out of his room and ran to the front door. His house was empty. His father was busy with business overseas, his brothers at their own homes and his people…well…they made themselves unseen. This was his usual life. Home alone; although he sometimes preferred it that way, but he did tend to get lonely from time to time. Reaching the front of his gate he saw her in a trench coat and boots holding her school bag and an overnight bag she looked cute with her hair tied up with a thin satin ribbon. Wondering what happened and that she looked that cute out at this time of the night he became more irritable as he pulled her with him to go inside his house.
Once inside he pushed up his glasses and focused on putting on his cool collected face.
"If Tamaki or the twins find out that you were walking around in the middle of the night looking like you do…"
"I'm sorry sempai I didn't mean to bother you but…I…really needed to see you…"
He noticed that she was blushing. His curiosity peaked. "Haruhi, would you like to tell me what's going on while you drink some tea?"
Taking a seat on his white sofa she followed suite and held her hands tightly in her lap. "Haruhi, what was it you'd like to discuss with me? Are you running away? Did something happen with your dad?"
"My…my virginity."
He was glad that she turned the tea down because he would have done a really undignified move had he had a drink. "Come again?"
She turned those buttery brown sugar eyes his way and with all honesty and clarity said it again. "Kyoya sempai, I want to get rid of my virginity and I want for you to be the one to remove it." How dare she smile like she is satisfied with her confession. As if now that she threw it out there she had moved the biggest mountain in the world and she obviously doesn't see that she left him holding it. How was he supposed to respond to that!
"Let me get this straight. You want for 'me' to 'remove' your virginity. Why me? Wouldn't Tamaki or one of the Hitachin twins be better for you? Or Hunni or Mori-sempai?"
"I know it's so sudden but I have given this a lot thought. You're the best one for it. If I sleep with Tamaki sempai well he already acts weird I mean he might shout it out to the entire world that he slept with his daughter and that is not what I want, the twins, who would I pick I don't want to start a fight between them they like to share everything. Hunni-sempai well, he is older however, he still looks like an elementary school kid and Mori would be a good choice but he seems to be too responsible. He seems like the type that would marry me if we had sex. So, that left you as my best option. I did wonder what I would have to pay you since everything you do has to benefit you in some way so….I….I brought my baby pictures. I figured that you might want them."
He didn't know whether to be insulted or not. She just said that she'd pay him for sex and apparently if he had sex with her he wouldn't want to do right by her. Did she really think he was so cold hearted? He had to think about this on one hand it's not like he hasn't thought about sleeping with Haruhi. Ever since that night at the beach house he pictured many a night how it would have been if he continued his 'lesson' but Tamaki is his best friend and though he hasn't realized it yet he was in love with Haruhi and thought to continue the family act as to not upset the careful balance that they as the Host Club had. The only two clueless ones who were dense about their feelings toward Haruhi was Tamaki and Hikaru.
He looked at Haruhi and noticed that she sat a little calmly waiting for his reply. "If I don't agree to this what are you going to do then?"
"Well, I feel that I am pretty sure that you would accept my offer because you gain something from it. I'm giving you my baby pictures to copy."
"I already obtained them. Your dad sent pictures."
It was really comical to see Haruhi totally ashen from that bit of information. But she snapped out of it quickly cursing slightly at her dad. "Well, I guess I don't have anything else to barter with."
"You still haven't answered my question Haruhi. If I don't agree who would you then turn to?"
Flustered and visibly upset Haruhi stood up and began to pace in her thinking mode. She was obviously very stressed about the whole thing. "Sempai I really don't know. I seriously feel that you're the best choice for me in this matter. I mean, it's just sex. Tamaki and the twins they seem so obsessive sometimes and I don't get it. Hunni is too elementary looking for my taste and Mori I know he'll keep quiet about it like you but I think that unlike you he'd want to do the honorable thing and feel guilty about it. You…you don't really care about such things your only love is power and money anything that you can profit from. You wouldn't feel guilty about it."
She looked like she was about to cry she really did have some sort of a problem. However, more than why she wanted to have sex with him it greatly bothered him the image that she had of him. Did she believe he was so hollow a man? Are they not friends? "Haruhi, I'm under the impression that you think I don't care about you or the other members of the Host Club. I may do a lot of things that are beneficial to me and that may seem black hearted to you guys, but what profits me is my friendships with those inside of the Host Club…Everything I do is to benefit us the club members and to benefit the club, but being friends with everyone in Host Club is a benefit for me on a personal level, Haruhi, you are an important person in my life. You as a friend are beneficial to me and NOT in a monetary way. You are after all a commoner and in that way of thinking what can a commoner really give me that I don't already have. So, you're friendship means a lot to me, and as to the fact that you think that if I were to have sex with you that I would not be honorable I truly beg to differ, after all I am the third son of the Ootori family and I would not disgrace or dishonor my family or you, and further more for you to think that I wouldn't make my claim over you, that I wouldn't care about our physical encounter … I am a man as well Haruhi, if I have you I might just want to keep you to myself."
He was done setting her thinking straight about him. He hoped that whatever illusions that she had of him were gone. Indeed, he wouldn't dare be so uncouth toward her. He cared deeply for her and hopefully now she will see that if she had failed in seeing that before. It's not that he wouldn't help her out with her request but it's her image of him that needed to change. He can be possessive over her just like any of the others can. Why would she make him the exception?
Haruhi clasped her hands tighter in her lap. Tears slid down her face as her bangs hid her eyes but there was no mistaking the tears rolling down. In a choked voice she apologized to him and stood up and bowed. "Please don't tell anyone about tonight. This didn't happen. And again I am so sorry. I didn't mean to insult you like that sempai. You are right I shouldn't have….I wasn't thinking about how'd you feel and…I guess I just thought what I wanted to so that I could….never mind sempai…again…I'm so sorry." She bowed once more and then turned to leave and he knew that he should let her go, whatever prompted this thinking on her part she was going to have to deal with these growing pains just like the rest of them but a part of him just couldn't let her go. He really should, he should let her go and call Tamaki to handle her but it was like an automatic pilot grabbed her and pulled her small frame to his. He breathed in the sweet scent of the cheap shampoo and conditioner that she used. It had a slight melon scent. What was the commoners' obsession with melon he wondered, however, that was not all he wondered, that primal male side kept repeating he could do this; he could have sex with her. He could take her virginity. Just having that should be enough. They are young, the young tend to fall in love over and over again with different people, hasn't the host club taught him that much about the female heart and the male heart as well? It is true that a man can have sex with a girl that he cares for and then that's it. As long as it isn't love it's not a problem. It didn't have to go any further than that.
But that night at the beach house he still remembered what she said that he wouldn't gain anything from him having sex with her. Stupid girl, for as smart as she is she hadn't realized that given up her prized maiden head to any of them in the Host Club was in fact beneficial to any who was bestowed with it. But because of the fact that his best friend and his other close friends cared for the same woman and two of those friends cared for her a little more than the others from what he observed that is what made it hard and here she was choosing him. Months ago the six of them made a pact for some sort of game that if she were to choose on her own with whom she was in love with then no one can get mad, that they would all remain friends, of course Tamaki was still saying how can his daughter fall in love with other family members so no one paid attention to him although he did shake on it and as for his part in the pact that the Hitachin brothers came up with, well, he joined in because that would be fun and beneficial in a way, there was a shot that she might turn for his attentions, not that he thought she would, but right now she's choosing him for all the wrong reasons. She's not professing love, but she still chose him to deflower her. He could do it, that is a declaration of a sorts. He mentally shook his head.
He stopped his rampant thoughts, no, this was Haruhi a girl who doesn't care much about her looks, or whether people thinks she's a girl or a boy, she only cares about becoming a lawyer like her mother, getting good grades, food and deals at the commoner's market. Maybe he should help her awaken the sexual side that wants out but…not take her virginity just…play…yes…teach her what she can do in the privacy of her own space just like he does and the rest of the Host Club members. It's not like she has female friends to discuss this over, since the female friends she acquaints herself with believe her to be a boy and that conversation wouldn't go over too well; besides…he does benefit from this because he will be the one to…well…lewd as it may be….hell, he might just take the entire yard stick since she did offer the inch, he is a guy after all.