Prologue for my new story. It's intended to be a cross over between Maple Story and Fairy Tail.

And the chapter where the characters cross over comes later (or soon).

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the Fairy Tail Anime/Manga! Nor do I own the characters from Maple Story and they belong to Nexon!


Just as Maple World was thought to be at peace once more, a great evil awakens to terrorize it once more. The Black Wings have succeeded in resurrecting their Dark Lord, the Black Mage. This evil being was once a ruler who forcefully darkened all corners of Maple World.

"I am released! At long last, my hundreds of years of slumber have come to an end," his voice echoed with the brim of darkness, and a fear-striking tone in his voice. His long-dark-hooded-silken cloak, with golden flames embroidered along the rims, covered his body as he stood afloat over the altar, with his eyes as red as the blood stained moons of the apocalypse. His face remained darkened by the cloth, and his dark-cold fingers on both hands were dressed in jeweled-gold rings of sapphire, and ruby, and turquois stones in the small pedestals.

"We have awakened you, master! I, Eleanor, and your followers who have remained loyal to you over the past few centuries, have organized this ritual! Welcome backā€¦Black Mage," the evil witch had replied in a dark chuckle. She was dressed in a purple robe of silky cloth which had resembled, and mirrored that of the Black Mage's. She carried with her, a staff which allowed her to fly the skies in the midst of day and night.

The Black Mage himself was pleased that he still had servants who stuck with their undying loyalty to him. They all chanted as he announced his return, and that he will reclaim Maple World.

"Black Mage! Black Mage! Black Mage," is what they had chanted through the deepest depths of the mines on the island of Edelstein as they heard his voice echo with anger and vengefulness.

The Black Mage's thirst for power started back when he was a simple alchemist, in Magatia. His goal as said alchemist was to attain immortality, and learn the secrets of the forbidden arts of magic: Black Magic. This research tainted his soul, and only furthered his lust for such power. The Black Mage himself had exceeded his own expectations in attaining immortality, and unlocking the secrets to using the forbidden magic.

As it stands, in order for Maple World to attain peace again, the Black Mage must be destroyed. Now we meet our new and old heroes, centuries later, in an epic last stand against the dark lord. Pray they succeed the ordeal for it is dire.

Can our heroes succeed? Or will the Black Mage curse them as he once did before?

This was just the prologue and hoped you enjoyed.

I will update soon, so please Read and Review!