Ok, last chapter. Finally found some inspiration. Thanks everyone for reading, and don't forget to write some reviews.

Two years had passed since the arrest and commital of the new Joker. He was living out his days rocking back and forth in his cell, mumbling gibberish, living in his own mind. Batman kept an eye on him for the Titans, and life went on.

Beastboy was now eighteen and Raven was nineteen. Robin was still in a relationship with Starfire, and Cyborg and Bumblebee had recently taken their relationship to a new level: she moved in. With the other Titans East as well, now known as just Teen Titans. There were now so many Titans that the old Titans East had decided to move to Jump City to help Robin's team while a new group moved into the east Tower.

Raven walked out her room to find Beastboy and Aqualad playing videogames while Mas and Menos bothered Cyborg, who was making breakfast. Speedy and Robin were probably training in the gym, trying to outdo each other for Starfire's affections. Speedy knew he didn't stand a chance of winning Starfire's love, but he did love to piss off Robin. Bumblebee was still asleep, and no one dared wake her up.

The object of Raven's affection turned from his game as soon as he heard her come in. This distraction was punctuated by a loud "GAME OVER" from the screen, but he was halfway across the room. Raven tried to hide her smile, but she found it harder and harder to do so. She had gained greater control over her powers, and she could now allow her feelings of love out without making anything explode. She turned to make some tea, and as she put the water to boil, she felt arms around her waist.

"Hey Raven." He kissed her neck. She smiled.

"Good morning." She turned and kissed him lightly.

"Awwww!" Cyborg laughed. At least, he did until Raven made the scrambled eggs explode is his face. She grinned at his face and high-fived Mas and Menos.

"Oh, dude! You should see the look on your face!" Beastboy giggled. He was taller than Raven now, and he had become much more muscular over the last year. He had grown up. But he still made his jokes, and laughed at things that were only to him. Raven and him still bickered about his sense of humor, but they did it playfully. Beastboy loved Raven more with each passing day, and even though he would never be completely over his past, she helped.

The Titans spent the day fighting various criminals, each time winning after intense battles. It was a normal day for the larger Teen Titans group, and of course Beastboy asked for pizza after their last fight.

Beastboy and Raven sat in her room, meditating before bed. He had started this two years before to control his nightmares, and it was now how he relaxed. When Raven and Beastboy finished, he kissed her on the cheek and turned to leave. But she caught his arm and pulled him into a deep kiss. She loved these moments. He deepened the kiss, and pushed her back to the bed where they laid down. Beastboy was so wrapped up in in the kiss that before he knew it he had hitched one of Raven's legs up over his hip. She arched her back as he kissed her neck and nibbled her ear. But she knew they couldn't get further. Beastboy always had flashbacks to the Joker when they got too intimate. She was surprised they had even gotten this far. But those thoughts were silenced as he kissed her on the lips again, his tongue exploring her mouth while hers did the same. Suddenly he pulled back.

"What is it?" Raven whispered. "Did you see...him?"

"No...I didn't. That's just it. I didn't see him." He grinned as he leaned back in for a kiss. Her hands explored his muscular torso until they came to the hemline of his shirt, where they lingered, toying with the fabric. Beastboy sat up in the bed, and pulled Raven up too. He placed her hand on the hemline again. He looked at her with all his love shining in his bright emerald eyes.

"Are you sure? We can wait." Truthfully, Raven didn't want to wait. But she would never push Beastboy to do anything before he was ready.

"I'm ready. I trust you. I love you. I'm ready." He helped her pull his shirt over his head. She stood and Beastboy stood too. She took off her cape, and then slowly pulled down the sleeves of her leotard. Underneath, she was completely naked, her gray skin smooth and her body tight and muscular. She looked at Beastboy for a reaction. No one had ever seen her naked before, but the look of pure love calmed her nerves. Beastboy took off his pants and then his boxers, standing before his love naked as well. He took her hand and led her back to her bed where they laid down together. Raven had to be sure though.

"Are you sure?" Beastboy answered with a kiss. Raven kissed back, opening her mouth to allow his tongue in. She wrapped her arms around him, feeling the scars on his back. Then she straddled him, allowing him to slowly enter her.

The other Titans didn't hear a thing through the sound-proof doors.

Afterwards, Raven and Beastboy lay in each other's embrace. Beastboy had never felt so happy, and he celebrated in his head that he had finally overcome his past. He looked at the girl in his arms. She was sleeping peacefully, and she was his dark angel. He leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you, Raven."

End of story. Thank you everyone. I thought maybe some fluff-type stuff was needed to lighten the end. Because I love happy endings, don't you?


P.S. I am writing a sequel about the new Titans East. Check it out on my profile.