Disclaimer: I don't own inuyasha!

Iname chapter 9

''Almost got..iiiitttt...done!..yes'' she squeeled,looking down the monsterious herb that sure did pack a fight!

Looking down,she mentally patted herself in the back it took her ten minutes to pull that thing out of the ground!

'Great im all dirty' kagome thought dryly to herself 'mabey I can go with sango to the hot spring ...yah that sounds good.

Sighing she stood up dusting herself off of the left over soil that piled on herself, grabbing the bag of herbs, turning her head she parted a farwell to jinenjii.

"I'll be going jinenjii I have to feed the kids...remember to tell kaeda i'll be in my hut if she needs me!'' she waved, he only gave a weak smile thats all he gave these days...back then when kagome was fifteen and met the gently beast, he was very kind to her and inuyasha even if he just met a stranger he would give you the most trusting and helpful smile.

Soon after kagomes kids were born, jinenjii instantly found a bonded friendship with her daughter...on days when kagome would need someone to watch iname if the two little ones got sick and needed medical supplies kagome would leave iname with jinenjii and he would willingly accept to watch her.

Iname was exactly like kagome at a young age, iname would trust him and it would grow for the half demon.

Even though he wasn't the little ones parent he considered her a little daughter to him he even considered her little brothers sons.

When iname was tooken...away from the safety of inuyashas and kagomes arms ...away from the little group she called family...away from the person that accepted who he is... another family member...he was devasted and only seeing kagomes tears and inuyashas anger that day only made it worse.

He became hollow.

He wouldnt greet people with the all the trustworthy smiles and knowing possitive attitude upon the world he was just...neutal...the only people he would give any acknowlegement to was of course inames family and his mother...besides them he was dead.

Iname changed him...drastically...though each day he he would 'try' to improve he opened up more and more soon following to the present now accepting peoples greetings...it was better...better than it was.


Sighing she grieved enouph of the matter in fact kagome was also depressed at a time who wouldn't? he took her baby girl...she was just a baby...if it wasn't for inuyasha or her baby sons she would have been exactly like jinenjii she had to hold up though...for her sons...for inuyasha...for herself.

Dropping the issue...she didn't want to cry in front of her sons.

Dragging her feet to her hut she could see her sons coming out of the hut...running?

''Mom!..mom!" souta shouted, he grew much older he was 14, so was inutaisho but both still had that boyish charm that they could only get from their father.

Running closer both stopped in front of kagome,souta was first to speak "mom something happened" with worry in his wide eyes no sooner then his brother swinged his head " well thats the bigest understatement of the year!''inutaisho shouted both started yelling at each other ignoring there current problem...ahhhhhh just like his father inutaisho was the one to take action and not to think rational.

Souta differed he was more realistic and thinked ahead ...and abviously stating the abviouse all the time... kagome giggled.

Both stopped bickering, "uh..mom you ok?'' inutaisho spoke both confused how could their mother be lauphing at a time like this their father's missing!

She smiled, "you boys..whats the matter?" both took a long exasperated breath and rambled their answer...together...they act to much like twins...I wonder if iname acts like that...she sadened.

"Souta speak what's the matter?" souta looked at his mother and nodded " dad left this morning at the crook of dawn and he hasn't retured" inutaisho added " and it's getting dark'' stating the abvious 'im starting to think they are actually twins'.

She sighed she knew where inuyasha is...why can't he at least try to move on? doesn't he know she won't come back we waited three years! why didn't she come back..why!

I came back after three years but why not her daughter? her vision was getting blury with with the onslaught of tears that wanted to escape, turning to her boys masking her emotions she smiled...sadly ...she wouldn't give her boys a fake smile...

Instantly souta and inutaisho knew... they regretted it they saw the smile her mother gave them 'we should have stayed quiet..'

"Your father's at the well" she turned and left walking to their hut only to turn once more"dinner will be ready soon so rap up what your doing" kagome turned back in the hut walking to the kitchen letting a single tear slip...


Golden eyes looked down only greeting darkness he stared blanky down, no emotion portrayed on his face just..blank.

Every three days he would come he would run threw the forest to come to this spot...the spot that brought his kagome back...hoping once again that it would bring the person he cares about back into his arms...but nothing...again... hes been doing this the past seven years and nothing.

Inuyasha even asked keada for advise, kagome was sent back home and sealed because of her feelings she was scared, she wanted to get out of their , wanting to see her family once again.

What has this to do with his daughter though! wasn't the well sealed? is it her fate? he needed help... he had to ask totosai.

He looked down the well one last time,sighing, he turned and started his way back to his hut and too tell kagome and his sons he's leaving,he sure as hell was gonna be hounded why? when he gets home,he was walking down the dirt path a few twigs and leaves crunched under him... to lost in thought to care, 'I want this to keep secret...secret until I find out the truth..not until I find out'


"Iname!...dinner's ready please call akane and aki!" iname shot up from her bed 'who the hell woke me up!' she heard it again ''iname!...did you hear me?...get your cousins!'' she groaned slowly getting out of bed,if she gets up to fast if feels like fricken gravity pushes her down and the edges of her perifial vision turn black its cool and uncomfortable at the same time, 'probably just light headed from getting up to fast ..yah...or it could mean I have low iron in my blood...' she frowned...that's bad...'FunYuns that has iron in it! ...problem solved yay!' she walked to her door.

"Hay grandma do we have FunYuns!'' she yelled,her grandmother shook her head;


A/N: review! me getting no reviews anymore :( lol I hope you like this chappy this chappy was actually important it described inames family issues and how there copeing so stay tuned for the next chappy!


p.s I used the chips funyuns cuz its true theres iron in them lol and that same stuff happens to me! i swear its uncomfortable and cool at the same time XD