A/N: Just a few things I would like to inform you all of. I have turned on anonymous reviews because it has come to my attention that some of you who may be reading may or may not have an account on here and I want everyone to have an advantage to say what they feel. Criticism of all kind is awesome. I want to hear from you all and see what all you like and see what you don't like. It is important to know what I may be doing wrong so I can fix it and grow as a writer and keep you all happy.

Now to my main point. Here is my latest chapter of The Whispering Years a WIP that I am growing to love just by this chapter alone. I was debating on updating this today or tomorrow. But I decided that I should post this tonight considering that Sunday is my birthday(hehe, Darren and I are meant to be) but because of this I may have a longer weekend ahead of me. So alas here is the chapter a day earlier than what I expected and I really hope you all enjoy!

The Whispering Years:

Chapter 3: What Is This Feeling?

"It's only Tuesday, kill me now!" Kurt blurted out to Finn at the kitchen table. "Why does it have to be Tuesday Finn? Why can't it be Thursday or I don't know Friday!"

Finn looked up from his breakfast giving this confused sort of look. "Usually Tuesday comes after Monday Kurt, hasn't Rebecca Black taught you anything?" Rolling his eyes in distaste Kurt got up from his chair with his bag and keys in hand.

"Whereyougoing?" Finn mumbled with a mouthful of pancakes.

"Coffee." the word rolled off of Kurt's tongue dryly.

He just sincerely wished it was the weekend. No football, no cheer leading, no Joshua, no nothing. When the weekend comes he will stay at home, these were Kurt's thoughts and only thoughts on the way to The Lima Bean, the coffee just right out of town.

When he got there the line was short and the number of customers were limited—this Kurt could deal with.

"Blaine,I just really think it will interferer with Glee Club, that is all." a voice rung out from the front.

Oh god, now that is something I cannot deal with.

"Rachel, will you please just relax. We won't know anything for another dew days, just grab your coffee and go out to the car." he added another please for emphasis and Kurt seriously debated on running into the restroom or leaving the shop completely as the two siblings made their way towards the exit.

Rachel's eyes winded excitedly as they walked by. She paused.

"Hey Kurt!" she said, pleased to see him.

Blaine paused too, a few steps ahead, he turned his head towards them. His face was unreadable.

"Come on Rachel. We have to get to school." he said before heading out the door without another word.

Rachel pursed her lips and looked sadly at Kurt before following Blaine in suite out of the shop.

Kurt felt guilt clawing at his stomach and he did not know why.

At school Mercedes and Santana were already standing at his locker as pre-usual when they didn't go get coffee together. He sighed heavily and greeted each of the girls a hello as he set in his combination.

"Hey boo," Mercedes cooed. "Santana and me have so many plans for the weekend to run by with you."

Kurt grabbed his books for his morning classes then closed the locker with a sudden flick of his wrist causing the locker to draw to a close a lot louder than he had wanted to.

"As great as that sounds guys, I think I'm just going to pass."

Santana snorted.

"What possibly could be more fun than hanging out with us?"

Kurt frowned and started walking towards his homeroom. "I'm not really up for hanging out—that's all." he explained over his shoulder. Santana and Mercedes both exchanged a look with each other as he turned forward again and what he had seen next surprised him.

Blaine was walking into the school with his head down—cutting himself away from the world around him. He seem so detached, so lost. Unaware of what was happening around him, that was until his small body was smashed against the lockers his bag and books flying in one direction and his coffee crashing to the floor in another then the bully was gone, continuing his stride down the hall.

"Oh my god Blaine!" Rachel screeched, running to his side just as quickly as she had walked in.

Blaine drew in on himself;wrapping his arms around his midsection.

"Blaine are you okay?" she asked concern clear in her voice. She went to touch him and Blaine blanched.

"G-get away from me...just get away!' he looked up and his body shook, scared dark brown eyes met a wide pair of blue. He closed them just as quickly, embarrassment and shame washing through him as he slid to the floor.

People looked in Blaine direction snickering as Rachel started gathering all of his fallen stuff.

"It's okay Blaine—it's okay Blaine. You are safe. It's okay." she kept on murmuring soothingly and Kurt at that moment slipped away guiltily his stomach hurting as he made his way to homeroom.

French, it was awkward to say the least. Blaine had walked in with his satchel pressed protectively against his chest. He didn't even look at Kurt, he looked at no one. He sat himself at the table and looked straight forward, his fingers clenched tightly at his side.

Kurt tried to take his notes and pay attention through the remainder of the class.

"Why?" Blaine whispered harshly under his breath as the lesson drew to a close.

"Why did you just stand there and watch?"

Kurt's heart twinged.

"I don't know." he whispered back in defeat.

He was being honest. Kurt didn't know why he stood there, why he watched, and why he didn't do anything but walk away. He knew for a fact that the pained expression in Blaine's eyes and on his face as he closed in on himself was still an image he could not shake and it will haunt him.

What could of happened before to cause that much damage in a person that they would react the way he did. Like it happened before. Why am I even thinking about it god just stop Kurt, look at yourself, you shouldn't care.

Blaine said nothing more after that. His lips in a thin tight line, the bell rang and surprisingly Blaine was the first one to dart up.

Rachel walked in just like the day prior.

Her eyes fell onto Kurt as Blaine made his way to scramble by her side practically planting himself onto her as if she was all the support he would need to get through anything.

"Hi Kurt." she said almost sadly, her voice flat—the usual emphasis and excitement in her voice lost dead even. Her eyes stayed focus on Kurt before she looked up at her brother. He acknowledged her with a nod and nudged her on her side.

"If you are ready we can just go." he said and Rachel smiled widely grabbing her brother by the wrist and immediately enthusing about something as they walked along.

Kurt sighed heavily; grabbing his bag and heading to his next class.

At lunch Kurt sat quietly staring at his food, for the first time in days Kurt has not bothered to even look at Joshua. He didn't even think about Joshua. Maybe he just doesn't care anymore? But then what was this constant feeling Kurt was having? This feeling deep in his gut and the twinge in his heart that just wont go away? Kurt couldn't put his finger on it he just picked at his food with no desire to eat or talk.

"Kurt?" a soft hand was on his shoulder and he looked up. It was Quinn, her gaze was worried. She dropped down onto the seat next to him and held out her hand which he took, a common thing during any of the Cheerio girl talks, it was a reflex by now. But when Quinn did it,it was different, it was actually sort of comforting.

"You need to tell me what's wrong because this isn't you." she pressed, her face softening.

Santana glared in their direction, mostly because of Quinn messing up their seating arrangements. Her and Quinn are good friends but they often bump head .

Quinn and Kurt ignored her as her and Mercedes sat on the other side of the table. Mercedes smiled sadly at Kurt and Kurt smiled back tiredly.

"Kurt," Quinn said again and Kurt drew his attention back to her.

"Is it Joshua?" she asked. "Because if it is, you can find better. He was your first boyfriend, he will not be your last."

Kurt shook his head and exhaled shakily.

"I don't know what I am feeling." he answered honestly because it was obviously true. All he knows is that he was not happy, not happy at all.

Kurt and Finn rode home in silence. Finn knew something was up with his brother but he also knew that when something was up with Kurt he stuck mainly to himself. So when they walked into their home and seen his mother and Burt already waiting by the door Finn knew that whatever was happening wasn't going to go well.

"What's going on?" Finn questioned Kurt's thoughts.

"We have some great news!" Carole said happily.

"Are you pregnant?"

"Oh god Fin no! Sweetie, no. We are inviting the new neighbors over for dinner tonight. To welcome them to the neighborhood. They have two children about your ages that go to your school. You can get to know them, isn't that wonderful!"

Kurt's face whitened and he tightened his grip on his backpack, his knuckles growing white too.

"Oh yeah, just peachy." Kurt gritted out out before pushing past both his father and Carole.

"Kurt you come back here right now and tell me what is wrong. Did something happen at school?" Burt ordered.

Kurt paused.

He looked back.

He was dreading, dreading this dinner. He didn't want to see Blaine and Rachel's stupid sad faces.

"I had a long day. I'll be back up for dinner?" seeing the pleading look on his sons face Burt nodded gruffly.

Kurt headed down the stairs to his room and laid down on his stomach.

Soon he smelt the chicken that was in the oven and heard a knock on the door.

"They are here!" Carole cooed, hanging up her apron and rushing towards the door. When she opened it Rachel stood in the front with Blaine behind her and to other grown men behind him.

Beaming positively beaming Carole ushered them inside.

"Leroy and Hirum. Welcome to our home and these are your children you were telling me about?" she asked with a smile.

Hirum nodded grasping onto Blaine's shoulders.

"This is our eldest, Blaine and his sister Rachel." he stated proudly.

"It's very nice to meet finally meet your family." Carole said earnestly.

"You can just follow me, my husband and sons are all already in the kitchen."

The four of them followed Carole into the kitchen where Finn and Burt already sat. Kurt was not in sight and Burt was giving Carole this look a look she knew well.

"Okay!" Carole started.

"This is my husband Burt and my son Finn." she introduced.

Rachel and Finn's eyes met and she smiled while Blaine on the other hand flinched under Burt's gaze.

"But why don't you all sit down and get acquainted, while I go get our other son?" Leroy and Hirum smiled at Carole.

As Carole excused herself downstairs she could hear the faint voices of Hirum talking to Burt and the screech of the chairs against the floor as they all sat down. When she got into Kurt's bedroom she seen that he was asleep with tear tracks down his face.

She frowned, her brows furrowing in concern as she sat on the edge of his bed.

"Kurt. Sweetie, you have to get up It's time for dinner!" she ran her fingers through his hair.

"S-stop it." he mumbled thickly.

"Kurt," she chuckled. "get. up.'

"mmm-not hungry." he said as he started to doze off once more.

"No, no, up!" Carole patted his rear and slowly he started to open his eyes.

They stung and Carole pursed her lips.

"I know you probably don't want to talk to me about it, but I am here, you know that." Kurt smiled a little despite himself.

"No come on. Let's go eat." she said patting his leg and getting up fro the mattress. Kurt followed in suite.

When they walked up the stairs Kurt kept his eyes trained to the floor as they entered the kitchen. All eyes were on them as Carole shot right into talking again.

"This is Burt's son Kurt. He is our eldest just by a few months as Finn likes to often point out." he can hear the smile in her voice, and when he finally looked up he seen Blaine and Rachel staring back at him as he took his seat which was by his father and evidently beside Rachel, which next to her was Blaine, then two older looking men with a happy sort of twinkle in their eyes.

Carole introduced each of them one by one to Kurt as she set the table. Kurt was sort of shocked that two married gay men lived in this part of Ohio. He sort of admired that, really. Next Carole set out the dinner and began serving dinner onto everyone's plates, mashed potatoes, red beats, and grilled chicken with fried onions.

Rachel reached over and patted at one of her dads arms looking panicked.

"What's wrong Rachel, dear?" Carole questioned skipping Kurt as pre-usual and setting a small amount of food onto Burt's plate. Rachel whitened.

"I can't eat this." she said weakily.

"I just can't Mrs. Hummel." she clenched at her silverware which was loosened as Carole took her plate with a worried expression on her face.

"Rachel is a vegan." Blaine explained with a roll of his eyes.

"She wont eat anything with a face."

"SHUT UP BLAINE!" Rachel barked back at her brother's condescending tone.

Carole interrupted their quarrel. "I am so sorry sweetie. I don't want to make you eat something you aren't comfortable with."

Rachel frowned and she shook her head.

"No, no. You spent your time to cook this meal to-to welcome us. I'll eat it."

Finn spoke next.

"You don't have to. You can have some of that healthy green stuff that Kurt always eats."

Kurt glared at Finn, sometimes he was just so stupid.

"You mean a salad?" Kurt shot out and Finn nodded.

"Go and get the salad and another plate for Rachel." Burt directed and Kurt did as he was told.

He set an extra plate down in front of Rachel and served her a fair amount of salad before serving himself.

He then set down two bottles of dressing. He looked over at Rachel as he took his seat, this is the first time he has ever spoken to her.

"You have a choice of either french or ranch."

Rachel smiled.

"Ranch." she answered.


"Ranch tastes better on anything!" he and Rachel finished at the same time. They glanced at each other before laughing and hey, that actually felt pretty good.

Squeezing some of the ranch onto his salad he passed it on to Rachel who took it with a smile.

"Thank you Kurt." she said as she slid it over to Blaine who started to squirt it onto some of his chicken.

Kurt nodded taking a bite out of his salad, soon the Hummel-Hudson's and the Berry-Anderson's shot into their own comfortable conversations. They heard the story of how Hirum and Leroy had gone to New York and had gotten married as soon as it was legalized. Kurt smiled at that. They were together for eighteen years prior and they had set up to have Blaine and Rachel, they came a few months apart as well. They wanted a family and they didn't want to wait. It was sort of endearing.

Rachel and Blaine were born performers. Rachel loved the music of Babra and the power of Broadway. Kurt realized all of the things he had in common with these two people.

Blaine on the other hand though really did not speak but when he did he spoke to everyone around him. He talked about cars with Burt and football with Finn, and even his opinions of fashion with Carole. But otherwise he spent most of his time picking and eating at his food until the plate was clear. He didn't really bother to talk to Kurt and Kurt really couldn't blame him.

A/N: So there is the latest chapter. I believe I have taken the task of developing my characters in a different way in this story(if you are familiar with any of my other stories) and I think it changes my writing in a good way. When I first started writing this story I didn't like it, I hated it even. But I think that was because I was so used to developing the characters earlier on with this it gives some of the characterless a mysterious feel until they developed furthermore in this chapter. I my opinion this story still has a long way to go so what are your thoughts? What are your criticisms? Please let me hear back from you, I want to hear back from you.

I sincerly hope you all enjoyed this update and as always

you all keep me writing
