Hello all.

I know I promised not to do this, but I've discontinued this story. It's been months since I've come up with any new material and feel as though I'm never going to be motivated to continue until the end. I want to thank all those who stuck with it despite my consistent hiatus'. I have felt as though my readers too have not been as into the story recently, which may partly be a reason for stopping now. I just cannot think up enough ideas that would bring this story to an end.

Despite this, I have the last chapter written, as I had written it when I began writing long ago. I had continued each chapter knowing how it was to end, and I feel it only fair to publish my vision for Ana. I would like opinions on whether I should publish the last chapter on it's own, or if you who are still interested would like a filler chapter. Be warned, there are many events that have not yet been written that would have lead to the finale.

Thanks again for all your support. I have continued with my other Fan Fiction, and wish The Last Time would have lived up to it's full potential, but I do not want to continue with something that is inevitably over.

xo. SevSnape4ever