Authors Note: This is the new, revised chapter one. I hope those who read it will continue with the story and let me know what you think!

It was colder than usual in the Riddle house. Three others and I had just returned from a small town in northern Yorkshire where four mudblood families were murdered. Bellatrixs' cackle rang in my ears along with the screams of the witches and wizards. My eyes were unfocused as the Dark Lord entered the room with what could only be considered a smile on his face. He seemed pleased with us and he praised us for our accomplishment. This night marked the first multiple Death Eater attack, and we all knew what that meant; the war had started.

"Ana darling, dinner is ready!" I heard my mother shout up the stairs. I had almost finished my summer reading before this untimely interruption. I was to take the train to Hogwarts tomorrow and I was not even slightly close to being ready. It had been an overly boring summer and I could not wait to return to school. I was waiting until later that night to pack up all of my possessions because I wanted my tiredness to overpower my excited thoughts about being reunited with my long lost friends. I was unable to visit any of them over the summer, as my parents would not allow me out of the house because of the dark wizard who is seemingly on the rise.

I moved quickly down the stairs and to the kitchen doors when I could hear my mother talking something over with my brother, Shay. Every day was a battle with him. He didn't believe in the same things as my parents did, instead he had been siding with the dark wizards belief's on blood purity. He thought that because our family was pureblooded we should be siding with him instead of with the others and my parents strongly disagreed which angered Shay. A number of his friends were also prejudice, which didn't help. I loved my brother, but sometimes I didn't quite understand what went on in his head. He was only a year older than me and would be returning to Hogwarts for his last year, but he had made it very clear that he took no pleasure in going. I loved going to school and I couldn't imagine what my life would be like when I was finished.

I walked into the kitchen but was surprised to see no food on the table.

"I don't see anything to eat." I said disappointedly but it seemed no one had heard me so I cleared my throat loudly.

"AHEM. I said there is nothing to eat." Speaking much louder this time. My mom finally stopped squabbling with my brother and turned her attention to me.

"We are eating outside dear, your father is already at the table. Why don't you go and join him." She said sounding angry. Not wanting to engage in all this family nonsense I sauntered out the back doors and through part of the yard to where my father sat.

I loved where I lived. There were no neighbors for miles and all that surrounded us was good old nature. There was a lake on the other side of the hill that was only a ten-minute walk. This was where I normally spent my summers, but this summer not so much. The warm evening air fluttered around me as I walked through the grass. When I reached the table I sat down across from my father and stared.

My father was an Auror for the Ministry of Magic, but not your typical one. Unlike the others who shared the same profession, he was very laid back. He didn't like to get involved with all the nonsense and preferred not to take sides, though his job would have him serving the Ministry. He didn't mind though, he was content with his life and when he was not at work he would spend most of his time outside in the yard or lounging with my mother who didn't work. He was currently reading a thick looking book, something he always seemed to be.

I kept my gaze on him until he finally spoke.

"I have a feeling they will be in there for a while, you may start if you are hungry Ana." He said lazily. I smiled and quickly grabbed my plate and filled it with the food placed on the table in front of me. I began to eat my meal alone while my dad continued to read his book. I knew he wasn't actually reading. He hadn't flipped his page the entire time I had been sitting there.

"So..." I started, attempting to make conversation. Finally to my delight he closed his book and looked at me.

"Something on your mind Ana?" He asked as he pilled steamed vegetables onto his plate.

"I leave for school tomorrow." I hinted.

"That you do." He said. His response irritated me.

"Since Lucy died, I have no one to deliver my many intended letters to you and mum this year." I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"Shay still has his owl, Ana." My father replied between carrots.

"His bird is mean father, it bites!" I retorted.

"All the shops in Diagon Ally have been closed for over an hour now, there is no way of even getting you a new owl."

"So you mean to say you are not surprising me with a new owl?" I asked sadly.

"That is correct."

I sighed and leant back in my chair while I continued to eat my dinner. I knew my mother would never consider getting me another owl, she hated them, but my father always seemed to give in when I suggested things that would be useful for communicating.

"What is going on with Shay and mum?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Just a disagreement." He said vaguely.

"Does it involve that Voldemort wizard again?" I asked as I chewed on a piece of cucumber.

"Unfortunately, yes." His voice was quiet. I couldn't believe Shay would do this to our parents. It was foolish for him to be going against everything they had taught him; as well as being extremely disrespectful.

I was already finished eating dinner by the time mum joined us without Shay. I excused myself from the table and told them I was going up to my room to pack all of my things for school.

Before climbing up each stair, Shay opened his bedroom door and began to walk towards the top of the staircase. He looked angry.

"I need to talk to you, now." He ordered harshly.

"I'm busy right now Shay, I'll talk to you later." I said as I continued to walk up the stairs and towards my room, which was the last door on the left.

"No Ana, it's important." He said more firmly. I sighed loudly and followed him into his bedroom before he closed the door behind us firmly.

"What is it?" I asked carelessly as I sat down on the edge of his bed.

"You're friends with that blood traitor, right?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't know to whom you are referring to." I answered sarcastically. I knew he was talking about Sirius.

"Black." He said his name with a look of disgust.


"You need to stay away from him this year." He ordered.

"Excuse me?" I asked angrily.

"Even though I think it's stupid of you to side yourself with mum and dad I still care about you Ana and being close with Black is dangerous." He said lowering his voice.

"Why?" I did not fully understand where he was going with this.

"There are a lot of plans, and his family want nothing but for him to see the way they do, you must know that. If you're close to him, they will hurt you to get even with him." He explained.

"Who are they? I don't-" I began before getting cut off by his loud voice.

"Ana please. It makes me so fucking angry that you are being a little bitch and choosing the wrong side but if that's the way you are going to go then you need to lose your connections with Black." He said cruelly.

"He's my best friend Shay, I can't just abandon him, especially when there are people like you out there giving him a hard time." I shouted and jumped to my feet before storming out of his room. I didn't understand how he could expect me to just stop seeing someone who I've been a friend with since I was eleven years old.

I went to my room and shut the door firmly. Dropping onto my bed, I looked up at the ceiling of my room. This year was not starting off well, and I was not looking forward to more run in's with my brother throughout the year, especially when I was with Sirius.

Sirius was one of the most caring people I had ever known. He was always there for me when I needed him and even more so this past year when things with my family had started to spiral out of control. It was perfect because he too had the same type of family troubles, though his were much more extreme. He was always there to comfort me when I needed it and I cherished that. There was no way our friendship would be pulled apart in a time like this by someone like my idiotic brother.

I raised myself off my bed and found my trunk, pulled it out, and positioned in the middle of my room, then started loading all the things I would need at Hogwarts. I was just about done when I heard a light knock on the door.

"Come in!" I answered as I lifted an armful of textbooks off my desk and dropped them into the trunk on top of all my clothes.

"How's packing going?" I heard my mums soft voice say as she creaked open the door.

"I'm almost done." I replied tiredly.

"Well I hope you saved a bit of room." She said and pushed the door open all the way. My parents stood in my doorway and in my fathers' arms was a tiny kitten. It looked at me and mewed lightly. My heart instantly melted.

"What is this?" I shouted gleefully as I ran towards them and took the cat from my dad. She was as soft as silk and completely white other than a black patch on her left eye.

"You're new pet. I know you aren't going to be able to send those many letters you predicted you'd send to us with her, but we think that she will gain your affection more than an owl would have." My mother said adding a hint of sarcasm as she petted the kitten's head with her finger.

"Thank you so much! She is so adorable. What is her name?"

"Whatever you want it to be." My father said smiling.

"I'm going to call her Fang." I decided as I hugged her close.

"Fang?" My mom asked. "Really?"

"Yes it's a cute name don't you think?"

"Sure..." My dad laughed and soon my mother joined in.

"There is a carrier down in the lounge for tomorrow, but you need to get some sleep. It's a long trip to Hogwarts Ana, you don't want to doze off and miss all the scenery now do you?" My father said and I nodded. I was suddenly aware how exhausted I was.

'Goodnight mum, dad. I'll keep Fang in here." I said politely as my mom kissed the top of my head and closed the door. I lightly dropped Fang onto my bed and watched as she sniffed around it. Finally, she found a clump in my blankets and curled herself up into a tiny ball and fell asleep instantly. I closed my trunk, which was packed and ready to go, before heading to my bathroom to get washed up for bed.

After showering I slid into my cozy pj's and headed for my waiting bed. The moment my head hit the pillow I could feel my eyes drifting to sleep and I knew that when I was to wake up I would be getting ready to start another year off at Hogwarts.

I opened my eyes the next morning as sunlight poured in through my large window. I didn't know what time it was but I decided to get up and get ready anyways, knowing there was no way I could get back to sleep while my mind was swimming with anticipation. After getting ready I went down to the kitchen to find something to eat for breakfast and saw both my parents sitting at the kitchen table drinking pumpkin juice while reading their favorite parts of the Daily Prophet. I sat down at the table with them and picked through the platter of fruit that was placed in the middle while gazing outside. This would be my last morning here until Christmas break and even though I loved school, I was going to miss my home.

I was just finishing my last strawberry when my dad put his paper down and stood from the table.

"Ready to go Ana?" He asked and I looked up at him curiously.

"Already?" I asked as I looked around for any sign of Shay.

"Yes, it is half past ten. You don't want to miss the train." He said. "Go get Shay and meet me at the front door."

I stood lazily from my seat and did as I was told.

"It's time to go." I said from outside of Shay's bedroom door. He followed me down the stairs and to the front door where our things were resting.

Father opened the door then levitated our luggage out into the fresh summer morning. We stopped just as we reached the gates and I placed my hand on my fathers forearm and inhaled sharply waiting for the unpleasant experience of apparation.

When I opened my eyes we were in a secluded room at King's Cross Station in London. I put my luggage on a trolley as my brother did the same. The three of us left the room and started on our way to platform 9 and 3 quarters. Once there we gave our luggage to the man who was loading it onto the train then I turned my attention to someone shouting my name.

"Ana, Ana! Over here Ana!" I heard James' excited voice coming through one of the windows of a compartment.

"Ana, hurry up and come sit with us!" Sirius' head poked out the window next to James'.

I smiled and waved at them, then out of the corner of my eye I saw Shay glaring angrily at me. I rolled my eyes and focused on my dad who I would not be seeing until Christmas. I hugged him and said my goodbye before boarding the train to Scotland. I wandered until I found the compartment that Sirius and James were hanging out of. When I opened the sliding door I was greeted with an unexpected hug. Sirius had his arms wrapped tightly around me and I hugged him back as I laughed. He was much bigger than me so he towered over me.

"How was your summer Ana?" He asked as we took our seats across from Remus and James.

"Uneventful, yours?" I asked.

"Same. Glad to be heading back to Hogwarts and away from my family!" He exclaimed and the others cheered excitedly.

"I second that." I said, leaning back against the seat. I looked out the window as the train began to move. Only a few more hours and I would be back at school with my friends, and Sirius.

AN: Well there it is, the first impression of my story! It's dull compared to upcoming chapters, which I hope you all will enjoy. :)