The eleventh doctor found himself rewinding his time stream after he navigated the pandorica to the heart of the explosion. He saw the cracks healing itself as the time went back to the past adventures with Amy and Rory. Until finally, he found a younger Amy sleeping on her suitcase, he carried her back and tucked her into bed.

"I think I'll skip the rest of the rewind," the doctor muttered to himself. "I hate repeats."

But before he could vanish, he thought of seeing this one girl in his past regeneration, the girl he loved.

Suddenly, he found himself on Bad Wolf Bay, the day Rose Tyler got stuck in the parallel universe.

He stood from afar and watched himself and Rose say their goodbye.

"And I suppose if it's my last chance to say it, Rose Tyler-." And then he disappeared.

Rose stood there, crying.

After her parents and Mickey left her alone to calm herself down, the doctor walked towards her. "Are you all right there?"

She took a deep breath and looked at him, her eyes were teary and she was a mess. "Just leave me alone."

"I can't do that." The eleventh stepped forward and stood beside her. "I can tell that you lost someone, someone important."

She nodded, wiping away tears.

"Let me tell you something, this world could be a terrible place sometimes." He gazed at her, smiling, but there were tears in his eyes, too. "But someday, somehow, maybe, just maybe you'll meet that person again someday."

Rose smiled weakly. "How do you know?"

The doctor fixed his bow tie and smiled back. "I don't." But I do know, I was there when you arrived.

"You remind me of him," Rose muttered, wiping away her tears. "The doctor."

I am the doctor, he wanted to tell her but he can't.

"Tell you what," The doctor took her hand. "Ever thought of making a dimension canon?"

"A what?"

"Torchwood." The eleventh said. "They're building it."

"How do you-."

"Don't ask, Rose Tyler." Doctor hushed her, warning her that saying one wrong word would destroy the fabric of time and space.

She immediately understood but never asked anything else.

His time was almost up. He knew he had a few minutes left. So he did the only thing he wished he would've done at this very moment.

The eleventh bent down and whispered in her ear, "He loves you but he was just scared of saying it. He really loves you. He still does and he always will."

I love you, Rose Tyler. The doctor wanted to tell her but he couldn't. Tears began to stream down his face as he stood upright.

Rose was speechless and she was crying, too. "I love him."

The doctor felt his two hearts beat fast and he couldn't help but lean in and hug her tight, the way he used to hug her back then. Surprisingly, she hugged him back.

"I don't know who you are and why you know this but you made me feel better." She murmured.

"I have to go, Rose. Keep this a secret, will you? Don't tell anyone. Even the doctor."

The doctor parted from the hug and started walking away, if he stayed, Rose would ask him questions about how he knew all of this. He couldn't answer. He wanted to stay but he can't.

"This is why I hate repeats." The doctor said as he wiped off the tears on his face.

Suddenly, he disappeared, leaving absolutely no trace of himself.

And Rose was once again alone, staring at the empty beach with tears in her eyes.