Disclaimer: I do not own anything from The Big Bang Theory.

A/N: Thanks for all of the reviews! I hope everyone has enjoyed this as much as I have enjoyed writing it!

One month later

Amy sat in Penny's apartment, waiting for her bestie to finish getting dressed. They were going to go on a double date with Sheldon and Leonard. It had been a month since that night when her father had shown up at her apartment. Amy was so relieved with how things had turned out since then, her father was back in jail and she and Sheldon were doing great. She still hadn't told anyone besides Penny about the video cameras and she probably never would.

"How does this look Ame's?" Penny asked, coming out of her room in a black mini dress.

"It looks perfect Penny." Amy said "Are you sure this looks okay on me?"

"Of course." Penny said, checking out the outfit she had picked out for Amy, a knee length deep purple dress. "You look hot!"

"Thanks bestie!" Amy said, just as there was a knock at the door.

Penny went over to open the door, where the two guys were waiting for them. Both looked extremely handsome in their suits. Leonard greeted Penny at the door with a kiss, but Sheldon walked right past them and over to Amy.

"Good evening Amy." Sheldon said, kissing her cheek "you look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you Sheldon." Amy said "you look pretty good yourself."

"You guys ready?" Leonard asked

"Yep." Penny answered "let's go."

"So where are we going?" Amy asked, as they walked down the stairs.

"We thought it would be fun to try that new French restaurant that just opened." Sheldon answered, as he held the door to Leonard's car opened for Amy.

"That sounds nice." Penny said

They drove in a comfortable silence to the restaurant, getting there in about ten minutes. Once they walked in the restaurant, Sheldon went to speak to the hostess for a moment, and then they were seated at a table where Howard, Bernadette and Raj were all waiting.

"What are you guys doing here?" Amy asked, surprised to see her other friends.

"Oh I'm sorry Amy." Sheldon said "I forgot to tell you that I invited the whole group."

"That's okay." Amy said, sitting in the chair that Sheldon had pulled out for her. "I was just surprised to see everyone.

Once everyone was seated and they had ordered their meals, the group sat and talked and had a great time together. While they were just finishing up dessert, Amy was looking around at her group of friends and thinking that life couldn't get much better than this.

"Excuse me everyone." Sheldon said suddenly, standing up, clinking his fork and the side of his glass.

"Amy, the time we have spent together has been the best time of my life," Sheldon started, dropping to one knee and taking her left hand. "I had a big speech planned out for this but as I stood here before you I couldn't seem to remember any of it. So let me just get to the most important part, Amy Farrah Fowler I love you. Will you marry me?"

Amy sat there staring at Sheldon, wide eyed for a few seconds which seemed like an eternity to Sheldon. "Yes of course I will." Amy said, throwing her arms around his neck "definitely."

Sheldon returned the hug and then took her left hand again and placed the ring her had picked out the day before with Penny and Bernadette on her hand. They both stood up and embraced again as the whole restaurant started to applaud and cheer. Once they had separated, their group of friends rushed over to congratulate them.

"Oh my god." Penny said, brushing the tears out of her eyes "that was so beautiful!"

"Congrats buddy." Leonard said, pulling Sheldon into a hug, Sheldon tensing up at first.

"This is so exciting!" Bernadette said, hugging Amy after Penny let her go.

"I still can't believe that Sheldon is getting married." Howard said, Raj nodding his head next to him "but seriously I am happy for you guys."

"We have to start planning the wedding tomorrow." Penny exclaimed turning to Amy and Bernadette "come over to my place tomorrow morning."

Amy laughed at her friend's enthusiasm, nodding her head in agreement. Sheldon took her hand then and when she turned to look at him, he was looking at her with so much love that it made her heart melt. As they stood there staring at each other, all of their friends watching them, they both couldn't wait to start their lives together.

That's it everyone, thanks again for reading and for all of the reviews. I am considering doing a sequel that will center around them planning the wedding, let me know what you think!