Disclaimer: I do not own anything from The Big Bang Theory

A/N: I don't know much about Amy's family life from home so this maybe AU. I had to write a Sheldon/Amy fic because there is way too few of them and way too many Sheldon/Penny!

Sheldon sighed as he sat his phone down again without getting any answer from the person he was trying to get ahold of. It was unusual for Amy not to answer any of his electronic communications.

"What's wrong?" Leonard asked coming into the living room and noticing Sheldon's confused expression

"I can't seem to get ahold of Amy" Sheldon said "we were going to hang out tonight but she sent me a text earlier saying that she was tired and just going to stay home"

"Well she probably just fell asleep" Leonard suggested

"I doubt it" Sheldon said frowning "she usually stays up half the night and she always wakes up when the phone rings"

Before Leonard could respond to that Penny came into the apartment.

"Hey Sheldon have you talked to Amy lately?" Penny asked

"Well that depends on your definition of lately" Sheldon said

"Oh my god" Penny said, getting frustrated "have you talked to her since leaving work?"

"No I have not" Sheldon answered, oblivious to Penny's frustration "I can't get ahold of her"

"Me either" Penny said looking worried "I have been trying for about an hour, she was supposed to come over to my place tonight"

"Am I missing something here" Leonard asked, turning to his girlfriend "is something going on with Amy?"

"Nothing that I am aware of" Sheldon answered "She told me she was tired and didn't feel like doing anything tonight"

"Well….." Penny said, looking unsure "Amy confided something in me and asked me not to tell anyone and I'm not saying it definitely has something to do with why she isn't answering, but I'm kind of worried that it could"

"You are not making any sense to me" Sheldon said "Why would Amy tell you something but not me?"

"Let's just say it was something that she was upset about" Penny said "and you are not the best at comforting people"

"Well that is just crazy talk" Sheldon said

"Hold on Sheldon" Leonard said interrupting him before he could lecture them on why he was good at comforting people "what did she tell you Penny?"

"I really don't think I should say" Penny said looking uncomfortable "I promised I wouldn't say anything to anyone and we really don't know what's going on yet"

"Well at least tell us if we should be worried" Sheldon said

"Maybe" Penny said "it bothers me that she doesn't answer, she always answers the phone when I call"

"Leonard please take me over to Amy's" Sheldon asked "I need to see if she is okay"

"Of course" Leonard said "I'm getting worried too"

"I'm going to go with you guys" Penny said, following them out of the apartment

While they drove over to Amy's apartment, Sheldon kept trying to call her. After the fifth time of getting no answer he turned towards the back to give Penny a frustrated sigh.

"Will you please just tell me what is going on?" Sheldon asked "is Amy in some kind of trouble?"

"How much do you know about Amy's childhood?" Penny asked

"Quit trying to change the subject" Sheldon snapped

"Seriously Sheldon just answer the question" Penny said

"I don't really know much" Sheldon answered "she never wants to talk about it much"

"Let me just say that she didn't have the best childhood" Penny said "especially with her dad"

"What are you trying to say Penny?" Leonard asked "did her dad hit her or something"

"Ummmm…." Penny said looking uncomfortable, not sure how to answer

"He did, didn't he?" Sheldon asked "why would she never tell me that"

"Okay, yes he did" Penny answered "and not just one time, I guess it was pretty bad. He's been in jail for years and she just found out recently that he got out and she's been really worried that he is going to track her down"

"Why would he come looking for her after all this time? Leonard asked

"Apparently she was the one who finally got him arrested" Penny said "her mom was too afraid to get them help so she did and he was pretty unhappy about it"

"I wish she would have told me about this" Sheldon said, clearly upset

"Well Sheldon come on" Penny said "you barely touch her, she cried for like ten minutes when she told me, can you really imagine yourself holding her while she cried?"

"Of course I can" Sheldon said, then noticing Leonard and Penny's disbelieving faces, he added "I know Amy and I don't have the most conventional relationship but I love her"

Leonard and Penny both looked surprised at his revelation, but before either of them could answer they were pulling into the parking lot of Amy's apartment complex. Sheldon pointed out her car in its parking spot as they walked to the door. When they got to the door of Amy's apartment, they knocked a few times without getting a response. Sheldon dug the key out that Amy had given him a while ago, and unlocked the door. The scene before them was shocking and all three of them walked in slowly taking it all in. The main room was a disaster, lamps and pictures frames knocked to the floor, one of the arm chairs was turned over, there was broken glass on the floor, papers strewn all over the place.

"Oh my god" Penny said, covering her mouth with her hand, tears filling her eyes "you guys come here"

"What is it?" Leonard asked as he and Sheldon walked towards Penny, stopping suddenly when they saw what she was staring at. Lying on the floor in the hallway that led to her bathroom, was Amy, unconscious, a small pool of blood surrounding her head.