This starts out as something serious and really does downhill once Percival gets involved. And Arthur does what Arthur is good at - the right thing at the wrong time.

Merlin's breath rose as a great, white cloud as he huffed heavily. He stomped his way to the river, hoping to warm his feet a little. A thick blanket of snow had layered itself across the forest, and it would have looked nice, if it wasn't so desperately cold. Merlin flexed his fingers, trying to draw some life back into them and he swore as one of the water skins fell into the snow as the strap slid from his numb grasp. Huffing again Merlin grimaced as he put his hand into the snow to retrieve it. The effect made his hand tingle painfully. He shook his hand and exhaled another misty white breath onto his frozen digits in the hope of bringing them a little more warmth. It just seemed to make then ache even more. Merlin wrapped his arms around himself and stuffed his tingling hand into his armpit, hoping that might help. He found it didn't, the cold just seemed to seep from his hand, through his clothes and deeper into him. He sniffed as he reached the river back, looking at the layer of ice on the water.

This was the last of his chores, get some water and then he could huddle up in the alcove they had found with the rest of them. Merlin stepped down onto the bank, yelping as his foot slid and he bumped down painfully onto his backside. He gave a groan as his spine ached and the snow seeped into the seat of his trousers. He mumbled under his breath, cursing as he slowly moved and he banged against the ice. Merlin rolled his eyes, the ice across the top of the river was thick, so he now had to find some way of getting through it. He shuffled to the edge of the bank, shifting position to let one leg dangle over the side and he grabbed hold of a nearby rock to keep himself steady and bringing his foot back he slammed his heel against the frozen water. There was something of a satisfying crack, but peering over Merlin realised it wasn't enough to break through.

Gritting his teeth Merlin knelt up, taking a firmer grip of the nearby rock and bringing his leg up higher, tried to bring his foot down on the cracked area to break it open. On the bank his knee went out from under him, lifting up off the ground as his ankle, trapped under him, couldn't move under the pressure sending a shockwave of hot pain up his leg. It was almost pleasant against the cold.

Merlin grabbed for the bank, trying to take hold with his hands but it was too slippery and he realised he was continuing to tip. He scrabbled at the rocks but he couldn't do anything as his trapped foot flew upwards, throwing him backwards, arms flailing as he rolled in the air before his back crashed into the ice shattering under the impact, and he went in.

The cold slammed into him, and he gasped, trying to keep his head above water. His body just couldn't answer, for a moment, as the cold clamped down. Merlin couldn't even whimper, never mind scream, for help. All he could feel was cold, he pressed into his entire being. He had to get out of the water. He could feel the ice forming even as he struggled. Merlin fought and suddenly the palm of his hand slapped against the rocks. It latched there as something jabbed into his hand. Merlin kicked his legs, he was sure he was trying to that, it was too cold to really feel if he was moving and he yanked himself up onto the bank. He thought it was desperation but he might have just performed magic. His teeth clashed together, his body juddering as the cold air met damp, freezing clothes. Merlin lay on his side, bringing his knees up to his chest. His teeth slammed together so hard he thought they might break. Ironically the straps of the water skins still lay in his hands freezing to it he realised as the water slowly started to crystallize. And he still needed to fill them up.

Slowly, Merlin started to move.


"Where is Merlin with that water?" Arthur snapped.

"He's been gone a while," Gwaine added looking up.

Percival started to pull his cloak on and he put his head out of the screen they had built. The rest of the knights grumbled as he let in some cold air. However, they all frowned as Percival swore and disappeared out into the cold, dark night.

"What the hell are you doing?"

They heard his voice over the wind, and Percival stared at Merlin in horror. He held up the water skins. The five pouches danced in the air as Merlin shivered.

"I ggg…oooottt! the wa…wat…"

Percival looked Merlin up and down. Ice had started to form on every inch of him, and his skin was pale to the point of blue. He held up the skins and Percival saw the ice around Merlin's hand.

"Oh, you little fool!" Percival snapped. Merlin looked up, blinking and then fighting to get his eyes open, his eyelids were freezing together. Percival dived forward and picked him up, kicking aside the careful screening he dragged Merlin inside.

"Arthur, get out of the way!"

"Why? What?"

"Oh, just stay where you are then," Percival snapped irritably, kicking Gwaine out of the way instead. "We need to get him warm and quickly. Merlin?"

"I fe…l…l in, j…jus…t a bit, in…in…in…to the w…wa…ater," Merlin stammered. "I'mmm f…iiii…ne"

Managing to translate the gibberish was easy enough, since Merlin was damp and freezing. "No you are not. We need to get you out of those clothes, you'll freeze in them."

Percival manhandled Merlin roughly yanking off his scarf and then jacket before dragging his shirt over his head, Merlin cowered as his skin was exposed.

"Won't that make him colder?" Leon snapped.

"Don't be stupid, this will let the warmth get to his body, it can't fight it's way through wet clothes! Add some more wood."

"If we go that, we won't have enough to see us through," Elyan said. He blinked as Percival glared at him and Elyan decided not to argue, he added some more wood to the fire. "I'll go and see if I can get some more."

Merlin tried again to talk, not getting anywhere as his teeth continued to chatter painfully. Percival looked around.

"I need something to rub him down with, and then get a blanket ready," Percival ordered. Leon immediately scrabbled to find a blanket and Gwaine pulled out his cloak, handing over the red material to Percival.

"Will this do?"

Yep," Percival said.

Merlin spotted Arthur's look of outrage, at the casual use of the cloak that indicated that Gwaine was a knight of Camelot. He couldn't manage to voice any sort of objection so Percival casually screwed up the material and started to rub Merlin's arms with it in a vigorous fashion. The look on Merlin's face told Arthur that he was trying to pull away but he just couldn't seem to. Percival rubbed down every inch of Merlin's arms and torso, and as Leon held up the blanket Percival snapped.

"Hold it round him but don't put it on him. That will help the air circulate."

Merlin yelped a moment later. He hadn't even realised that Percival had loosened the laces of his trousers, but Merlin was picked up by Percival wrapping an arm around his waist and his other hand yanked Merlin's wet trousers down to his ankles, peeling the wet material away from him.

"Hey!" Merlin screamed in outrage, getting his hands to his groin.

"Shut up!" Percival said continuing to use Gwaine's cloak to rub Merlin down, going over his legs and glaring at the others.

"We really need to keep him warm now. Has Elyan got any wood?"

"A bit. It's not too damp, I dug underneath the stuff outside. It's cold out!" Elyan said easing his way back in.

"Think yourself lucky, you've not been in the river. Let the air get to you, take the coat off!"

Percival snapped orders at Elyan while he rubbed Merlin. Merlin yelped as Percival's hand went to close to his groin, rubbing the top of his thigh. Merlin clamped his hands tighter around his privates.

"Stop it!"

"No," Percival said. "Stop being so silly."

With that Percival discarded Gwaine's screwed up cloak and pulled off some of his layers. He had already taken off his chain mail much to his comrade's derision, but he was the warmest of them. Merlin squeaked as Percival grabbed him and lifted him. He was pulled onto Percival's lap and then Percival extracted the ends of the blanket off Leon, wrapping it around himself and Merlin, his arm tightening around the struggling servant.


"It's the easiest way to keep you warm," Percival said, shifting so Merlin's bare feet were caught in the waves of heat of the fire. He could feel it now, all of them would be fine in the small space, but Merlin was still shivering even with the extra protection.

"Pin that back down, Elyan, and sit together as close as you can," Percival advised.

"You don't need to do that!" Merlin said, for the first time since he had come back his voice sounded normal, and not hampered by his chattering teeth.

"Shut up, Merlin," Percival said, which caused Arthur to frown. "Gwaine sit on this side."

"Pleasure," Gwaine said pressing against Merlin's back.

"Arthur have you got anything you can dry his feet off with?" Percival asked.

The king glared in outrage and then it was quelled under Percival's gaze. Even Merlin subdued as he caught it out of the corner of his eye.

"Arthur, he's just been in an icy pond. We were lucky he managed to get out without the water freezing over him. You can sit here if you like," Percival said, lifting Merlin a little, which caused Merlin to whine an objection. Arthur rummaged through his belongings.

"No, I can… I've got this…." And Arthur's cloak was the next one to fall to the cause.

Eventually Percival had to move, he made Merlin move as he passed him onto Leon, who sat with Merlin wrapped in his arms. It wasn't quite as nice as Percival, who was big enough to keep Merlin on his lap. Gwaine took his turn, cuddling Merlin and making him snigger with an ongoing repertoire of rude stories.

"I'll take him now," a voice with authority announced.

Merlin had given up on all levels of dignity. Under the layers of blankets he was naked, and he hardly reacted as Arthur put Merlin down in his lap, and Merlin wrapped his arms around Arthur's torso, putting his head down on the king's shoulder.

"You're such an idiot Merlin."

Merlin snorted into the crook of Arthur's neck.

"Oh, excuse me, who was it that couldn't possibly have water that has been melted from snow, stuff that is right outside the door. Nnnnoooo," Merlin drawled sleepily. "It's go the river Merlin, get water from there Merlin, I'm a king I can't possibly have it any other way, never mind it's cold and wet and I'm the only one that ever has to go. The rest of you get to huddle in the warm."

"It's not just me that leaves you."

"You're the prat! They're the cabbage-heads… except Percival… he's all right."

"Thank you," Percival said reaching over to tuck the blankets around Merlin. Merlin huffed happily feeling very warm and settled and safe. Arthur took a deep breath.

"Well, I don't want you dying Merlin. What would happen then? I mean I'm sor…"

Arthur paused as there was a low grunting noise in his ear. It happened again, slowly and steadily. He rolled his eyes, minimising his movements, tightening his arms around Merlin and smirking to himself as Merlin snored again. One of the few times he might have apologised and…

"For the love of… Merlin… you would, wouldn't you?"