SORRY! I didn't have a lot of free time, then I went on vacation. But I'm back now so here's a new chapter


As the team rode around on unicorns, the new wishes came in. Fire laughed for less time than in the last chapter… well, as far as they heard her. The next time they saw her she had a video camera and looked VERY happy. "You guys will LOVE these wishes!" She exclaimed happily.


I can't login -_-... 'Nuff said. Wishes!

1) I wish the entire team would hop into a kangaroo pouch and go kangaroo racing

2)I wish Megan would stuff cheesecake in her clothing

3)I wish that Robin would go and find a angry leprechaun and bring it back but the leprechauns pissed at being so tall xD and the leprechaun beats the team up with baseballs

4)I wish the team would sleep in a kangaroo pouch and hop all day

5)I wanna see some boxing between wally and a kangaroo. Good luck*gives wally broken helmet*

"KANGAROO RACE!" Fire yelled, way to happy for her own good. So kangaroo's appeared out of nowhere and each member of YJ unwillingly jumped into their pouches. The kangaroos all lined up. Then Fire shoot a spoon out of a lamp-monkey, and the race began. They went, over a bench, around some pillions, through doors, then through portals, through star wars, lord of the rings, justice league, ponyville, turkey, a nursery, someone's computer, a monkey, Gothem, and it ended there (turns out even kangaroo's are scared of batman) So after Fire finally managed to coax the kangaroos out of hiding (and the teenagers out of the pouches) M'gann made cheesecake and stuffed it into her clothing. Much to Wally's dismay.

So, as Wally mourned over the loss of good cheesecake (well sort-of good, considering it was M'gann's first time making cheesecake) Robin enters with an angry leprechaun, Fire hands leprechaun baseballs, and he then starts a baseball war with YJ. After the fight they were so exhausted the jumped into the kangaroos pouches and slept for the rest of the day.


"AN ANGRAY KANGAROO HAS INVADED THE DUNGION OF TROUBELING TROUBLE!" Fire yelled, successfully waking up the team. "ARGGGGGGHHHHH" Wally screamed as he plummeted to the floor off his nice comfy bed (I'm such a nice kidnapper xD) to the amusement of the rest of the team "Here" said Fire strapping on a broken helmet to Wally's head, "Its from Batmanfan2400"

"That would have been more helpful BEFORE I fell off the bed"

"It's not for falling off the bed silly"

"Then what's it for?"

"THAT" Fire yelled again as the area where there beds where turned into a wrestling ring. Wally was in the middle of the ring getting beat up by a kangaroo. The rest of the team were still in bed, except their beds where now were the bleachers would be in a real wrestling arena. Wally was getting beat bad the kangaroo. As the team cringed Wally seemed to finally remember his superpowers. He ran around the kangaroo until it was dizzy and fell down. "WALLY WINS" announced Fire who- apparently- was the referee. Then the kangaroo got up, and knocked Wally off his feet. "SYCH! THE KANGAROO WINS" *troll face*


Yay my Oc was in the chapter ^_^ er...make robin spray paint Bruce's limo pink and dress as hello kitty and great people at walmart with everyone watching then fire can stab a kiwi repeatedly with a fork then force conner to eat the have kalder and mara do sumthing i don't know arty beat wally with a purse dressed as a old lady then have her replace all GA'S arrows with ones that explode with sparkles...have Fire make conner wear a superman costume and play the mirror game with fire sing a solo song to kalder that is the Narwal song wile he sits back freaked out. have wally eat a cake filled with laxitives that he is unaware of...make wally prank call his uncle 10 times and the last time have him choke on a random crayon! ok thats all tell everyone sorry and give megan and zatanna a hug i will spare them 4 now and oh fire here *hands her a magical spork* it will send electrical shocks to anything you stab with it ENJOY!

Robin did not want to do the first thing considering what the consequences of painting one of Bruce's cars was. So I made the whole team do it, with a note inside saying

We thought pink was your color


Young Justice

Then Robin went to wall-mart dressed as Hello kitty to greet people and the team video taped the entire thing (including some boy dressed as Dora have a smack-down with Robin) and were laughing about it for about an hour (and now Robins not the only one with blackmail) Then Fire skipped straight to the end of the wish and got her magical spork. After she fangasimed over it, she found the kiwi… and started smashing it. After a store or… 50 (running on time limit here) there was finally a kiwi with remains for Conner to eat! YAY! (they finally convinced me to stop using the magical spork… for those last 100 kiwis anyway) Kaldur and Mara then pranked Wally and he chased them, yelling until Artemis (dressed as an old lady) showed up and started beating him with her purse. This all happened in Star city so EVENTUALLY green arrow showed up, and they all started to act crazy (not normal people crazy FANFIC PEOPLE CRAZY! They finally learned something from us xD) So after many failed attempts to calm them down, he used his arrows on them. Only to find out that our favourite archer (that is not a clone) switched them all with sparkles (and streamers) he found out it was Artemis because the last arrow had a flag attached (like the one that says BANG! On Jokers guns) the flag read

Dear Ollie

I've decided the arrows aren't my style. And because I'm your protégé your arrows must match mine


After much struggling they got Conner into the superman suit, then we had to go through the trouble of finding superman. Then it took a few hours (And chunks of kryptonite) to get them to play with each other. Then Fire sang the Narwhal song to kaldur he was freaked out so she showed him the video to. Then he was more freaked out and they had to get a bathtub full of saltwater for him because he can't go into the ocean because of the Narwhals in the ocean but he needed water because he was an atlantian so they had to get him the bathtub full of water, but not just water, saltwater, they also had to stop the very very very long run-on sentence that Fire was righting so some of the fans didn't get annoyed, also they inquired to why Fire was referring to herself in the 3rd person so that went pretty well. Then Wally (who we starved for like, half an hour) ate a cake with laxatives in it… nuff' said (if you need more info GOOGLE IT! I'm too lazy to tell you anything) Then Wally started to prank call his uncle, he did the classic refrigerator one and the one where time flies, and he did that thing were instead of talking yourself you hook up a thing were Arnold Schwarzenegger is on and stuff, and then he started doing the refrigerator one again but it ended in him telling his uncle he was choking on a crayon, which he was. Fire didn't feel like hugs so she made Conner hug Megan and Robin hug Zatanna. Then she went to play with her magical Spork. Then came back to do more wish's

Lillianna Rider

(Me) First of all...FIRE YOUR NUTS GO TO ARKURM! (Been there done that)


(Robin says thank you)

Dress up in your orignal costume "The leotard and Pixieboots" Reference Batman as "Daddy" and you have to hug this BAT-BEAR the entire segment (Hands Robin a Batman teddybear)

(I'M SORRY ROBIN! But Twillah is forcing me *Shudders* Don't make her angry or you will get tied up by Shadow would like her Fire...)

(already do!)


(I think in think in the comics he was but maybe not in YJ)


Kid Flash; (Me) Become Artemis servant and call her "Goddess"

Artemis; (Twillah) Kiss KF!

(Me) *Facepalms* I'm Sorry Artemis I can't control her...

Aqualad; (Me) I Don't want anything bad to happen to you!


Superboy; (Me) Could you PLEASE punch Superjerk for not accepting you? *Puppy eyes*

(Twillah) PUNCH THAT $$ &*%#

Miss Martian; (Me)...I'm Sorry


Roy; (Me) *Virtual slap* HIPPERCRITICAL IDIOT!

(Twillah) Calling Arte the spy when in reality!...

Zatanna; (Me) Your One of my favourites!

(Twillah) GIVE ROBIN A LAP DANCE! VIDIO TAPE IT AND SENT IT TO HER DAD! (*Mumbles* That should shock him out of Dr. Fate...)

Twillah and Myself's Favourite YJ Characters

1. Robin

2. Kid Flash

3. Artemis

4. Zatanna

5. Aqualad

6. Red Arrow

7. Superboy

8. Miss Martian (Sorry!)

Mentors and/or Den Moms

1. Batman

2. Flash

3. Captian Marvel

4. Black Canary

5. Red Tornado

6. Green Arrow

(The Rest of the heros are somewhere here Super Jerk dosent make it to the list till he accepts Superboy)

(Me) once again SORRY!

(Twillah) *Cackles Evily Dissapears into shadows*

(Me) WAIT UP! *Runs After Twillah*

Wally is now officially Arty's servant. Her first order was for him to kiss her (everyone watched her say that order, and she had to say it with a straight face) now Robin has photographic evidence that they kissed! Then Fire made Aqualad sing under the sea… in the sea… in front of his friends…. And the royal..uh.. sea people (such as the queen)…. And of course in front of Aquaman and the entire league (and you KNOW both Robin and Zatanna are video taping it) Then superboy punched superman, and Roy rubbed his cheek from your virtual smack. Then Zatanna lap danced (?) Robin, we videotaped it and no more Dr. Fate (HAH!) unfortunately Robin was absent for quite a while, because we had to convince Tailia to let us use Lazarus pit for a certain little bird… it was Z's pet sparrow in case you were wondering, Rob just had to be the one to ask Tailia because he was the only one who could convince Batman to convince Tailia.

Royal Crown

Awesome. So long since I read this story... Anyway onto the wishes:

Roy: I wanna make you angry... soooooo stab him in the face with a fork repeadtly.

Robin: Use your mad hacking skills on anything.

Wally: Jump off a cliff and scream I believe I can fly (Just dont die) wait, no! While's he's falling he has to sing 'i believe i can fly'

All for now!


Roy is now in the hospital with several fork wounds to the face. Robin hacked into the pentagon and is now working on a way to hack Fire's computers (TRY ALL YOU WANT BIRD BOY! YOU'LL NEVER HACK MY SYSTEM) as Robin tried that Wally jumped off a cliff, he decided to announce what he was going to sing first so he ended up yelling I believe I can fly right before he sang it. Then both Arty and Roy fired arrows that let big hard sharp spicks at the bottom of the cliff so Wally would live, when they all got back Robin was sulking because he finally hacked Fire's systems! Only to realize she had nothing but wish scarf chapters there and he found nothing to help their escape.

Water Breather


I have so many things to say

1st off I take wacko, crazy people, and stuff like that as compliments

2-I loved the door that eventually lead to the biscuit of Zazzamarandabo (that is one long word)

3-Thanks for answering my wishes I was so happy

(no prob)

4-I loved the different versions of Duck, Duck, Goose

(thank you each version took like, five seconds of thinking)

5- I loved how they kept on playing for like 45 minutes cause they were so into the game

(who knew superheroes loved that game?)

6-Poor Wally

yea LOLZ

7-Congrats on getting that frying pan

Thank you

8- I loved your random rooms

me too

9- I'm scared for what's in the crazy rooms

not nearly frightened enough

10- Can you tell us what's in them? PLEASE

at one point in time the Joker occupied one of them, the rest are worse

11- I loved the beginning. If I was kidnapped and my kidnapper was laughing like a maniac for over an hour, then I'd be a little scared

12- Oh does that mean I'm going to Arkham? Can I bring my bestest buddy with me? Will Joker be there?

I can get you into Arkham! Sure you can bring your best buddy! Depends on when you go there

This is my vision for the wish of craziness:

Have the WHOLE Justice League be in a meeting in the Watch Tower (except for Roy). Then have Kaldur, Roy, Wally, Robin, and Conner break in. Kaldur will be in front on a unicorn holding his swords. Behind him will be the other four on kangaroos with wings. In their hands (not including Kal) will be cheese cake. They'll have more stored in bags on the kangaroos and on their bodies. Then before any of the JL can react Kaldur screams "ATTACK" while raising one of his swords. Then the other four boys/kangaroos take off flying/jumping while throwing cheesecake at the JL members. Then at the last possible moment Fire pulls them away from being killed.

Don't have to use that, but I was laughing while writing it.

I liked this chapter :)

There the Justice league was, discussing boring topics which I will not say. When suddenly the door burst open and "ATTACK" the justice league didn't know what hit them in the confusing mess they saw cheese cake, Kangaroos, water swords, and more cheese cake. Then as the cheese cake clears they see Kal on a unicorn with his swords, Roy, Wally, Robin and Conner on Kangaroos with wings holding MORE cheesecake. They all stare at each other for a moment before the league has cheesecake vision again.

The following scene is to horrible to be written in a rated T fic*

Then at the last possible moment the founders of the league saw the person they feared most …... … THE JOKER!


They saw the girl with the scarves of evilness. "Hi Guys, MISS ME!" there surprise at seeing her allowed her to drag the bloody young heroes away.


"UGH I ACHE ALL OVER" exclaimed Wally. "can It get any worse!"

"For you and Arty" said Fire "it sure can" she then ended the chapter and explained in the authors note

NEXT CHAPTER IS NOTHING BUT SPITEFIRE! ONLY SPITEFIRE WHISH'S FOR THIS NEXT ONE (maybe you can throw in a bit of the other pairings) and no weddings because I already have a wish for that!