Hey guys, since many of you are asking, I just wanted to clarify something: Justin (that I mention in chapter 18) is just "some guy" - it was not a main character or someone vital for my fic - plus no one really asked about him. That's why I never gave an explanation to him.

Anyway if you really wanna know, here's the explanation. He's just one of Blaine's assistant who fell in love with him and Blaine didn't. Alex had to pay him a lot of money to just shut up about Blaine's sexuality. Nothing major for the story, as i told you. I'm sorry you found it confusing.

I don't really like angst so I didn't want to have some of it in my story by adding another character and I didn't feel the story was going that way.

I hope that clarifies things up.

Thanks everyone for reading. I'm coming back soon, I swear.
