AN: Okay, this was for a challenge I signed up for ages ago, called the Murder Mystery Challenge and although this isn't quite murder, there is a mystery or two, see if you can guess what my prompts were.
Reviews appreciated.
It was lucky the doors had closed when they did for Booster Gold, if they had closed a second later he would have been thoroughly frosted and Blue Beetle would have been forced to spend the next hour and a half defrosting his friend. As it was the burst of cold air hit the elevator doors instead and when the capsule ground to a halt at the next floor it took Martian Manhunter, Hawkman and Batman several minutes to wedge the doors open and get in, by which time Supermanhad sneezed again and had only missed J'onn's head because of his quick density shifting and following proclamation that he would get to his destination quicker if he flew and exited on the level of the Watchtower with Hawkman hot on his heels, leaving Batman alone with the elevator's only other occupant in a slightly awkward silence.
Finally the elevator stopped at the zeta deck and Batman pointed, "Out,"
The hero followed the order and stood, bracing himself for what he expected to be another lecture about his 'protégée's' wellbeing, instead Batman looked him up and down once and said, "Go home, now,"
"Whyd?" the other man asked, painfully aware of how muffled his voice sounded,
"Quite apart from anything else, if you carry on sneezing at people you're going to put the whole league out of commission for at least a month," Batman said, "Which I'm sure is what Brainiac wants, although why he decided to not just try and blow up our headquarters again is a mystery,"
"Abnd the other?" he sniffed,
"Robin is coming up later and I don't want him getting flu and having an excuse to skip school tomorrow."
"You are the embodiment of concern Bruce,"
Batman very clearly rolled his eyes and glared in a manner that said, quite plainly, 'Go home or your mother will find out,' he returned to the elevator and said over his shoulder as the door shut;
"Go home, Clark, now,"
The doors frosted over as Superman let loose another sneeze and followed his leader's advice, setting the zeta-tubes for home.