Chapter 4

A/N: Here is the fourth chapter, enjoy

Kagome's p.o.v.:

We were back home less than a month when I found out I was pregnant again. I was kind of nervous to tell Inuyasha that I was pregnant but I thought he would be happy about it. When I was absolutely positive that I was in fact pregnant, I waited all day for just the right time. He was out helping Miroku slay an actual demon in a nearby village so I was alone with Daitaro all day. I think he missed playing with Buyo since our visit to my "birth time" I still think it was kind of funny that he liked to play with a cat. I thought maybe we could give him a pet, I'm sure Kouga wouldn't mind if we did.

By nightfall Inuyasha came home exhausted, dirty, and bloody from battling the demon. He clasped in front of the table with the Tetsusaiga clutched weakly in his grasp. I set down his food in front of him, then gathered up Daitaro from where he sat playing with a few empty cooking pots. I set Daitaro in my lap so I could eat and feed him at the same time. Inuyasha sat up and started eating the rice and fish, while he just picked at the vegetables I hated when he did that, he was missing out on some good vitamins and minerals. At least Daitaro practically devoured everything I fed him, while I ate slowly trying to approach the whole 'telling him' thing with some skill.

We went through dinner without me saying a word about the baby. I cleaned up and I put Daitaro down to sleep before I left I told him a bedtime story. Something I made up on the spot about talking cats and dogs. He really enjoyed it when I started doing different voices for the cats and dogs. He had the cutest little giggle I ever heard, of course that might be because I'm his mother but I really don't care if it is or not, I loved his giggle a lot. When Daitaro was asleep I went to bed myself, feeling a little off since I haven't told Inuyasha yet.

The next morning I got up and dressed and got Daitaro up and dressed. I let Inuyasha sleep in since he had a busy day. I was actually getting ready for my big day of being a teacher to Sango's kids. A few months after I came to live in this time I got to talking with her about teaching her children and I just got the time to gather up some old school books of mine and I bought some children work books when I was in my "birth time". Inuyasha was still asleep so I left him a note telling him where we were going and when we would be back. Miroku and Sango's house was on the outskirts of the village, when I had everything all packed I carried Daitaro in my arms on the walk over. We made it over there in a couple of minutes, all three of the kids were playing outside.

"Aunt Kagome, you're here, here, you're here!" both the girls shouted. I sat Daitaro down and gave all of them a hug. "Hi, are you guys ready to go to school today?" They each had a big smile on their faces, "I'll take that for a yes" they ran to the back of the house where we set up a little classroom. I picked up Daitaro and walked to the back of the house. All three of them sat in a half circle, I sat Daitaro down and sat down myself. I gave each of them a work book with the alphabet in it. Sango came out back, "Hi, Kagome I see you got the little ones all ready working on their letters." I nodded at her, "is Miroku still asleep?" She sighed, "yeah he is, he came home last night just exhausted from slaying that demon." I chuckled, "same thing with Inuyasha." I occupied Daitaro with some crayons and some paper. Sango could tell I was a little distracted as I kind of stared off into space. "Kagome are you alright?" I laughed nervously, "of course not, why would you ask?" She sat down next to me, "because you've been looking at the same piece of paper for a whole minute." I shook my head to see I was staring at the same piece of paper in my hand. " Can I talk to you privately for a second, Sango?" she stood up and so did I, "I think the kids will be alright by themselves for a bit." we walked a distance to the treeline to talk. "so what do you want talk about Kagome?" I started to stutter some, " I -I-I'm pregnant." It felt good to get that out there in the open. Sango's eyes got real big, "you're pregnant that's great, Inuyasha's the father right?" I glared at her, "of course he is, this time." Sango hugged me, "this is great I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt again." Sango hugged me tighter, then we walked back to the kids.

When we got back to the kids, I saw that Miroku had woken up and come out to sit with us. "Good morning dear" said Sango, she went up to him to gave him a little kiss. With a big stretch and a yawn, Miroku said, "good morning, everyone."I waved to him, I then sat down to continue our lessons, Daitaro showed me what he had drawn, a big yellow sun that was smiling, considering how old he was it was pretty good. Both of the girls climbed into Miroku's lap with their books, "lookie daddy look aren't our letters good, huh daddy?" they asked. He took a hold of their books and looked at them, "they're beautiful, girls." he said as he looked at they're scribbled letters. As the day slipped on by, the children were getting tired of all the work, so we stopped for the day.

With my stuff packed we were ready to go, then Inuyasha finally showed up. But I wasn't mad he needed the sleep, he took Daitaro from me so I could put my bag on my back, "thank you" my bag was on my back so I asked for him back, "here ya go." We said goodbye to everyone and we walked on home. I figured now was as good as any to tell him, "Inuyasha I have something to tell you" he glanced at me, "what is it?" I exhaled, "I'm pregnant and it is your's." he stopped dead in his tracks, "really?" I nodded. He picked us up and spun us around, that got us all giggling. He put us down, and grabbed a hold of my hand and we walked on home. When we made it home, I made something to eat for us then when we were done I cleaned up and we went to bed.

The next day was the same except Inuyasha had gotten up with us. When we were ready to go to Sango and Miroku's house, we headed out the door, as we walked Inuyasha held my hand, I loved the warmth of his hand in mine. We made it over there in a few minutes, once everyone was settled we started our lesson. As the children worked on their letters and Daitaro was coloring, Sango and I quietly chatted. In the distance Inuyasha and Miroku were sparing with each other, "Damn it, Miroku do you have to hit me with your staff that hard!" Inuyasha yelled as Miroku hit him. Sango shouted at Inuyasha, " hey, watch your language around my children you half-demon!" I tried not laughing at them, I noticed that Kirara was acting strange. "Is she all right, Sango?", she looked at her "she's gone into heat, so she's acting out of sorts." I kind of felt bad for her, "do you have a lot of feral cats running around?" She chuckled, "no, not yet thank goodness." I'm glad I don't have any pets to deal with like that.

We went home after a few hours so I could fix us some dinner. When Daitaro was fed and tired I put him to bed, then I cleaned up the dinner dishes. With that done Inuyasha and I stayed up for a little while, "I hope were having a boy" Inuyasha said as he rubbed my flat belly. I knew that he really wanted a boy after what happened with Daitaro. But I decided to have some fun, "but I really want a little girl", I play whined. Inuyasha glared, "why, I should have a son of my own it's true I've started liking Daitaro and hopefully I'll even love him someday. But I would like to have a son." I nuzzled his neck, "if it's a boy I can wait til next time to have a girl." He swallowed hard, "next time" I laughed at him, then I got ready for bed. Then he got ready for and we crawled into bed. We snuggled next to each other, he put his arms around me and I put my head on his chest,I listened to his heartbeat as I fell asleep. That morning Sango came by to ask me if I seen Kirara today because she apparently ran off. I told her no but I'm sure she'll come back soon. The day went the same as the last but we spent some of the time looking for Kirara. As I walked by a camp fire the smell of the food made me a little sick. So much so I threw up a little in a near by bush. At the end of the day we didn't find her, no sign of her until three days later when she came back to Sango's house. We had a mini celebration when she came back safe and sound.

In the weeks that followed my belly got bigger and we learned Kirara was pregnant with kittens. When she had her babies all the kids were very excited to see them. Kirara didn't really like anyone near them except for Inuyasha and Daitaro, it must have been because of their demon blood. Daitaro seem drawn to one kitten in particular. Always looking at it or petting it, they were very cute together.

The weeks went by and our lessons now included some play time with the kittens. While Kirara was done being pregnant I was not. I didn't have to deal with throwing up anymore but I did have some weird cravings. The really sour fruit was the worst while the sweet cakes were the best, it was different than when I was pregnant with Daitaro. And then there was getting fat, I really didn't like it very much. Inuyasha did laugh at me when I started to waddled when I walked.

During the later part of my pregnancy the baby started kicking, Inuyasha loved feeling it kick, "feels like a boy with that strength." I still wanted a girl so I let him think that way. Daitaro was very interested in the baby kicking. When ever he felt my belly and it would kick his eyes would get real big. I thought it was very cute that he would be in awe about it. When the kittens were old enough Sango kept two and gave Daitaro one and gave the other one away. Daitaro loved the kitten very much, always running around with him and cuddling with him, at times like that I wish I had a camera.

One day when we were over at Sango and Miroku's house for a play date for the kids. Inuyasha was roped into playing with them, he grumbled about it but I tell that he really did like playing their little games with them. With Inuyasha keeping them busy I was able to relax a little and work on my new hobby, knitting. I already made a pair of socks, they were kind of crappy sort of lumpy. But Inuyasha still liked the effort I put into the blue yarn lumps as I come to call them.

Later that day Miroku had gotten word that a rouge demon was attacking a near by village, so he and Inuyasha went to take care of it. When they left, I watched Daitaro talk with Sango's oldest daughter, he looked very upset. With the setting sun, we got everyone inside to eat then to go sleep. Sango was nice enough to let us spend the night, because I had told her about the last time Inuyasha had left to slay a demon, that I was lonely. I had thanked her a great deal for allowing us to stay the night. All through dinner Daitaro was very quiet, when it was over and we cleaned up, the kids went to bed and I got Daitaro ready for bed.

We snuggled in the same bed, Daitaro snuggled into me like I was a pillow. I felt the baby kick, or should I say babies, I started to think it was two by the rate of the kicking, it was way to much for just one. "Mama, love baby more then me." I looked down at him, he had these big, worried eyes. "Why would you think that, sweetie?" He sat up then, "Rukia, say when baby come you love him more then me ." I hugged him close to me, " Don't think like that, I'll always love you, even if I have another baby I'll love you, no matter what." He hugged me tight, completely satisfied with my honest answer. The babies kicked again, "Hey, he's kicking again do you want to feel?" He nodded and I took his hand and placed it on my stomach, he was giggling. "I think he knows his big brother is close by, what do you think?" He was still giggling, "Yes mama, yes mama, I be a great big brother, I be the best ever." He calmed down and snuggled into me, I rubbed his back as we drifted off to a very good night's sleep.

Inuyasha had come back the next day with a red bundle under his arm. He unfolded it, "it's fur from the fire rat, I got it from a traveling demon merchant for a very good price. I was hoping that you could make the baby an outfit with this." I touched the soft material, it would look very nice. "Yes, it would very nice on him." He folded it back up, "Great, than he'll look just like me." I rolled my eyes, of course he would want a little mini me of himself. I packed up our stuff and we headed for home with Daitaro in my arms.

A few weeks later, I was as big as a house and hating my life. I had a hard time getting out of bed, my feet hurt, and I all my clothes looked like tents on me. It seemed so much more worse then when I had Daitaro. That is a very good reason to say I was having twins. The only good thing I was able to do was make some outfits with the fire rat fur. They looked just like Inuyasha's clothes.

I went into labor in the middle of the night, Inuyasha ran to get Sango to act as my midwife. This time Inuyasha stayed outside with Daitaro as Sango and I worked. All I remember of that night is screaming as loud as I could, "I hate you Inuyasha, I hate you. You did this to me." First my baby boy came out than a half an hour later, my baby girl was next. Sango cleaned them up and Inuyasha came into the room with Daitaro to see them. Inuyasha held them both in his arms as Daitaro sat next to me. He was so gentle with them and looked so proud to be they're father. "Heh, I get a strong son and a beautiful girl at the same time." Daitaro didn't want to be left out, so he crawled over to Inuyasha to look at the babies. He touched the boy's face than the girl's, "babies I your big brother." The babies of course didn't say anything, they just looked at him. With all the excitement Inuyasha put Daitaro to bed for me, so I could rest.

Two weeks later...

We were having a picnic at the pond with Ginjiro joining us. The babies, the boy we named after Ginjiro because of his silver hair but we call him Ginny for short. And the girl we named after Inuyasha's mother Izyoai. We had them laying on a blanket, I had a smile on my face as I watched them, Izyoai had her short black hair sticking out and her little dog ears were twitching, the little silver tips were cute. Ginny's silver hair shone in the spring afternoon sun. Daitaro on the other hand was happily playing with his kitten. Inuyasha was wolfing down his ramen while Ginjiro and I calmly ate our food.

"Why do you have to wear that weird hat?" he asked me after swallowing. I was wearing my floppy gray hat, I liked it. "Because I can." Inuyasha huffed at me, "whatever." He went back to eating his food. The last time Kouga came by to take Daitaro for a visit, I learned he and Anyame were expecting a child of their own, and that was a week ago. Daitaro was about to climb Ginjiro's shelled back but Ginjiro calmly set him down. Daitaro went back to running around with the kitten. When I was done eating I put my stuff away, then watched Daitaro play. When he was done he walked over to me carrying the kitten in his arms. He plopped down in my lap, I covered him with a blue blanket I made so they wouldn't get cold when they took a nap. Inuyasha gulped some water down, he coughed it up as I played with his ears, he gave me a dirty look and I giggled at him. We weren't the perfect couple we had our problems but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

The end.

A/N: Here's the last chapter, I'm thinking of a sequel to this. Please tell me what parts of the story that you liked or not I don't care. Bye for now.