Chapter 1: Spain says goodbye to Romano

There he was, just sitting down at the table, munching on a tomato like always. Spain smiled to himself, enjoying the company while it lasted. Soon he was sure Romano would leave the table to go and take his siesta, but when he woke Spain would no longer be there. It was his time to leave.

So far the day had been a good one. Romano hadn't called him any names, or even yelled at him. In fact he was actually being really nice to Spain, something that made him both happy yet concerned at the same time.

"Oi, tomato bastard. Will you quit staring at me?" Spain snapped back into reality, realizing that while he had indeed been thinking his gaze had remained on Romano.

"Sorry Lovi." Romano blushed as red as his tomatoes.

"D-don't call me that bastard." Spain just smiled.

It wasn't longer before Romano headed into the living room, lying down on the couch to take his siesta. Spain watches from the doorway, not saying a word. He knew he was acting out of character, but he didn't care. All he wanted to do was try to soak up everything he could while he was still able to.

"You're acting differently." Romano suddenly sat up, making Spain's eyes widen in surprise.

"Heh, you know me so well, Lovi." Romano scowled at the name, but didn't say anything about it.

"Get over here bastard." Romano was blushing.

Spain's eyes widened, but he went over to Romano. Without a sound he grabbed Spain's hand and pulled him down to lay next to him on the couch. Spain was so shocked he couldn't even react. Before he could do anything, Romano curled up against his chest, burying his face into Spain's shirt.

"You better not tell anyone about this." He muttered. Spain just smiled.

Spain laid there snuggling next to Romano, stroking his hair and being sure to avoid his curl. He listened as Romano's breathing got slower and more relaxed until finally he was asleep. Spain laid there for a while with Romano, enjoying the silence and loving how cute Romano looked in his sleep. All to soon though he had to go.

Spain ever so slowly detangled himself from Romano, slowly getting up. Tears pricked his eyes as he leaned down and lightly kissed Romano's forehead.

"Te amo, Lovino."

Spain grabbed his bag that he had packed the night before, and headed towards the front door. As he opened the door, he took one last look back at Romano, at his sleeping peaceful face.

"Adiós, mi pequeño tomate." Spain let the tears fall down his cheeks, finally walking away.

Romano woke up an hour later, alone. It was only when he called his brother that he learned the news, that Spain was never going to come back. Romano cried, he never got a chance to tell Spain how he felt.

"Ti amo, Spain. Ti amo."