I'M BACK! Sorry for not updating my stories but my dog that I had for 11 years just died, I'm 15 so I had him most my life and I was really upset!

Anyway this story wasn't originally going to be put up, but as a thank you for Somnambulistic Brony I decided to put it up and I will work on updating this and my other stories as soon as possible, but seeing as how I'm moving and have lots of back-work for school it might be a while… sorry.

Here is some stuff you need to know

Common Tongue: a language known to every race and species, however after the Great War, when mythical creatures went into hiding, humans had forgotten it. It is said however all human languages were first based off of it.

Allsor: once a race of elves that could turn into deer. When the Great War between humans and mythical creatures happened the Allsor had very few warriors. Their leader ordered them to hide as deer until the war was over, however legend says that they stayed in the form to long explaining why they can't become their Elven forms again. They race then began breeding with regular deer leaving very few pure-bloods left (Stirbreth is a pure-blood) and the mixed blooded deer were pretty much normal except for having a more Elven level of intelligence.

Clan of Raziel: a nearly extinct race of elves that can transform into wolves. The clan and the Clan of Solomon were well known as the greatest warriors in the Great War, they led most of the battles and didn't back out of the war until the elf king ordered all elves to go into hiding. They are mortal enemies to the Clan of Solomon, and a war between them caused their numbers to drop, then their war abruptly ended thanks to the start of the Great War and with their numbers that were already low the new fight led them to be nearly extinct.

Clan of Solomon: a nearly extinct race of elves that can transform into saber-toothed cats with long tails. Enemies with the Clan of Raziel.

Starik: Yaaaay, I'm in this story too!

Len: yes

Tora: how come I can't be in the story!

Me: because you're a bitch

Tora: and proud of it!

Starik: NUUUUUUUUUU! Stop it we have to start my story!

Tora: since when is it your story!

Me: anyway if you would be so kind Len?...


Len: We do not own -man or its characters…

There was rustling in the forest at dawn as animals were just starting to scurry about and a young male of Elven decent greeted them all kindly.

"Good morning" he said in common tongue knowing they would understand.

He headed toward a creek to get water when a snort startled him, looking up he saw the white Allsor stag named Stirbreth staring at him from the other side of the brook.

"Morning to you to" he said kindly earning himself another snort before it heard a small bark behind the elf and ran off.

Allen turned around at the barked greeting and saw a white wolf with blue eyes and a black tipped snout and paws standing there, his tail wagging from the sight of the fleeing stag.

"Hello Starik" he said and his friend from the Clan of Raziel rumbled another greeting.

"Was that Stirbreth" Starik asked, and Allen nodded yes. "So Allen, did you hear what the crows were saying earlier" Starik said asking another question, receiving a nodded no from Allen. "I normally don't listen to their gossip either, but they said that humans are heading in this direction" he said with a serious expression on his wolf face.

Allen jumped up in shock "but humans almost never travel through the forest and when they do they never come this far in, they find the magic in the air here to uncomfortable to come this far!"

"That's what I said" Starik whined "but the animals are already going into hiding". Allen looked around, what Starik said was true; the herds of deer moved into the mountains and smaller animals stored food in burrows that they were hiding in, even the birds and their constant singing became nothing more than a low chatter. It made Allen and Starik restless, Starik even began to pace.

"When will they get here" Allen asked.

"The crows had said they weren't even an hour away". Allen started to panic at his friends words, they had already been talking for a good half an hour. Suddenly Starik froze, sniffing frantically, his head and ears swiveled to their right hearing something Allen could not, but Allen didn't have to hear, from Starik's actions and he knew the humans were close, his hand reached down to the hilt of a double edged sword sheathed on his belt.

(Note: this is not his sword from when he is the crowned clown that would be too big to carry on his belt)

. . .

To say Kanda was pissed would be an understatement, the Baka Usagi was whining constantly at how they were lost and Lenalee was starting to get bitchy.

"FOR THE LAST TIME WOULD YOU" Kanda started to say before he stopped when he heard a voice. He ran toward the voice hoping they would know a way out of this damned forest so the other two exorcists would shut-up, the sound of Lavi yelling "YUU-CHAN WAIT UP!" behind him as they followed.

Kanda and the others slowed down at the edge of a clearing he thought he heard the voice coming from, and sure enough a white-haired boy stood in the clearing talking at a dog that was looking their way.

Kanda stepped further into the clearing when he saw the boy freeze, while his hands tightened on the handle of a sword on his belt, and Kanda's hand automatically took its spot atop Mugens' hilt as they stared at each other.

Yaaaay, okay the first chapter is up, I hope you all like it!