Ok so this is a Prompt by Venas, that got a little bit out of hand! It almost developed into a full on Chaptered fic, but I think I curbed myself down enough so its ok? I hope this is what you wanted. Kurt/Blaine/Harry singing Haven't met you yet and falling in love...so Enjoy guys!

"Blaine what are you..?" Kurt stopped and so did Blaine.

Blaine had been dragging him down the corridor and up through the stage entrance of the auditorium like some kind of over eager puppy. Kurt loved that Blaine was so excited about practising their audition for a duet at regionals but he liked his arm where it was thank you very much.

The problem being the stage was already occupied, by someone unfamiliar, sat on the piano bench talking lowly into a phone. He stood up and started pacing yanking at his hair.

"What kind of person tells you there's plenty more fish in the sea when your girlfriend cheats on you anyway?" he demanded angrily.

He stomped back and forth growling to himself and Kurt and Blaine shared a look and took a step back deciding to allow the boy some privacy.

"I'm not GAY!" he suddenly screamed violently throwing the phone away from himself.

The dark bent head straightened up and began to play something on the piano. He powered through the intro and began to sing fluidly in the most captivating voice.

"I'm not surprised, not everything lasts I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track Talk myself in, I talk myself out I get all worked up, then I let myself down" he sounded a little angry as he pounded the keyboard and drew out the music between the first and second verse.

"I tried so very hard not to lose it I came up with a million excuses I thought, I thought of every possibility" he sang softer this time, almost wistfully.

It was like he was painting a picture of every stage of a relationship through song. It was so strangely mesmerizing to watch unfold. Kurt felt Blaine shift beside him and saw his eyes were soft and he was smiling sadly at the strange boy.

"And I know someday that it'll all turn out You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get I just haven't met you yet" he sang and ended on a wistful note quietly, repeating the refrain sadly he plucked at the keys until the sound faded and they heard him sigh.

"You'll meet someone special someday my ass!" he yelled suddenly banging the top down on the keys.

Blaine jumped knocking over a stage prop.

"Who's that?" the boy yelped letting go of his hair, which was now standing up in cute little tufts.

Kurt wanted to smooth it down and tell him everything would be ok, he wanted to assure this torn up boy that being gay wasn't anything to be ashamed of. He wanted to go out there and comfort this stranger who looked so cute and unutterably sad, even while he was flushed from screaming and tousled from his worry. But he was also frozen, because he knew if a stranger had ever witnessed one of his low points when he had been struggling with issued just like this, then he would have been mortified and it would have made everything a billion times worse.

"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to disturb you" Blaine was speaking before Kurt could rationalize and stepping out onto the stage with a soft worried smile.

Green eyes went wide and the boy stumbled back a step looking more like a startled dear now.

"We were just coming to use the stage, we would have just left you..." Blaine shrugged trying to look soothing and worried all at once.

This was something Blaine was good at, Kurt knew from experience those wide earnest hazel gold eyes and that sweet smile would have almost anyone falling on him sobbing out their problems in minutes.

"W-who are you?" the boy asked taking another step back and almost falling onto the piano stool.

"My name is Blaine, my friend is Kurt" he added motioning for Kurt to step forwards.

Kurt bit his lip and stepped up, knowing it would be dishonest to stay hidden and probably only cause more problems if the boy realized he hadn't shown himself and Blaine got him to trust him.

"Y-You heard me?" he asked breath hitching slightly.

Kurt nodded slightly a sad smile on his lips without his permission.

"I-" he looked a second from bolting away and Kurt just wanted to hug him.

"It's ok you know, we won't tell anyone" Blaine offered softly.

"Of course" Kurt nodded agreement and the boy blinked at them both uncertainty and caution in every line of him.

"You sing well" Blaine offered mildly, obviously trying to diffuse the tension.

It didn't work, the boy's shoulders hunched up and he scowled.

"No I don't" he growled slightly and then huffed crossing his arms.

He looked more and more like a recalcitrant toddler as the seconds went by.

"You don't think so?" Blaine asked mildly and Kurt wanted to giggle at his boyfriend's easy management of awkward situations.

The boys shoulders unwound and he cocked his head slightly, as if confused that Blaine wasn't pushing him to talk about any of it.

"I've seen you before" he announced finally straightening up and looking a lot more at ease and confident.

It did a lot for him, he was gorgeous Kurt realized startled. Smooth pale skin, bright green eyes and rumpled curly hair. He was dressed in the typical teenage fashion of loose jeans and a hoodie that did nothing to show off his body, but Kurt could tell with his practiced eye that underneath all that baggy material he would be lithe and toned. The little confidence into his frame had straightened him out and shown that he was only marginally taller than Blaine, with the same sort of build. Kurt couldn't believe he was actually checking out another guy with his boyfriend stood right next to him.

"You do?" Blaine asked calmly with a friendly smile.

"You're in that choir right?" he asked brow arching and making him look a little more cheeky than bitchy as it did for Kurt.

"New Directions yeah" Blaine grinned.

The boy twitched and then he scowled.

"Then do me a favour?" he asked darkly.

Blaine smiled uncertainly and nodded and Kurt held his breath.

"Give Ginny Weasley a nice big shove off the stage the next time you see her yeah?" he smirked grabbing his bag and making to jump off the front of the stage.

"Wait!" Blaine called

"Yes?" he asked sardonically

"Can I at least get a name? So i can tell Ginny who the love is from?" Blaine chuckled.

"Tell her Harry says hope you get genital herpes" he snorted and Blaine bit his lip.

"I never did like that ginger witch" Blaine commented to Kurt.

Harry spun around and ogled them both and Kurt snorted.

"Good acoustics in here right?" he joked and a brilliant smile made Harry look even better than anything so far had and that was saying something.

"Yeah well you know what? Carter Potter that kid who tries to steal your spotlight so often?" harry grinned at them "I'm his brother" he smirked at the gobsmacked faces and then saluted.

"How do you like me now?" he grinned and Blaine laughed.

"I think I like you more than either of them to be honest" he offered with a laugh.

"Good to know, I like to get that out there before people realise Ego himself is related to me and think its infectious"

"No offense, but your brother is worse than Rachel berry on a bad day" Kurt snorted.

Harry grinned and a dimple popped in his cheek.

"You should try living with him" he laughed and then sighed when his phone pinged from across the stage.

"Well damn" he muttered and Blaine walked over quickly and scooped it up.

"It's uh...Ginny" Blaine muttered holding the phone between two fingers like somehow the Bitch of Glee club was going to somehow come through the little device at him.

"Oh Sweet Mother of Mercy" Harry complained and answered with a grunt.

Kurt shared a raised brow with Blaine. His mind was flying everywhere. He couldn't believe this boy was related to someone in Glee club, or that they had never even known of him. It was also bizarre that he didn't look much like Carter the nightmare of his favourite hour of each day. There was also the complete surreal feeling of meeting someone so easy going and nice at McKinley of all places, then of course the wonder at how they'd gone from awkwardly dodging the Elephant in the room to swapping banter. It all felt unreal and a little odd. Kurt got the feeling the reason they hadn't known of or recognised this Harry was because he was extremely good at evasion. He was like a sneaky ninja spy or something, in the two minutes since his freak out he'd completely turned around the embarrassing moment into something funny and witty. It was bizarre and frankly for Kurt really attractive. He liked a man who could keep him on his toes. He mentally smacked himself for that thought as soon as it came and twined his fingers in Blaine's to scold his mental voice back into line.

"I don't care if you love me you psychotic she-witch! You slept with my brother's best friend! Like seriously you know how much I hate my brother? I hate Draco like a million times more and you cheated on me with him. If there was one person in the universe who it would devastate me for this to happen with the most its him. Congrats Gin-Gin, once again you find the best spore spot and go at it with a jack hammer!"

Kurt tuned back into the heated conversation going on while he day dreamed and blinked in shock. Blaine was frowning slightly and fidgeting too. He thought maybe they should leave now. But Harry hung up decisively in the middle of whatever her response to his rant was and sighed.

"I can't believe she has the nerve to tell me it's ok to cheat on me because I wouldn't sleep with her" he huffed and then glowered at the phone.

"Did...did you want to talk about it?" Blaine asked softly and Harry's whipped his head up like he'd totally forgotten they were even there.

"Nah, I internalise everything, my therapist says so, I'm good" he grinned with a shrug.

Kurt arched a brow and his mouth was moving before he could stop himself.

"Ok firstly you have a therapist? Secondly that's supposed to assure us you're ok? And Thirdly what?"

Blaine turned to him eyes wide and a little amused at his usual sass that apparently had a mind of its own. Harry just blinked at him and then laughed.

"Sorry that's my standard line when dealing with my interfering Step-mother from Hell, it's like a reflex now. I don't have a therapist and I am totally good. I sort of saw this coming a while ago, been moving in the opposite direction for a while. Honestly I'm just shedding the last of that relationship and the drama, ready for the next big adventure life throws at me" He smiled charmingly, the sort of smile parents would coo over and girls would flutter and drool about. Kurt just smiled and nodded telling himself firmly to get a grip and stop melting over someone who wasn't his amazing boyfriend.

Blaine's rosy cheeks and shy smile however made him think perhaps he wasn't the only person who needed reigning in.

At lunch that day Blaine scanned the crowd before he settled at the glee table. He was curious as to why they'd never spotted the elder Potter brother and he noted Kurt also made a quick survey, and then pause on the metal stairway leading outside from the upper balcony. Where unfortunately Jocks liked to throw food down on people they disliked. He peered over there expecting to see some knucklehead throwing lettuce at some poor unfortunate below. Only to spot a small table tucked under the steps he'd never noticed, sat there like he'd always been there just unnoticed until now, which was probably the case, was Harry Potter and two others.

"How come you never said you had a brother?" he asked before he could stop himself and Carter who had been mid rant about some injustice blinked and then frowned.

"You met Harry?" he asked eyes narrowing.

Blaine noted they were brilliant piercing blue, not a hint of green anywhere to be seen. His hair too he mentally catalogued was sandy brown and completely straight, perhaps because it was cut pretty short and spiked with product, but still nowhere near the curly mess of inky raven of his brother. Then there was the skin tone, Carter was a smooth golden tan and Harry was a perfect porcelain pale that would give Kurt a run for his money. Carter was broad and tall, Harry petite and lithe.

"Yes we met him earlier" Kurt offered when Blaine mentally bailed for a moment.

"I see" Carter twitched and then shrugged carelessly.

"He's my half brother, my dad's kid from the marriage before he married my mom. His mother died when he was a baby. He doesn't like us, so we stay away from him as much as possible. He upsets Mom so I don't bother with him" Carter grimaced slightly and his eyes trailed over to the three under the steps.

"Trust me, he's not as nice as he seems" he added darkly when Harry laughed at something and threw a fry at the red on opposite him.

"Are we bitching about the Brother daddy loves more than you again?" the smooth cool tone of Draco broke in and Kurt twitched, he was not a fan of the super cool pretty little rich boy.

"Dad does not love him more than me Draco" Crater snapped.

Draco arched a brow and then threw them all a 'yeah right' look and shrugged carelessly.

"Yes well your Big Brother beat me out for my spot on the fencing Captaincy, so bitch away I have a few choice complaints myself"

Carter arched a brow at the blonde and then smirked.

"I told you not to piss him off! He hates being in the limelight, but he could have had that spot whenever he wanted it and we both know it, what the hell did you do to push Ickle Wallflower into the spotlight?"

"I did nothing" Draco lied smoothly.

"You slept with his girlfriend" Kurt smirked.

Carter blinked then turned slowly to the opposite end of the table where his Dive partner in crime Rachel was whispering to a miserable looking Ginny.

"I totally wouldn't have called that one, that gold digging hussy saw the Family Gems and was like a little barnacle on Harry ever since" Carter smirked and then turned to Draco with a cocked brow.

"You did that on purpose" he accused.

"We both agreed that Ginger Tramp wasn't a suitable choice" Draco shrugged lightly.

"You're completely ridiculously insane" Carter snorted.

"That is what Cousins are for dear Carter" Draco smirked.

"Harry is going to pulverise you" Carter warned.

"I can take it, you know I kind of enjoy the battle" he smirked and buffed his nails.

"You do remember that time I broke his favourite CD right?"

"Do you think if I apologise...?"

"I think you assume the Brace position and pray God will have mercy on your sorry, sorry soul" Carter cackled.

Blaine and Kurt shared an utterly baffled look and then peaked back over to Harry.

He was unbelievably stood next to his table doing a complicated looking body roll and bouncing about in a confined dance. His friends were bobbing along and Blaine noticed another two had joined them so they looked less like the friendless outcasts and more like a group of friends who wished to be left alone.

"Pfft and that idiot thinks anyone believes he failed his performing arts classes" Carter scoffed and Blaine realised Draco and Carter had also been watching the show.

"Why is he so shy about it?" Blaine asked remembering his refusal to believe he could sing.

"He's not shy, he's stubborn" Draco snorted.

"No Draco, he hates being noticed, he has issues" Carter sighed.

"Why do you two care anyway?" he asked suddenly glaring at them both.

"No reason in particular, just curious, he seemed pretty nice earlier" Kurt waved him off casually.

"Yeah well that's Harry for you. But don't go getting your girly hopes up, those guys sitting with him are the only people he bothers about." Carter sounded pretty bitter as he stared back over at the seated five.

They let it go then, because it seemed like Carter was closing off and Draco was scowling. As much as Carter frustrated them and annoyed them daily, he could be an ok guy and neither of them wanted to upset him. It was just the same with Rachel, they wanted to shove a sock in her mouth most of the time, but when she was getting bullied by an idiot they all supported her and protected her. Their dysfunctional family worked because they all knew how to handle the often explosive characters it included.

Harry remained a distant figure for a further month, now that Carter knew they knew of him he was more open, commenting sometimes about his brother casually during Glee when anyone else spoke of their families. He also spent a lot of time with Draco plotting at the lunch table ways to avoid, annoy or otherwise survive Harry James Potter. Because watching it was a little like watching some type of warfare.

Carter had not been wrong, Harry was livid with Draco and not afraid to show it. In fact now he was no longer a shadowy unknown figure at school. He had slushied Draco, earning a shriek for a damaged beyond repair Gucci coat, and shock and awe from the other Jocks, since apparently he was the only Jock on any team that had so far completely refused to slushy anyone on principal and gotten away with it. He had also booby trapped Draco's locker to squirt neon pink dye in his hair when he opened it, dye that marked his hair for over a week before it returned to the natural pale blonde. He somehow managed to switch all of Draco's Homework assignments to love letters to the teacher who assigned it, sent another to the bitchiest most clingy Cheerio who stalked Draco like a prowling panther for the next week, and ended the week by dousing his morning shower with something that smelt so badly that Draco walked in a cocoon of solitude the entire day no matter how packed the halls were.

Kurt was reluctantly impressed and startled at how devious the boy he had assumed was so sweet could be. At lunch the Monday following though something that had peaked his interest was explained by a confused looking Carter, which made Ginny who had apparently eavesdropped burst into tears. Harry had not made one move of retribution towards the girl guilty of cheating on him. Just the boy who'd helped her do it to him. Someone who by his own words he disliked. But as carter told them blankly looking a little baffled and bemused, Harry saved retribution for people he cared about. He only put effort into things that really mattered to him. His none reaction to Ginny was puzzling because his complete blanking meant she was nothing to him, a blip on the radar if you will. He didn't find her important enough to teach a lesson to 'Marauder style'. Something Draco had explained grouchily was a thing their father taught them from his own wild childhood. Pranking and being insanely sneaky about it, was a Potter family motto practically and Harry only ever let his Marauder flag fly when he was particularly vexed and wanted the person he aimed it at to pay without violence being involved.

Then a month later Harry walked into Glee just as the bell rang and sighed gustily when Mr Schue asked him if he needed anything looking hopeful yet dubious.

"My...mother...has decided my punishment for ruining Cousin Draco's signed guitar is to be musical torture" He huffed.

Carter and Draco shared a look and then turned to Harry and said in incredulous unison.

"You're listening to Lexie/mom?"

"I don't have a choice" Harry snapped and crossed his arms defensively

"You don't have a choice?" Carter narrowed his eyes "What the hell sort of blackmail does mom have on you?"

Harry scrunched up his nose and then grumbled.

"She found out I got into all those stupid Performing Arts Colleges early acceptance and threatened to tell dad about it"

Carter blinked and then his face cleared.

"You still set on being miserable and going to Medical school?" he asked calmly.

"Don't Carter" Harry warned softly.

The brothers stared at each other for a moment and then Carter closed his eyes looking like he was in pain.

"You do realise don't you that there are better ways to be closer to your mother than by following her career path?" he asked tightly.

Harry growled and clenched his jaw looking positively furious.

"I told you don't" he hissed his eyes were almost glowing now.

"Harry! You're...Geez you're the most infuriating person I've ever had the misfortune to meet!" Carter yelled standing up and stomping up to him.

"Do. You. Know. What. I. would. Do. To. Get. The. Chances. You. Have?" he snarled poking him in the chest with each word.

"Carter mate" Draco walked up and pulled his hand away from Harry, who was strangely quiet and just staring at his brother with a lost sad look on his face.

"No, it's ok Draco, I think this is the first time he's actually spoken to me honestly since he was five years old" Harry murmured.

"You don't make that easy!" Carter yelled and they all blinked when the noticed he was crying.

"Maybe you guys should go talk in private?" Draco suggested softly.

"Draco is right, come on" Harry spoke gently pulling on Carter's shoulder.

The next time they saw the Potter brothers both of them walked into glee club talking and laughing together. Draco was trailing them with fond smile. He shrugged at Mr Schue when they both sat down and just kept going.

"Uhm...Harry? Are you auditioning?" Mr Schue asked gently and Harry nodded with a radiant smile.

"So I talked to my father, and he told me a lot about my mother. He's never spoken about her before, like he was trying to forget her and move on with Lexie...I was really angry at him and the world. But now well I understand how hard it was for him and he's promised to listen to me from now one. I think Carter and I have also found a way to be brothers without all that resentment and hurt getting in the way. So I hope you don't mind if I use this audition to sing a song my father sang to me. He said it was the song sung at my mother's funeral, and that she chose it herself. Carter says that this place is where you all sing your feeling so..." Harry sucked in a sharp breath and smiled at Carter who was taking over the keyboard and Draco who had pulled out a Guitar. Harry also took a Guitar and they began slowly.

"I tried to carry you And make you whole But it was never enough I must go" he sang huskily in a deeper register than Blaine or Kurt had heard that first time they accidentally spied on him.

"Who is gonna save you When I'm gone? And who'll watch over you When I'm gone?" he sounded so full of longing and loneliness it was almost hard to watch. Like he was pouring himself into the lyrics.
"You say you care for me But hide it well How can you love someone And not yourself?"

Blaine smiled sadly at Kurt and Kurt twined their hands together. It was the kind of song that made you think of anyone you'd ever loved and lost. It made Kurt think of his Mom and how much it had hurt to lose her. It made him want to share that with Harry and show him he wasn't as alone as he seemed to have always felt. It also made him want to curl up in a ball and sob. But having Blaine there reminded him of the better times, of having that person to lean on and hold you when times got rough. That there would always be someone else there to catch you when you fall, no matter how lonely you felt at the time.

"Who is gonna save you when I'm gone? Who'll watch over you? Who will give you strength when you're not strong. Who'll watch over you when I've gone away?"

Harry looked breathtakingly beautiful and so lost as he brought to song to an end. Kurt felt his heart lurch and gripped Blaine's hand tighter. He had all the love he could possibly wish for, and as Harry had stated vehemently he was straight. Kurt refused to have a crush on another straight guy, no matter how wonderful and lovely he seemed.

"That was amazing!"

Everyone was giving their enthusiastic applause when the song came to an end, most of them with tears in their eyes.

The next few weeks passed in a blur. Harry and his friends seamlessly sank into the Glee group dynamic. They were a bunch of sometimes weird, often hyper and insane balls of energy that fit right in. Before any of them knew it New Directions had five new hangers on. Harry was the only official member since the others were not so musically inclined and it was nice, having friends outside of Glee too.

Months passed and it was hard to remember a time when it wasn't all of them as a group of outcasts snubbing the social norms and just being happy to be different despite the intolerance of the rest of the school.

Then something that shocked Kurt and Blaine to their core happened. Harry Potter turned up on Valentine's day bearing two huge bouquets of pink roses and sang a sweet ballad, right there in front of all their friends.

"I love you both, quite a lot actually, and Carter and Draco told me I was being an ass about it. So I decided to take the plunge" he breathed deeply and with a half frightened half hopeful smile asked.

"Would you be my Valentine Kurt and Blaine?"

They both blinked, shared a glance and then nodded in unison. It was hard not to notice that during all that bonding Harry had been slowly creeping up on them. Besides the physical attraction, he shared a musical instrument and Sports passion with Blaine, and musicals and movie passion with Kurt, then between the three of them they made a consensus on all things Broadway, trashy TV and somehow cars. The three of them had spent so much time with each other out of school they had failed to notice that they had become a threesome away from the Glee club as well as within the group dynamic. Everyone else had seen it and wondered, even betted on it happening sooner or later. But for the three of them it was a shock. Yes they'd had moments of lust for each other, or moments too close to actual loving fondness for each other's antics, but they'd always brushed them aside. Either because they had a boyfriend or in Harry's case because his two crushes were involved and he didn't want to ruin that for them.

But Carter and Draco had basically had an intervention with him and this was the result.

Harry was taking Blaine and Kurt on a date and it was not ruining anything. In fact it was making all those months of not being together seem ridiculous. Like this was meant to be all along and they just had to be made to see it for them to realize this was what it all was about.

The second song is 'watch over you' and I found it on Google when I was looking for a different song's lyrics to use, but I thought this one was perfect so I used it even though I'd never heard it before.