Hooray~! PS actually updated! You guys better prepare yourselves (if you're still following this story, that is) because this fan fiction is coming to an end~! Yes you got that right~ It's ending! It's finally ending~! I want to thank all of you who patiently kept up with the story and tried to understand my shortcomings I really appreciate it. To all those who reviewed~ I love y'all! So yeah, why don't I stop filling this chapter with random author notes crap and start the story? Yeah?

Max-Ernest walked out of the restaurant and removed his gloves. He brushed his hair away from his eyes (as if he still needs to do that) and paced back and forth as he waited for his other companions to get outside as well. He was downright angry, it was his mother after all… it was her who gave his decoder to a man she just met. She knew how important that device was to him. It was a memento given to him by Pietro and for her to just give it away like that pissed him off. BIG TIME. He wanted his old life back, if he said that it seemed surreal for his parents to be together again well he takes it back. He'd prefer to live a life controlled by parents who are a little loose in the head than to be with a mom who cares about her lover more than her own son.

He uttered a groan just as Cass and the two Japanese kids got outside. The three of them stroked M-E's back consolingly and remained silent. Max-Ernest sighed. "Sorry guys… I just… don't know how to react. I'm just so angry right now."

Cass shook her head as she printed a small smile on her face. "You don't need to apologize M-E. We understand."

"Besides, this is actually our first time to see you act… you know… like a normal kid. That's improvement for you, dude." Yoji gave him a thumbs up.

"Now what does that supposed to mean?" Max-Ernest shot him deathly glares. "Anyway, I need to get that back."

"We will don't worry." Kim stated as a matter-of-factly. "We just need to knock him out or somethin'. Killing him would be better, after taking that geezer's life we get Max-Ernest's decoder~ Easy peasy."

"You think we can actually kill someone? You really are twisted." Yoji shook his head in disbelief.

Kim neared her face to her (somewhat) counterpart and tilted her head a little to the right. "Ho~? You just noticed it now~?" she smirked.

He took a step back and held his hands up. "Okaaaay…"

"For now, why don't we just go home and rest? Max-Ernest has it pretty rough." Cass suggested.

The two nodded in response and without even saying their goodbyes left and went to their own ways. They all felt a little exhausted after finding out Mr. Dalton's secret. They wanted to comfort Max-Ernest but didn't know how to. In fear of saying something that might hurt him decided to just leave while he recovers from the shock. Cass was greatly affected no doubt. Seeing how her best friend reacted just now pricked her heart a little. If only she can carry half the burden he's carrying. Some friend he's got. She thought to herself. She breathed a sigh. "I'm here for you M-E." she muttered to no one in particular.

Yoji and Kim walked the same way and said nothing to each other. They pretended as if nothing was wrong a while ago to try to ease things up a little, but to no avail. Whether they accept it or not the situation was getting out of hand. They should make their move and tell Terces what was currently happening.

Kim decided to break the silence by clicking her tongue. "I must admit, this is pissing me off."

Yoji looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

"This!" Kim made random gestures. "All this… what we're experiencing right now. It's frustrating even for an awesome dudette like me."

Yoji patted her head. "Even you get tired huh? It's alright, it's alright."

Kim sighed. "It's just… We don't know which path to take. We have no clue when to take action. They're just getting too good, the Midnight Sun."

"I know," Yoji stated, saddened. "And the one who's mostly affected by all this is him."

"Well, I can't blame him really… if I were in a situation similar to his I'd react like that too… more violent at that." She sadly grinned.

"Ahh, Kim…"

"What? It's true."

"You really are twisted, y'know?"

"I know." She smiled.

"You know." He smiled.

He entered their house mindlessly and was greeted by his three year old little brother. He hugged Paul-Clay and proceeded upstairs. He lay down on his bed and took a pillow to cover his face. Without notice, he screamed. Really, really loud. He didn't know what he would do. He just felt so mad right now that he just wanted to scream every hate that was starting to build up inside of him. It was relieving, really. He stood up from his position. "I need to get it back." Just as he was plotting to kill the old man. (Yeah, I was kidding.) His phone rang, checked who messaged him and suddenly a smile crept onto his face. "I'm here for you, don't ever think that you're alone in this battle. We're here. We've defeated MS before, we can do it again. ;) So stop moping around you idiot! – Cass"

"You're right." He whispered. He was about to call Cass when he heard a scream coming from downstairs. He immediately got outside his room to check on his brother. His heart beating fast as he rushed down. He opened the door leading to PC's room and found no toddler playing with his toys. He scratched his head frustratingly and walked towards their TV room. Where could he have gone? He thought. He was starting to get nervous. He heard a door click and turned around to see the man who's trying to ruin his life. He was holding his little brother in an uncomfortable fashion. He gripped the little kid's tiny wrist tightly and covered his mouth to prevent any noise. Indeed, it was him.

"Let go of my brother." Max-Ernest said, he tried his best to sound threatening but his voice cracked. "You're hurting him!"

He grinned. "Why would I ever do that? This is your consequence for trying to sneak up on us in the restaurant."

Max-Ernest's mouth gaped open. "You, you knew?"

"Oh, who wouldn't really?" the old man chuckled unpleasantly. "You were too obvious."

M-E diverted his attention to his little brother as he saw him plead with his eyes. He felt his heart wrench. Why do they need to hurt PC too? He doesn't know any of this. "Please let go of my brother."

"I'm afraid I cannot." He stated. "Unless you give that note Terces gave you."

"What no—" M-E remembered the time when he received an encoded message from Terces. He was about to decode it when he realized his decoder was gone. "I… "

"As I thought you lost it didn't you?" he victoriously smiled. "Then I guess I just have to take him with me."

"What?!" he exclaimed. He felt dizzy. It felt too unreal. All this. "No, I won't let you!"

"Oh but you already did." he knocked Max-Ernest out and all he saw before his vision failed him was the old man dragging his little brother out.

"M-Mr. Dalton…"

A/N: Well hello there~! Don't cry just yet okay? I did mention that this is ending but that doesn't mean it's actually 'the end' for my secret series fanfiction. It has a sequel you see. So we still have a long journey to endure. Prepare yourselves for the worse. *insert evil laughs* oh yeah, sorry if it took so long to update. Had a writer's block. Hihi.

Reviews are deeply appreciated.

PS out.