Sorry this is kinda late, work is a total bitch.

Hope you guys enjoy and don't hate me too much by the end of this.

Please excuse the errors, it's way passed my bed time lol

My next update will hopefully be soon but don't hold me to that…

So maybe encouraging Quinn to go out with Finn Hudson was a bad idea…

Rachel knew it was for her own good but she couldn't seem to stop the lingering ache in her chest whenever her eyes wandered to the clock and absently reminded her that Quinn was on her first date.

The same first date that Rachel always convinced herself to believe would be experienced with her.

The brunette was struck with the sudden urge to get up and drive around Lima's hot spots until she found the couple. She barely stopped herself from leaving the room because she couldn't be that girl. Rachel had encouraged it and now she had to deal with the aftermath, no matter how much it was killing her.

She tried recording her daily video's to distract herself but it either sounded too depressing or too flat. Her father's had come up to check on her multiple times because she couldn't stop singing Barbra Streisand's rendition of 'The Way We Were'.

It also didn't help that she burst into tears each time she got half way through the song. Thankfully, her father's didn't pry and left her alone to wallow in her pit of depression. Rachel finally gave up on trying to fool herself after the tenth attempt and cowered under her covers to hopefully cry herself to sleep.

She had only drifted off for a few short minutes when her ring tone awoke her from her dreamless slumber. The brunette shot up in hopes that it was Quinn calling to tell her about the awful date, she blindly grabbed her cell phone and answered it without even looking at the caller ID. "Hey!"

"Berry "

Rachel deflated in disappointment and instantly rolled her eyes at the already sarcastic voice on the other end, surprised that it hadn't insulted her yet. "Santana? How did you get my number?" The barely masked irritation in her tone must have been evident because the other brunette was already starting to enjoy herself.

"I have my ways"

"If you called to insult me, I'm really-"

"Shut up berry, I have something important to tell you"

Rachel's rebuttal instantly halted at the other girls comment, Santana miraculously sounded less evil today. "What is it? Did someone die? Oh my god is Quinn okay?"

The low chuckle on the other end instantly made her blood run cold. "Barbie is great, I'm actually looking at her right now. Did you know that your girl was on a date with fetus face?"

Rachel instantly slumped against the headboard as she unsuccessfully tried to stop images of the couple from entering her mind. "Why are you doing this Santana?" she asked helplessly as Santana sighed on the other end.

"Look Berry, I'm just trying to help you. It's pathetic watching you two parade your gayness around so obliviously. Has your inflated ego blinded your midget eyes or something? First you kiss her then stand around to watch her suck face with the beanstalk? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Rachel huffed in annoyance, trying helplessly not to sink to the Latina's level "Quinn already knows I'm gay and her actions have made it clear that she is straight. I've already accepted the fact that she only sees me as a friend so who she chooses to date is frankly none of my business"

"Does she even know you like her?"

Rachel bit her lip to keep herself from snapping at the other girl. She knew Santana could make her life hell if she wasn't careful. "No, I'm not going to tell her. She obviously doesn't feel the same way about me so I have no choice but to stop living in a dream world. This is real life and we don't always get what we want"

God, she could already hear the smirk on Santana's face, surely nothing good would come out of this conversation. "You're right Berry; the only way to get over someone is to move on. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Okay, Rachel was not expecting that. "Um Santana I'm flattered but you're-"

"Gross! Not me you hobbit! And don't even think about mentioning Brittany of I'll end you, I know you have a thing for blondes" Rachel blushed and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, no-one in their right mind would get involved with those two. "There's this girl on the squad who has a thing for you. I could set you up if you were interested"

Rachel blinked and glared at the phone "You honestly think I'm going to fall for that? What's in it for you Santana? if you're trying to hurt Quinn I swear to-"

"Oh my god! Are you always this dramatic? Don't accuse me of shit when I'm only trying to help you. You can either trust me or go fuck yourself; I'm doing this for Brittany because she hates it when you walk around like a depressed bitch. Call me when you're ready to accept my offer but don't keep me waiting too long or you'll lose your chance."

Rachel was met with the dial tone as she stared incredulously at her pillow. Santana trying to help her get over Quinn was ridiculous, that girl only helped people when she got something out of it too. The brunette shook her head and buried herself under her pillows until she ran out of oxygen; her best friend would surely be her demise if she didn't get over her soon. Rachel knew Brittany cared about her but she honestly couldn't trust Santana because this whole thing sounded suspicious.

The brunette finally emerged from under the pillow mountain and chanced a glance at her digital clock. She groaned in annoyance when she noticed it was only half past nine, God, it felt like this day would never end.

Thankfully after a night of tossing and turning she had actually managed to get a few hours of sleep. Rachel didn't see or contact Quinn on Sunday because the blonde usually spent the day at church and with her mother. Instead, she reluctantly went through her pile of homework that had been neglected.

The brunette had just started her English essay when a knock on the door broke her concentration. Rachel looked up in time to see Quinn peeking through her door with a big smile on her face, her heart instantly leapt out of her chest and broke at the same time as she gave her best friend a small smile in return.

Quinn let herself in and made a beeline toward Rachel's bed, inviting the brunette to join her as soon as her back hit the mattress. Rachel reluctantly dragged her feet toward her best friend and sat as far as possible from the other girl. "I thought you were spending the day with your mom?"

Quinn raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow at the distance between them which resulted in Rachel having to look away to pick at her comforter. "We finished early so I thought you would want to hang out?"

Rachel nodded absently before clearing her throat "I-Uh yes that would be nice but I have to work on my English essay later so…."

Quinn sat up to study the other girl properly "The same English essay that's due on Tuesday? Wow are you okay?"

The brunette hesitantly met her best friend's eye, careful not to stare into them for too long "of course, why wouldn't I be okay?"

Quinn tilted her head in that adorable puppy way as she shifted closer "Well you never do anything last minute"

Rachel stopped picking at her comforter and withdrew her hands to her lap, just in case Quinn reached out to hold them "I've just had a lot of things on my mind lately, it's nothing you should be worried about" she flashed Quinn a big smile but faltered when pale fingers reached out to trace the skin under her eyes. Shit, when did Quinn get that close?

The blonde frowned deeply as Rachel flinched away at her touch "You haven't been sleeping….Rach what's wrong?"

The brunette turned her head away from Quinn's gaze as she tried to stop her lips from trembling, "Nothing, I've just been stressed with school. Uh how was your date last night?" She hoped her best friend would give her a break and take the hint. Having Quinn look at her like that made her want to cry all over again.

She could feel Quinn's eyes trying to break down her walls and continued to avoid eye contact until the blonde sighed and moved away. "It was okay, I mean I have nothing else to compare it too but Finn was a gentleman so it wasn't bad."

Rachel bit the inside of her cheek, trying desperately not to glare at her wall. "That's good, are you seeing him again?"

Quinn reached forward to maneuver Rachel's face until she was facing her again. "I told him I would think about it after he kissed me on my doorstep."

The brunette's eyes flashed dangerously before she managed to get a hold of herself, the burning jealousy coursing through her at that moment was murderous. She fucking hated Finn Hudson before but now she wanted to kill him, just knowing that Quinn had kissed him made her blood boil. "I-I…Uh that's nice. Did you enjoy the kiss?" she asked nonchalantly but one look at her clenched fists would instantly give her away. Thankfully Quinn was preoccupied with her eyes, not that Rachel would let her see anything anyway.

Quinn bit her lip and backed away when all she could see was Rachel's unbreakable mask "It was nothing special, I was expecting something like….uh something different but I didn't really feel much"

The brunette nodded absently, still mentally plotting the boy's death. "I'm really glad you had a good time Quinn." Rachel couldn't help but smile a little when Quinn's words finally registered, her best friend honestly didn't seem very interested in Finn. "Maybe you should go out again, he sounds like a nice guy." Maybe she was being selfish in encouraging her again but Rachel honestly needed some more time before she could see Quinn with someone she was crazy about.

The blonde shrugged in disinterest "Yeah, I guess. Maybe I'll feel something later, first dates are overrated anyway"

Rachel contained her grin, oblivious to the look she was receiving from her best friend "Yes definitely overrated"

"So…is there anyone you like?"

The awkward silence that surrounded them made Rachel shift uncomfortably "Not at the moment, I mean Santana is trying to set me up with someone but I don't trust her enough to agree."

She looked up just in time to see Quinn's jaw clench almost painfully "Oh? That's…..i mean do I know her?"

Rachel eyed her best friend curiously, not knowing what to make of the deathly look that her comforter was receiving "I don't know, Santana mentioned she was a cheerio though"

Quinn swallowed thickly before staring at Rachel "You hate cheerio's right?"

The brunette blushed before shaking her head "Some of them are nice I guess, but I'm not interested in dating anyone right now."

Quinn clenched her eyes shut for a few long seconds before re-opening them and grinning happily at the brunette "Come here, I still need my daily hug" she made a show of stretching her arms as wide as they could go and Rachel was powerless to do anything other than crawl up the bed and allow herself to be held in the only place that felt like home.

Monday came sooner than expected and Rachel found herself at her locker preparing books for her next classes. The brunette usually waited for Quinn to join her so they could walk together so she finished her morning routine and turned to lean against the cool metal when she saw something that made her want to scream.

Finn was leaning over Quinn at her locker with that stupid dopey grin while her best friend laughed at something he said. Rachel turned away just as he leaned down to kiss the blonde, completely caught off guard. For someone whom she apparently didn't like, Quinn seemed completely smitten with the dumb jock.

Just as she was about to turn on her heel, Santana blocked her path with Brittany in tow. "Not enjoying the show midget?"

Rachel sneered at the Latina, fully prepared for a smack down when Brittany suddenly stepped forward to hug her. "Don't be mean San! Sorry Rach, she's just sad because she doesn't want Quinn to make the same mistakes she did."

Rachel calmed down enough to relax into the embrace before burying her face in the blonde's neck. "Brittany? Is there really someone who wants to date me?" She couldn't even bring herself to care that she sounded like she was about to cry.

The taller girl squeezed the brunette in her arms before letting her go "Christina is a really nice girl Rach! I think you will really like her!"

Rachel felt all the air leave her lungs the moment she allowed her eyes to wander back to the happy couple standing a couple of feet away from them. Finn was still talking to Quinn but the blonde girl's attention was on Rachel, the brunette stared back confidently before breaking eye contact to look at a smirking Santana. She nodded at the Latina once before addressing the bubbly girl next to her. "Set me up with your friend Britt, I'm ready."

Brittany squealed and pulled her into another bone crushing hug before dragging Santana away to class. Rachel watched the two disappear down the hall as she listened to familiar footsteps closing the distance between them. She knew it was Quinn but her feet had already decided to run before she could turn around to answer when Quinn whispered her name.