AN: I probably should have added this part to chapter 1, but I don't own anything. This is based off of the Manga by Bisco Hatori. I credited the author so you cant come after me with your stupid law suits and SOPA hasn't passed so ha!

Chapter 2:

"Hika, how do you really know how Haru-chan really feels unless you tell her how you feel?" Hunny Senpai said with his usual smile. Behind him Mori nodded in agreement. It had been a couple days since his fight with Kaoru and Hikaru still had that feeling that his brother did not support his choice. It was after this thought that Hikaru noticed that Hunny Senpai's lips were still moving and tuned back into the conversation.

"…So really I think you should tell her that you love her."

"But what am I supposed to say to her?" Hikaru asked the pair sounding rather depressed about the whole ordeal.

"Just tell her" responded Mori quietly; It was odd how in sync the two were, and yes he had Kaoru were still like that but with Hunny and Mori it was different. Unlike he and his brother they didn't spend absolutely every waking moment with each other but they could still tell when the other wanted to say something and they would just sit back and listen. It was always these moments, when Hikaru thought of how close Hunny and Mori were, that he realized why girls loved them so much; it was not just an appearance thing, it was more emotional than that.

"Why do I even have to tell her? I think she must have realized it already. I mean, it's not that hard to tell is it?"

"even if she does know I don't think that she has completely figured it out yet Hika-chan"

"Well that's just annoying" Hikaru said with a sigh, "do you think that she knows that she loves Milord?"

"I think she figured that out a long time ago" responded Hunny seriously.

"Then do you think she can fall out of love with him and in love with me? Because if she can't then I might just give up now." Even though he said it and wished he could mean it, everyone knew that it was a lie. So the three continued to sit in the quiet club room thinking about how their lives had changed since Haruhi had become part of their 'family'. She had changed them so much, helped them with their problems and supported their choices; she really had become part of their lives, and each of them loved her in their own way. That's what they were thinking about when Tamaki ran into the room shouting about a new activity that he though up.

Haruhi sat alone in her house waiting for her dad to come home, it was always lonely after classes were released and she missed her mother even more than ever when she thought about the cold empty house that she would be returning to. However, Haruhi wasn't thinking about her father, or even her mother, she was thinking, well dreaming, about Tamaki. Like so many of her other day dreams she and Tamaki were playing house. They had the most beautiful children and were living in a small cottage in the French country side, and Haruhi and that warm fuzzy feeling spreading through her body when she imagined Tamaki coming home from work and planting a soft kiss on her lips.

'Something isn't right here.' Said a small voice in the back of her mind.

'But what could be wrong' she retorted 'I am in love with Tamaki'

The little voice couldn't let her win though.

'I wouldn't be so sure about that, trust me.'

Even then Haruhi wouldn't give up. She was in love with Tamaki and there was nothing that could ruin that for her so she allowed herself to drift back into that dreamy state where everything was perfect. Even though she thought everything was perfect what the voice said actually, for the first time, made her think about if she really did love Tamaki or if she just loved him as a friend. For now she decided that she really did love him, and if she changed her mind it wouldn't matter because Tamaki doesn't know that she loves him… yet.