A/N: I had a couple requests for a second chapter so here it is. I don't own Phineas and Ferb

"Do you want to tell us where we are going Grandpa?" Phineas asked as he hiked up a mountain with his Grandparents, his siblings, Ferb and Candace, and his newfound love Isabella.

"I'm afraid I can't Phineas," Grandpa Flynn replied. "I don't want to ruin the surprise."

"How much longer is it going to be?" Candace asked, clearly exasperated at having to come on the hike. She was at the back of the group, her feet dragging as she attempted to keep up.

"We're about halfway there," Grandma Flynn replied. "We can stop and take a break if you need to."

Candace fell face down in the grass, "Thank goodness," she mumbled.

"I'm going to go fill up my water bottle," Isabella said as she pulled her water filter out of her bag and headed to the stream near the path. Phineas watched her skip down to the little creek, a small smile dancing across his face. It was only last night that Phineas discovered that he liked Isabella, but when he thought about it he knew that he had liked her from the day they had met. Phineas now longed to tell Isabella how he felt.

"Why haven't you told her yet?" Ferb asked quietly.

"What are you… I don't know… Is it that obvious?" Phineas sputtered. Ferb just nodded. "Well," Phineas said trying to think of an answer to his brother. "I guess I haven't told her because I don't know how to. I can't just walk up to her and say 'Isabella I love you' without building up to it somehow."

Candace's head shot up from where she had fallen in exhaustion. "Did you just say you loved Isabella?"

Phineas blushed and nodded. Candace squealed. "That is so cute." Standing up she continued, "but you're right. You can't just tell her. You have to sweep her off her feet first."

"How do I do that?" Phineas asked innocently.

"It's obvious," Candace replied. "You have to show her you love her before you can tell her. Be her knight in shining amour."

Phineas had no idea how he was supposed to do that and was about to ask Candace to explain further when Isabella returned from the stream.

"Hey guys, whatcha' talkin' about?"

"Nothing," Phineas said quickly, his hand absentmindedly shooting up to scratch his ear.

"Are you guys ready to keep going?" Grandpa Flynn said, walking up to the group of kids.

"Sure thing Grandpa," Phineas said. Candace just moaned.

"What's the matter Candace?" Isabella asked.

"I hate hiking," she replied.

"You seemed pretty eager to come when Jeremy was still here," Grandpa Flynn teased.

"Well yeah," Candace said. "I don't want him thinking I'm lame."

"He doesn't think you're lame honey," Grandma Flynn said reassuringly. "You saw how much he wanted to come but he had to get back to his campout with Coltrane."

Candace continued to talk about Jeremy, allowing Phineas to zone out and try to come up with a way to become Isabella's knight in shining armor. He thought back to his history class last year. His teacher had said that knights were defenders of the weak and the helpless. But Isabella was neither weak nor helpless. Her job as leader of the Fireside Girls Troop had taught her how to take care of herself and her friends. Phineas supposed, though, that everybody had their weaknesses. Last night's thunderstorm proved it. However, he couldn't think of any other weaknesses. He would just have to keep an eye out and be ready to jump to her rescue.

Phineas supposed that if a chivalrous knight and a beautiful maiden were hiking through the mountains the knight would offer to help her on the treacherous journey, even if she didn't need any help. He glanced over at Isabella to see if there was any way he could help her, and saw her stumble over some rocks. He reached out and grabbed her arm to prevent her from falling.

"Thanks Phineas," Isabella said.

"That's what I'm here for," he replied. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Candace and Ferb watching them. They both had knowing grins spread across their faces. Candace was pointing at her hand, clearly mouthing 'hold her hand.'

Phineas smiled at his siblings' antics, laughing at how eager they were for him to kiss Isabella. Phineas decided to take Candace's advice, despite her craziness. He slid his hand down Isabella's arm and entwined his fingers in hers.

Isabella glanced over at Phineas, smiling shyly. Although she was ecstatic that he was holding her hand, she couldn't help but question his behavior. It was so unlike him to show any sort of affection, he was usually so oblivious to anything remotely romantic. In fact, last night was the first time he had intentionally done anything romantic. Isabella wanted to believe that Phineas liked her as much as she liked him, but she was afraid of getting her hopes up too high.

Phineas and Isabella continued to hike hand in hand up the mountain. Every once in a while Isabella would stubble again, but Phineas was always there to steady her. Even when they stopped to give Candace a break (which happened a lot) Phineas didn't let go of Isabella's hand.

It was on one of these breaks that Candace asked, "Are we there yet?"

"Almost, it's just around that bend," Grandma Flynn replied pointing up the path. Candace breathed a sigh of relief.

The group walked up the last couple of feet. When they reached the last bend in the path they could hear a thunderous roar of water on water. They hurried around the bend and saw a beautiful waterfall cascading into a crystal clear lake. Cliffs ranging in size from a couple of feet to over thirty feet high surrounded the whole lake.

Phineas walked over to the nearest edge, glancing down the few feet to the water's surface. His clear view to the bottom of the lake was interrupted by schools of rainbow colored fish. He leaned over the edge, trying to get a better view of the bottom and lost his balance, tumbling headfirst into the water.

Isabella gasped and ran over to the edge of the lake. "Are you ok Phineas?" she called out.

"I'm fine," he replied, shaking the water out of his eyes.

"Do you need any help?" she asked, offering Phineas her hand.

"Thanks Isabella, but the water is really nice. You should join me," Phineas said as he took Isabella's outstretched hand and pulled her into the water. She let out a small scream as she fell, pushing Phineas under the water again. They both came up gasping for breath.

"Phineas!" Isabella grumbled.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it, " he replied, swimming closer to her.

"Oh, you're going to be sorry," she said with a mischievous glint in her eye. She launched herself at Phineas, trying to dunk him, but Phineas was ready for her. When she put her hands on his chest to push him under wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down with him. When they finally surfaced Phineas still had his arms around Isabella, their faces were inches apart. Phineas glanced down at Isabella's lips, his heart speeding up when he realized how close they were. If he leaned in just a bit further their lips would touch.

Suddenly off in the distance he heard his Grandpa yell, "Cannon ball!" There was a huge splash and an enormous wave washed over the two kids. Phineas let out a sigh of frustration as he let go of Isabella. His grandpa had always had the knack for ruining a moment.

Soon the rest of the group had joined them in the water. As they played Phineas tried to think of a way to show Isabella his feelings. He wanted to make her something special but he had left his tools back at the cabin so his options were rather limited. Phineas looked around him for inspiration. He noticed a path that meandered around the lake and disappeared behind the waterfall. He thought that the secluded area would be perfect if he could somehow ditch the rest of the group.

He was about to ask Ferb to create a distraction when Grandma Flynn called out, "Who's ready for lunch?"

"Me!" Everyone replied in unison as they swam to the shore. Soon they were all settled on a big blanket in the shade of an old tree. Grandma Flynn passed around the sandwiches she had packed. The group ate their food quickly, surprised at how hungry they were. By the time Grandma Flynn pulled a full cake out of her bag no one could keep their eyes open. They were so tired that they didn't question Grandma Flynn for bringing a cake. Grandma and Grandpa Flynn were asleep before they could take a bite of their cake. Ferb and Candace were soon to follow. Isabella was fighting hard to keep her eyes open. Phineas alone seemed to have enough energy to stay awake. He glanced over at Isabella and was suddenly struck by her beauty. Her long black hair was starting to dry and the ends were beginning to frizz. Her eyes sparkled with the bright sunlight. Despite her sleepiness a small smile lit up her face.

Phineas realized that now was the perfect time to tell Isabella how he felt. He leaned over to Isabella and said, "Do you want to go for a walk?"

"I would love to," she said rubbing the tiredness from her eyes.

They both jumped to their feet and set off down the trail.

"This is a really beautiful place," Isabella commented.

"I know," Phineas agreed. "I can't believe my grandparents haven't brought us up here before. It's such a cool place. We can go swimming and fishing and cliff jumping and I think this path goes behind the waterfall. I bet there are tons of caves back there. We can go spelunking."

"I've always wanted to go spelunking," Isabella said.

"Perfect!" Phineas said. He grabbed Isabella's hand and speed off down the path. They reached the waterfall in no time and were unsurprised to find a cavernous cave hidden behind it. Phineas looked around the cave and noticed a narrow ledge near the ceiling. He pointed up at it and said, "Let's climb up there."

Isabella agreed and led the way to the ledge. When she reached the cave wall she started the short climb to the top.

"Be careful Phineas," she said. "It's pretty slippery up here." As soon as the words left her mouth her feet lost their traction and she fell off the cave wall, her ankle hitting a protruding rock on the way down. Luckily, Phineas was standing beneath her and managed to catch her before she hit the ground.

Once again Phineas found himself within inches of Isabella, and this time there was nothing to stop him. Before he knew it he had smashed his lips onto Isabella's. When he finally pulled away, Isabella was too shocked to react. She was stunned that Phineas had actually kissed her. Phineas took her shocked silence as rejection. He turned bright red and started mumbling. "I'm sorry…"

"Don't be," Isabella interrupted him.

"Good," he said with a smile, "because I love you."

Isabella smiled, "I love you too."

Phineas leaned in for another kiss. Isabella responded with such enthusiasm that she almost knocked Phineas off his feet. Finally, after a much longer and much more passionate kiss, they broke apart.

Phineas gently set Isabella down but the second her foot touched the ground she winced in pain.

"What's wrong?" Phineas asked worriedly.

"It's my ankle," Isabella replied. "I think it might be broken."

"Do you think you can put any weight on it?" He said as he gently felt the brake.

Isabella shook her head, "It's pretty bad. I have a splint in my bag that might help but I left it back by the lake."

Phineas gently picked her up again. "In that case, I'll carry you," he said with a smile.

They fell silent as Phineas walked down the trail. Phineas was concentrating hard on not jostling Isabella too much. He already felt guilty for suggesting they go spelunking and getting her injured, he didn't want to hurt her anymore. Isabella was trying hard not to wince whenever her foot moved. Finally they reached the blanket and found that the rest of the family had woken up.

He set Isabella delicately down onto the blanket and said, "I think she broke her ankle."

"What on earth were you doing?" Candace asked.

"We went spelunking, you know cave exploring." Phineas explained. "We were climbing up one of the walls and Isabella slipped. I caught her before she hit the ground but she hit her ankle on the way down."

Grandma Flynn was now examining Isabella's ankle. "Could you tell it was broken right after it happened or did it take a while before you noticed it?"

Isabella blushed. "Well, I was a little distracted right after so I'm not sure."

"It's not that important." Grandma Flynn said. "But if you don't mind my asking, what were you doing that could distract you from the pain of a broken ankle?"

Isabella glanced at Phineas, as deep red blushes spread across both of their faces.

"We, um, we were," Phineas tried to explain. "We kissed." Everyone reacted just as Phineas predicted.

"Well it's about time," Grandpa Flynn said. "I though you would never figure it out. I was planning on locking you two in a closet until you figured it out."

"Grandpa!" Phineas said, clearly embarrassed. He looked over at his brother, hoping he would diffuse some of the embarrassment, but Ferb just sat there with a smug look on his face, clearly happy that Phineas had overcome his obliviousness.

Candace, meanwhile, was freaking out. "I can't believe you guys finally got together. I need to call Jeremy and Stacy and Mom and Dad. It's just so exciting."

"Oh honey I almost forgot in all the excitement, we need to wrap you ankle before we head back down the mountain," Grandma Flynn said as she took the brace out of Isabella's bag. She wrapped Isabella's ankle as carefully as she could but Isabella still whimpered in pain every time her foot was moved. Phineas knelt by her side holding her hand and comforting her. Grandma Flynn quickly finished, "That should hold you over until we can get you to a hospital. Do you think you can walk on it?"

"I'm not sure," Isabella said. Phineas helped her to her feet. She slowly placed her foot on the ground and took a step. She held back a cry as pain shot through her leg. "I think I'll be fine," she fibbed. She took a couple more uneasy steps to prove she could make it. Phineas, however, wasn't fooled. He could clearly see that she was in a lot of pain.

"Don't be silly Isabella. Your ankle looks pretty bad, you probably shouldn't be putting any weight on it," Phineas said.

"Then how is she going to get back to the cabin?" Candace asked.

"I'll carry her," Phineas answered simply. Isabella smiled gratefully as Phineas swept her up in his arms.

They began the long trip back down the mountain. Every once in a while Isabella's broken ankle would brush up against a stray branch or Phineas' side and she would wince in pain. Every time Phineas would profusely apologize and give her a swift kiss on the cheek. Isabella would smile and return the favor. Although she was in more pain that she would like to admit she was comforted by the knowledge that Phineas had finally realized his love for her.