For information about outtakes, please read the A/N at the bottom.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

EPILOGUE: Pick of the Litter


Headline: 'Forks Public Library Has Its Own Special Due Date'

Forks Public Library's newest patron is already good at observing due dates. Christopher Maxwell Cullen was born last night at the Forks Community Hospital after his mother went into labor during the weekly session of the library's Read to a Dog Program. Local veterinarian Dr. Bella Cullen was leading the program with her three dogs when she began having contractions. Dr. Cullen and her husband Edward were escorted to the hospital by officers from the Forks Police Department, including the proud new grandfather, Chief Charlie Swan.

"Bella's water broke as she was reading aloud to the kids. I thought for a minute that we were going to have the birth right in the middle of the library!" exclaims Library Director and new aunt, Alice Whitlock.

Christopher entered the world weighing seven pounds, six ounces. Along with his excited parents, the healthy baby boy was welcomed by big sister Madigan. Christopher's family also includes grandparents Charlie and Renee Swan and Dr. Carlisle and Esme Cullen, Aunts Alice Whitlock and Rosalie McCarty, Uncles Jasper Whitlock and Emmett McCarty and cousins Sherman Whitlock and Robert "Bertie" McCarty.

The library and Read to a Dog Program have a special place in the hearts of the Cullen family. Edward and Bella met there for the first time, when Edward brought his daughter Madigan to read to her two Scottish Deerhounds, Gandalf and Wallace.

Says father Edward Cullen: "I think we owe the library a substantial donation."

Adds Aunt Alice: "I've already printed my nephew a library card."

A/N: Thank you so very much for reading, reviewing, tweeting, nominating, voting for and enjoying this little story. It was a blast to write, and I hope you all fell in love with these characters as much as I did.

In response to reader comments that the last chapter felt rushed: First of all, I apologize. I never intended for this story to be a long one, and that chapter was always how I planned it. However, because I owe you all so much for supporting this story, I will be writing two outtakes for you – the night Edward and Bella and Madigan moved into their new home, and Christopher's birth. I can't promise you when I will have those written, but I CAN promise you they will be written. I'm always open to suggestions as well.

I want to thank the following people particularly:

First and foremost, thank you to my amazing betas lemonmartinis and MoltenChocCake. Their help and friendship has been invaluable.

Thank you to the fabulous RoseArcadia for the beautiful blinkie she made and for the wonderful review.

Thank you to Forthelongestday for the gorgeous banner.

Thank you to the lovely les16 for not only being so supportive on Twitter, but also for nominating SPTL for Fic of the Week on The Lemonade Stand and for the review she wrote that brought me to tears! She's a very special person and I heart her dearly.

HUGE thanks to DiamondHeart78 for recommending SPTL in her story 'Teacher of the Year.'

I owe a tremendous amount of love and thanks to abstractway and FFPassion.

And last, but certainly not least, thank you to the following friends for supporting, tweeting and spreading the word about this story: Mariahajile, ally_perth, Btterflykiss69, jaimearkin, BananiMuffin, xoEMC, djsmommie, MelsieGirl, 1netka, and m_474.

I'm terribly sorry if I've forgotten anyone.

Thank you again for everything!